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GenCon 2014

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:06 am
by WhiteMane

I don't know if I missed it or not, so can someone help me...  Have they already put out the call for GMs for GenCon 2014?  Is it too late to volunteer?  Who do I contact if I want to volunteer?


Re: GenCon 2014

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:35 am
by Russ Brown
Are you asking specifically about Paizo and PFS?

If yes, then it is probably too late, but check here on the Paizo forums.

If not, then I don't know.

Re: GenCon 2014

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:45 pm
by skyshark
I tried making modifications to my GM schedule the day after the call went out and was no because there were only about nine tables left that needed to be filled.  So I highly doubt there are any GM slots left.

Re: GenCon 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:23 pm
by Eric I
Hi Old Friends!

On the off chance that I might get to see any of you wonderful people at Gen Con, I thought I would post my schedule as it relates to PSF:

1. GMing 5-21 "The Merchant's Wake"
2. GMing 5-21 "The Merchant's Wake"
3. Playing Special 5-99 "The Paths We Choose"

4. [True Dungeon]
5. [Hero System: Champions]
6. Playing Special 6-00 "Legacy of the Stonelords"

7. [Hickman's Killer Breakfast]
8. [Valiant Unity and costume contest]
9. GMing 6-02 "The Silver Mount Collection"

10. [Shadowrun Missions Intro]

It would be great to game with some of you again. Come play at my tables if you can.

Eric I (aka Mimo Tomblebur)

Re: GenCon 2014

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:20 am
by WhiteMane
While we are discussing it...  Here is my schedule for PFS related events...  (and non-PFS events in brackets...)

Wednesday [21:00-01:00 Fast Safe Fun Foam Fighting]
Thursday 8:00-13:00 PFS #5-24:  Assault on the Wound
Thursday [14:00-18:00 Rifts:  The Town of Hope Has Gone Missing?]
Thursday 19:00-00:00 PFS GenCon Special:  The Paths We Choose
Friday [09:00-11:00 True Dungeon: Flight of the Zephyr]
Friday [13:51-15:51 True Dungeon: Into the Viper's Pit]
Friday [16:00-17:00 Super RoboRally]
Friday [18:00-20:00 The Gamers:  Hot Summer Knights]
Friday [20:00-21:00 World Premiere Film:  Natural 1]
Friday [21:00-21:30 World Premiere Film:  Humans & Households]
Friday [22:00-00:00 Cards Against Humanity]
Saturday 8:00-13:00 PFS #06-01:  Trial by Machine
Saturday 13:00-18:00 PFS #06-02:  The Silver Mont Collection
Saturday 19:00-00:00 PFS #06-03:  The Technic Siege
Sunday 11:00-13:00 PFS Adventure Card Guild
Sunday [13:00-15:00 D&D the New Edition:  Ready, Set, Play!]

Hope to see everyone there!

Re: GenCon 2014

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:09 pm
by skyshark
Thursday, August 14

Slot 1 (0800-1300): GMing #5-06: You Have What You Hold (3-7)

Slot 2 (1300-1800): GMing #5-06: You Have What You Hold (3-7)

Slot 3 (1900-2400): Playing GenCon Special:  The Paths we Choose

Friday, August 15

Slot 4 (0800-1300): GMing #5-12: Destiny of the Sands, Pt 1: A Bitter Bargain (1-5)

Slot 5 (1300-1800): GMing #5-06: You Have What You Hold (3-7)

(1824-2024): True Dungeon: Flight of the Zephyr

(2102-2302): True Dungeon: Into the Viper's Pit

(2300+): Beers and late night dinner at the Sun King Brewery

Saturday, August 16

Slot 7 (0800-1300): GMing #5-12: Destiny of the Sands, Pt 1: A Bitter Bargain (1-5)

Slot 8 (1300-1800): GMing #5-16: Destiny of the Sands, Pt 3: Sanctum of the Sages (3-7)

Slot 9 (1900-2400): GMing #6-02: The Silver Mount Collection (3-7)

Sunday,  August 17

Slot 10 (0900-1400): GMing #5-06: You Have What You Hold (3-7)

Re: GenCon 2014

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:39 pm
by IRONxTrueblood
I'm playing both specials on Thursday and Friday.  Unless the registration was incorrect, I thought the Thursday special (The Paths We Choose) opens Season 6 and the Friday special (Legacy of the Stonelords) closes Season 5.  I'm holding a GM star to replay the season ender if it is at TactiCon.  It sounds interesting, if the goals of the scenario depend on the factions represented at the table.  Of course, now that the factions are changing, maybe it won't work past Gen Con.

I spend the rest of my time in the exhibit hall, auction store, and the Rio Grande demo room.

23+ consecutive years as a "4-Day Player" for me.  There were a few more years before then I went as a kid.  My dad and our friends have missed a few years, but started out much earlier with D&D and stopped in the mid 90s.  When you had to step over gamers in the MECCA bridge sprawled out on the floor exchanging Magic cards, we sat down at a small table to learn some new board game called Settlers of Catan.  We've been playing board games ever since and I only got back into RPGs in the last few years, much more so with PFS.  It turned out to be the Rio Grande founder, at Mayfair Games at the time, who taught us Settlers.  It has been really interesting to see the changes in the industry over the years.