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Starfinder Schedule for the rest of August

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:05 pm
by jbane
Starfinder 8/17-8/24-8/31

Hail and Well Met Starfinders!


Season 6 is here!!

As always, I have tried to incorporate as many requests as possible and if you want to see something changed, just ask!

And as always we need GM's

Just as a reminder:
Games start at 6pm and end at 10pm. Let's be respectful of our hosts and try to end on time!
We follow the D11 weather closure schedule; if D11 is closed on Wednesday, PFS/SFS is canceled for the night. Please be safe and plan accordingly.
Please make sure that your real name (or at least whatever you'd like me to call you on the schedule) is listed in your post. If your account is ChunkyLover53 and you don't list your real name, you will be christened...
Sign up as soon as possible, you can always cancel if you need to
Please do not hot-swap tables!
Any sign ups on the day of the game (Thursday) may not get a slot at the table, but do show up. We will always try to fit you in to a game!
GMs: if you need to cancel, let me know ASAP so I can find a replacement!
If you want a game scheduled, please ask!

I need people to step up to GM games please. I can't be the only person to step up to run games.

Starfinder Society Scenario #1-22: The Protectorate Petition tier 1-4

GM: James F.

The alien copaxis have long inhabited their world in Near Space but only recently petitioned the Pact Wolds for protectorate status. Sent as part of a delegation to review the petition's virtues and validity, the PCs must explore the ancient copaxi ruins and learn about this applicant species' history. Will the PCs decide to vouch for the copaxis, or will the PCs discover something that casts the copaxis' petition into doubt?

1. James B.
2. Tristan
3. Scott

Starfinder Society Scenario #1-24: Siege of Enlightenment tier 1-4

GM: James B.

With tensions rising between two Near Space civilizations, a host of historical sites are at risk of being caught in the ensuing conflict's crossfire. The Starfinder Society's been called in to catalog one such site believed to be the ruins of a now-defunct hobgoblin empire that may have ended during the Gap. Speeding into the distant star system, the PCs must navigate the politics of the escalating conflict and reach their target.

Scenario Tags: Starship

1. Tristan
3. Scott
4. James F.

Adventure Path: Drift Crashers: The Perfect Storm: Tier 1-4

GM: David

When the Drift—the dimension that allows starships to travel faster than light—suddenly crashes, all the starships in it are hurled to random locations in the multiverse. Among these starships is the Marata, whose crew find themselves stranded in Hell, their starship now boasting a strange new artifact with the power to travel anywhere in space and time. Will they ever find their way home again?

1. James B. (Technomancer)
2. O.J. (Envoy)
3. Scott (Mechanic)
4. James F (Solarian)
5. Nick (Operative)

Re: Starfinder Schedule for the rest of August

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:33 pm
by WhiteMane
I will not be here on the 17th, but if you like, I will GM on the 24th so you don't have to, James.

Additionally, here is my updated copy of the Primorata at it's current tier complete with itemization for the build points we are allowed.

Re: Starfinder Schedule for the rest of August

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:02 pm
by jbane
WhiteMane wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:33 pm I will not be here on the 17th, but if you like, I will GM on the 24th so you don't have to, James.

Additionally, here is my updated copy of the Primorata at it's current tier complete with itemization for the build points we are allowed.
Thanks OJ but that one is one of the six season 1's I haven't run and I want to complete it.

Re: Starfinder Schedule for the rest of August

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:56 pm
by DavidPetik
Nick and I will see you all on the 31st. Hope everybody has leveled their character to 3.

Re: Starfinder Schedule for the rest of August

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 5:54 pm
by Kharasestra665
I'll gm on the 17th. Sign me up for the 24th, please.

Re: Starfinder Schedule for the rest of August

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 12:29 am
by Theaccount123
Sign me up to play on the 17th and the 24th please

Re: Starfinder Schedule for the rest of August

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:21 am
by WhiteMane
Sign me up for the 24th, please

The Reputation period has opened

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:00 am
by jbane
The Reputation period for this event has now opened!

If you have attended this event, now is the chance to give your opinion about it.
You can give out Reputation by clicking on the link in the upper right corner.

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Re: Starfinder Schedule for the rest of August

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 2:47 pm
by Scott McNabb
Sign me up for the 24th, please.

The Reputation period has closed

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:00 am
by jbane
The Reputation period for this event has now closed!

If you have attended this event, we thank you very much.
Hope to see you all soon, again!

This is an automated message.

Re: Starfinder Schedule for the rest of August

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 11:46 am
by Kharasestra665
I will unfortunately not be there tonight. I am currently sick.

Re: Starfinder Schedule for the rest of August

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:52 pm
by DavidPetik
Will we still be gaming tonight. It is the wrap up of the first book, so there is not much left. The main thing is you all were going to have time to craft items with all the UPCs you have collected. If James wants to let us know what he would like to get, or just split them equally and let him know how much he has to buy something with that would also work. Hope to see you all tonight.