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May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:06 pm
by Russ Brown
CollectorMania Saturday Game Day
The Secrets Stones Keep wrote:Deep beneath the orc city of Urgir in the Hold of Belkzen lie the ruins of the ancient dwarven Sky Citadel of Koldukar, where awaits what could be the greatest discovery of the Age of Lost Omens: confirmation of the location of one of the lost Sky Citadels, built by the dwarves in their earliest days on the surface of Golarion. But reaching their destination won't be easy for the Pathfinders, and only the most skilled will survive Urgir and the terrors guarding the dwarves' long-abandoned secrets. Can they uncover the location of the lost Sky Citadel, or will the Pathfinders suffer the same fate as Koldukar-defeat at the hands of ruthless orcs and centuries of decay under the earth?
Table 1 - Cancelled
Date: Saturday, May 10th
Time: Noon to 4:00 pm
Scenario: #4-25 Glories of the Past III: The Secrets Stones Keep
Tier: 5-9
GM: Dave Geissinger
Among the Gods wrote:The Pathfinder Society sends the PCs to the mountaintop mausoleum and monument known as Antios's Crown in search of a long-lost relic believed to be contained there, but all is not as it seems. Can the Pathfinders survive the denizens of the remote mountain complex and the sinister plot of a powerful cultist who plans revenge on the Society that has foiled their plans one too many times?
Table 2
Date: Saturday, May 10th
Time: Noon to 4:00 pm
Scenario: #3-08 Among the Gods
Tier: 3-7
GM:  Rob Steinhauser
1. Cody Stevens
2. Caio Schmidt
3. Chad Sevigny
4. Dave Geissinger
The Beggar's Pearl wrote:When a thief arrives at the Pathfinder Lodge in Almas bearing stolen artifacts and writings pointing the way to a lost dwarven gallery, you are sent into the rugged Aspodell Mountains to find the famed dwarven explorer last known to be searching for the gallery as well as the gallery itself. Once there you find a tangled web of darklands creatures in the thrall of a charismatic cult leader with ties to the darkest shadows of the First Realm.
Table 3
Date: Saturday, May 10th
Time: 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Scenario: #37 The Beggar's Pearl
Tier: 1-7 Beginners Welcome - Learn to Play
GM: Russ Brown
1. Rob Steinhauser
2. Shane Hoeft
3. Jess Burlason
4. Caio Schmidt

If you would like to play any of these games, reply in the thread with the following information:
1. The game you would like to play.
2. Your real name.
3. The class and level of the character you are likely to play.

Re: May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:10 pm
by Enigma42091
Ragi or a Lvl 1 for The Beggars Pearl please!

Rob Steinhauser

Re: May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:14 pm
by shaneh
I'd like to sit in on The Beggar's Pearl. 1st Level something.

Shane Hoeft

Re: May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:18 pm
by Greenrunner75
Russput me down for beggars pearl if possible, LOL 1 monk, ranger, or wizard or lvl 2 cleric

Jess Burlason

Re: May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:44 pm
by Lonewolfsyndrome
Sign me up for Among the Gods please, I can also play the other 12-4 if needed as Sarah is 6th lvl.


Re: May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:43 pm
by Caio
Can you sign me up for among the gods and beggar's pearl?
Cavalier lvl 5 for the first, cleric 2 or fighter 2 for the second.

Re: May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:54 pm
by Russ Brown
I can play Glories of the Past III with a Monk/Ninja 5 at  low tier or a Witch 9 at high tier.

Re: May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:49 pm
by chad_sevigny
Sign me up for Among the Gods please.

Re: May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 12:25 pm
by Russ Brown
It was pointed out to me that Among the Gods is actually number #3-08 rather than #3-07 which is what I had listed. So thanks Dave.

I have updated the original post and just wanted to mention it in case people were checking if they had played it using the number instead of the title.

Re: May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:18 am
by Russ Brown
I am cancelling #4-25 Glories of Past III: The Secrets Stones Keep due to lack of player signups.

Dave: I have added you as a player to #3-08 Among the Gods as we discussed.

Re: May 10th CollectorMania Saturday Game Day - (Parker)

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:20 am
by drgeiss
Thanks Russ!

I'll be playing something that will mix and match well with the rest of the party - I've got LOTS of choices here!