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TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:06 pm
by Jacque
Hello, Pathfinders!

TactiCon 2014 is 6 weeks away and this is our updatel for GMs. One of the area's largest gaming convention is four days long; a total of nine 4-hour 'slots.' Each of those slots will be offering between 8 and 11 tables of Pathfinder Society play. What does this mean? It means we need GMs. Without you guys stepping forward and taking on the task of running games, none of those games will happen.

Below this announcement will be a list of slots to be filled, with scenario numbers, names and tiers.  Every table you volunteer for gets us closer to our number, and opens up more perks for you.

What perks, you ask? Well, let me enlighten you.

1. Each slot you GM will earn you a free ticket to play during another slot.
2. If you GM 3 slots you will instead get your weekend Convention badge for free.
3. Each slot more than 3 gets a free ticket to play during another slot (so, GM 5 slots and your weekend badge is free, plus you earn two tickets to play).
4. Every GM gets the fear and admiration of tables filled with PFS players.
5. An award ceremony is held Sunday evening after the Con, where all GMs will be presented a bit of free swag (or more, depending on number of tables and 'GM Scores'). This award event hands out a lot of awesome goodies and is not to be missed.
6. All scenarios you run will be placed in your Paizo download files free of charge.
7. You will also receive a racial boon as a thank you for running games.  This is the only way to get a racial boon - we will not be handing them out any other way.

As well, during the month of August, 'slot zero' events will be held at Enchanted Grounds in Highlands Ranch. You will only be able to play the scenarios being released in the next few months at the convention or at one of these 'slot zeros'. To play in a 'slot zero' you must be a volunteer for GM duty at TactiCon.

You'll notice that we have a GM willing to run the retirement arc during the con. There are 3 seats left for the table and if you're interested please see the retirement arc thread that will be posted this evening.

I know there were several problems at GenghisCon with the RPG section in particular.  I have discussed them in detail with the RPG section.  As you know, there have been several changes at the DGA and I have been promised by Ed that things will run much smoother this time around.

We have 6 weeks to drum up volunteers. Reply to this post or email me at to claim your spot, and tell us how many slots you want to GM. I will be in touch separately to discuss details.

Thanks so much for all your help!



Thursday, August 28th, 7pm

Fiesta Slots (8 GMs needed - you can choose whatever scenario you want to run from Season 5 and the Free RPG Day scenario)
GM1: Brandon Ohrms (Risen From the Sands)
GM2: Kerney Williams
GM3: Russ Brown (5-21 Merchant's Wake)
GM4: Brandon Harper

Friday, August 29th, 9am

#5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Julie Brokish
#5-24 Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7)
GM1:  Brandon Harper
#5-99 The Paths We Choose (Tier 3-7)
#6-01 Trial by Machine (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Brandon Ohrms
#6-02 The Silver Mount Collection (Tier 3-7)
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 1: The Silent Grave (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Phil Huss
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3 (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
Retirement Arc
GM1: Jason Bliss

Friday, August 29th, 2pm

#5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Kerney Williams
#5-23 Cairn of Shadows (Tier 5-9)
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
#5-24 Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Sean Clark
#5-25 Vengeance at Sundered Craig (Tier 7-11)
#6-1 Trial by Machine (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Brandon Ohrms
#6-03 The Technic Siege (Tier 5-9)
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 2: Maze to the Mind Slave (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Russ Brown
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3 (Tier 3-7)
Retirement Arc
GM1: Jason Bliss

Friday, August 29th, 7pm

Fiesta Slots (5 GMs needed - you can choose whatever scenario you want to run from Season 5 and the Free RPG day scenario)
GM1: Brandon Ohrms (Risen From the Sands)
#6-Special Legacy of the Stormlords (Tier 1-11) (5GMs needed and possibly 1 or 2 backups)
GM1: Christian Dragos
GM2: Russ Brown
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3
GM1: OJ Pinckert
Retirement Arc
GM1: Jason Bliss

Saturday, August 30th, 9am

#5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Julie Brokish
#5-24 Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7)
GM1: OJ Pinckert
#5-99 The Paths We Choose (Tier 3-7)
#6-01 Trial by Machine (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Paul Lang
#6-02 The Silver Mount Collection (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Charles Chapman
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 1: The Silent Grave
GM1: Phil Huss
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
Retirement Arc
GM1: Jason Bliss

Saturday, August 30th, 2pm

#5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Kerney Williams
#5-23 Cairn of Shadows (Tier 5-9)
#5-24 Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Sean Clark
GM2: Charles Chapman
#5-25 Vengeance at Sundered Craig (Tier 7-11)
GM1: OJ Pinckert
#6-1 Trial by Machine (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Christian Dragos
GM2: Brandon Harper
#6-02 The Silver Mount Collection (Tier 3-9)
#6-03 The Technic Siege (Tier 5-9)
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3 (Tier 3-7)
Retirement Arc
GM1: Jason Bliss

Saturday, August 30th, 7pm

Fiesta Slots (5 GMs needed - you can choose whatever scenario you want to run from Season 5 and the Free RPG day scenario)
#6-Special Legacy of the Stormlords (Tier 1-11) (5GMs needed and possibly 1 or 2 backups)
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
GM2: Phil Huss
GM3: Julie Brokish
GM4: Paul Lang
GM5: OJ Pinckert
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3
Retirement Arc
GM1: Jason Bliss

