ANNOUNCING: May 11 PF2 Player Call @ Enchanted Grounds Littleton!

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ANNOUNCING: May 11 PF2 Player Call @ Enchanted Grounds Littleton!

Post by slate » Mon May 08, 2023 2:18 pm

Welcome to May! I am still getting settled in my new house, so I will be posting this month's schedule in piecemeal!

For directions to the store, see the 'stickied' post in the Enchanted Grounds section of

IMPORTANT: To sign up as a player, please post on this thread. I do not monitor the sign ups on rpgchronicles, so precedence is given to people who sign up here! After (and only after) you've posted here, please click on the sign up sheet link under each game you are signed up for (an account on rpgchonicles is NOT required to sign up for a game, but is useful to have so you can change your sign up details on there). You must include your email address and name in order to sign up and receive your chronicle(s) and your name and email address will only be visible to me and/or the GM. (For more info on rpgchronicles, click here)

To sign up as a GM please email me directly at or post a reply in the thread on that was generated by this announcement.

Thursday, May 11, 2023 06:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Table 1a: PF2 #4-12: Negotiations for the Star Gun (Tier 1-4)
Metaplot (Boundless Wonder)
Within their vaults the Pathfinder Society has located a rare and mysterious star gun from the distant shores of Arcadia that, while broken, still holds a deep power within it. In order to ensure that past wrongs are made right, the Society must arrange for travel within the borders of Arcadia to repair and return the star gun to its rightful home, but to do so they must first convince the council of Segada to allow a team of Pathfinders entry.

A junior team of agents is dispatched to plead their case to the councilmembers, hopefully securing friends and allies of the Society for future exploration and contact. However, a villain lies in wait, aware of the power the agents are concealing and plotting for the exact moment to strike and catch them off guard.

This adventure is the first part of the two-part Star Gun metaplot arc in the Year of Boundless Wonder. This arc will conclude in Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-13: Within the Prairies.

>> Sign-in Sheet (fill out after posting in this thread) <<
GM: Zach
1. Sammy E.
2. Christian D.

Last edited by slate on Wed May 10, 2023 8:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: ANNOUNCING: May 11 PF2 Player Call @ Enchanted Grounds Littleton!

Post by psnrainbowtrout » Tue May 09, 2023 1:11 am

Sign me up for May 11. Sammy E

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Re: ANNOUNCING: May 11 PF2 Player Call @ Enchanted Grounds Littleton!

Post by CDragos » Wed May 10, 2023 7:06 pm

Pew, pew, pew! Starrr Gunnn.

Sounds fun. Count me in.
Christian Dragos
Venture Agent - Denver

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Re: ANNOUNCING: May 11 PF2 Player Call @ Enchanted Grounds Littleton!

Post by slate » Thu May 11, 2023 11:30 am

Since we only have 2 and we're only a few hours away, I'm going to cancel for tonight :(


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