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ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:40 pm
by Drogon
Hello, Pathfinders. The first Monday game day at Enchanted Grounds is five days away. And, shockingly, there is tons of space. Must be spring and everyone is going outside or something. d-:

Remember, we are limited to six players at each table, and all seats are first come, first served, so sign up now if you want a spot reserved. Throughout the month I will announce each date separately and provide updates as names change. If your name is on the list, your spot is guaranteed. If you want to be on the "waiting list" I will maintain that separately once the tables are full and will let you know if people drop and let you in.

IMPORTANT: To sign up please email me directly at <--Clicking this link will cause your email program to generate an email directly to me. Replying to this email (the one you are reading right now) will NOT get your email to anyone. Alternatively you may post a reply in the thread on that was generated by this announcement.

Keep in mind that games begin at 6:00 PM. Please show up a little early so you do not miss your table (which will happen if you don't call ahead and show up after the opening briefing). Also recall that it is $2 to play, which we use to give our GMs a gift certificate to thank them for their time.

Below are the dates, times, scenarios and tiers. A few tables will already have players, but not many, so start emailing me to let me know what you want to play.

Monday, May 12th, 6:00 PM
Table 1: #3, Murder on the Silken Caravan (Tier 1-5)
GM: Matt McConnell
Player 1: Steve Oliver
Player 2: JD Reinhardt
Player 3: Zak Harbula
Player 4: Taryn Harbula
Player 5: Steven Harbula
Player 6:

Table 2: #5-19, The Horn of Aroden (Tier 1-5)
GM: Christian Dragos
Player 1: Wes Robinson
Player 2: Martin Blake
Player 3: Dane Patterson
Player 4: Jeff Kokx
Player 5: Steven Sior
Player 6: Jacque Woods

Table 3: #4-05, The Sanos Abduction (Tier 3-7)
GM: Andy Johnson
Player 1: Bruce Goldstein
Player 2: Rob Steinhauser
Player 3: Christian Gilligan
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Table 4: #3-17, Red Harvest (Tier 7-11)
GM: Allen Westenbarger
Player 1: Paul Lang
Player 2: Patrick Anderson
Player 3: Greg Banks
Player 4: Chad Sevigny
Player 5:
Player 6:

Remember, please send an email to me at to sign up for a seat.

Thanks, and see you soon.

Enchanted Grounds

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 7:12 pm
by CDragos
Hmm, a Venture Officer, The Store Coordinator/5 star GM, and 3 top-notch GMs at Horn of Aroden that I'll be GMing?

No, I'm not nervous at all. Why do you ask?

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:23 pm
by pogie
For the right price I could join the table, thereby dropping the competence level of the group drastically.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:03 pm
by Sior
cdragos wrote: Hmm, a Venture Officer, The Store Coordinator/5 star GM, and 3 top-notch GMs at Horn of Aroden that I'll be GMing?

No, I'm not nervous at all. Why do you ask?
I have to wonder at the total star count for that table, including the GM's.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:05 pm
by CDragos
I dunno. Thinking of just signing the chronicle sheets now and giving them out before the game starts so I don't waste anyone's time. What's the opposite of a TPK?

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:07 pm
by Sior
or TPV - Total Party Victory!
If it makes you feel any better, I only have 1's and 2's to bring to the table, so you might get a stamp on your screen for this PC death. Hope not. I'm leaning towards my 2 and kinda like this guy. We'll see.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:18 pm
by Drogon
Just updating.

And adding to that table for you, Christian.

Don't mind me...

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:21 pm
by Sior
Cracking up at that addition, Jeff. Well played.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:23 pm
by Drogon
wut u meen?



Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:27 pm
by CDragos
*total face palm*

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 6:54 pm
by Drogon
No further updates. Still have three seats at The Sanos Abduction that I would love to see filled.

For those who are unaware, there is a very cool boon on The Sanos Abduction chronicle that is unavailable anywhere else. If you have not played this 3-7 adventure yet you should; I will not be offering it again, considering how difficult it always is to fill.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:00 pm
by Sior
I had to look to remind myself what boon it was. Sadly, I have played it. And with a character that cannot make use of that boon. Good boon, though! May have to get GM credit for it eventually for a character who can use it.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:05 pm
by Drogon
You're gonna have to run it online, I'm afraid. I did this one as a request (against my better judgment), got burned, and won't be doing it again.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:07 pm
by Sior
Understandable, Jeff. Maybe for the Play-By-Post gameday on Paizo forums.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, May 12th PFS

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 12:30 pm
by Drogon
There are no other updates for tonight.

To be sure that I'm clear about something: the table of Sanos Abduction is legal at three players (with a GMPC). Nothing is being canceled.

Again, though, if you haven't played this I will not be putting it on the schedule again. Play it or lose the opportunity.