Sunday, August 31st, 9am

#5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade (Tier 1-5)
#5-24 Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7)
#5-99 The Paths We Choose (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Sean Clark
#6-01 Trial by Machine (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
GM2: Paul Lang
#6-02 The Silver Mount Collection (Tier 3-7)
GM1: OJ Pinckert
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 1: The Silent Grave
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3

Sunday, August 31st, 2pm

#5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade (Tier 1-5)
#5-23 Cairn of Shadows (Tier 5-9)
#5-24 Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7)
#5-25 Vengeance at Sundered Craig (Tier 7-11)
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
#6-1 Trial by Machine (Tier 1-5)
GM1: OJ Pinckert
GM2: Christian Dragos
#6-02 The Silver Mount Collection (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Charles Chapman
#6-03 The Technic Siege (Tier 5-9)
GM1: Brandon Harper
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3 (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Russ Brown

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:31 pm
by Russ Brown
hey Jacque,
go ahead and put me down for GM for Bonekeep 1 on sunday morning.

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:18 pm
by Joel Chapman
I would like to sign up to GM for Scars of the Third Crusade in the 0900 and 1400 (9 am and 2 pm for you weird 12 hr clock people) slots and one of the Fiesta slots for Saturday the Thirtieth.  Do I have to pick the module for the Fiesta slot now or can I take time to look over the season five stuff?  Been a bit out of the loop for the past better part of the year due to deployment.

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:21 pm
by tcharleschapman
Just some bookkeeping, the games that Charles Chapman is running should actually be Tom Chapman. Sorry if my name was misleading.

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:59 am
by Prethen
Legacy of Stormlords (preferably not highest tier): Friday  - 7PM
05-22 (Scars of the Third Crusade): Saturday - 9AM
05-17 (Fate of the Fiend): Saturday - 7PM
I might be open for a 4th session if needed.

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:20 am
by skyshark
Add me to the Thursday night Fiesta please and thanks.

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 4:37 pm
by greywizard77
Are we limiting Fiesta slots to ONLY season 5 this year? I've always liked running older mods because they are simpler. But that's me..

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:23 pm
by Kerney
I can add 1 more slot. Either Friday night, Saturday morning, or Saturday night.

Also, have run and played Scars,  including having a t as ble go totally off the rails. Would love to run the beta table on that one.

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:12 pm
by Russ Brown
mmcconnell wrote: Are we limiting Fiesta slots to ONLY season 5 this year? I've always liked running older mods because they are simpler. But that's me..
Not as far as I know, I just happened to pick a season 5.

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:07 am
by Prethen
It looks like I goofed and didn't get the times in at the same time I was requesting the scenarios:

05-22 (Scars of the Third Crusade): Saturday - 9AM
Legacy of Stormlords (preferably not highest tier): Friday  - 7PM
05-17 (Fate of the Fiend): Saturday - 7PM

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:36 am
by Vosveldon
Jacque, not sure if you got my E-mail so I'll just post this here.

For the three Fiesta Slots I'd like to run The Stolen Heir on Thursday, The Library of the Lion of Friday and The Horn of Aroden on Saturday

- JD Reinhardt

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:21 pm
by tcharleschapman
Okay, there are a number of problems with what I have been signed up to run. Here is my original post, ... 4798#p4798.

In that I requested:
  • Saturday, 9AM: Ruins of Bonekeep Level 1: The Silent Grave
  • Saturday, 2PM:#5-24 Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7)
  • Sunday, 9AM: #6-1: Trial by Machine
  • Sunday, 2PM: #6-2 The Silver Mount Collection
Now, according to the update, I am now running (bold are alterations from original requests):
  • Saturday, 9AM: #6-2 The Silver Mount Collection
  • Saturday, 2PM:#5-24 Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7)
  • Sunday, 9AM: Nothing
  • Sunday, 2PM: #6-2 The Silver Mount Collection
It appears that minds have been made up and I will not get my original requests. If that is the case I would like to request the following:

Saturday, 9AM: #6-01 Trial by Machine (Tier 1-5)
Sunday, 9AM: #5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade (Tier 1-5)

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:25 pm
by Kerney
Add me to the Friday night fiesta slot as a gm. Library of the Lion Will be my module for both Thursday & Friday.

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:33 pm
by skyshark
tcharleschapman wrote: Okay, there are a number of problems with what I have been signed up to run. Here is my original post, ... 4798#p4798.

In that I requested:
  • Saturday, 9AM: Ruins of Bonekeep Level 1: The Silent Grave
  • Saturday, 2PM:#5-24 Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7)
  • Sunday, 9AM: #6-1: Trial by Machine
  • Sunday, 2PM: #6-2 The Silver Mount Collection
Now, according to the update, I am now running (bold are alterations from original requests):
  • Saturday, 9AM: #6-2 The Silver Mount Collection
  • Saturday, 2PM:#5-24 Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7)
  • Sunday, 9AM: Nothing
  • Sunday, 2PM: #6-2 The Silver Mount Collection
It appears that minds have been made up and I will not get my original requests. If that is the case I would like to request the following:

Saturday, 9AM: #6-01 Trial by Machine (Tier 1-5)
Sunday, 9AM: #5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade (Tier 1-5)
I've got my hands on a copy of #6-2 The Silver Mount Collection and you won't be disappointed, it's everything you could expect to find in Numeria packed into a scenario, plus we revisit the Blackros Family!

Re: TactiCon 2014 GM Update

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:33 am
by tcharleschapman
Thanks skyshark. I'm excited to run, I was just caught off guard at being signed up twice. Thanks for fixing everything! I look forward to the event.