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Dungeons & Javas - COS - Apr 17 - PF2

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:20 am
by rwcraigo

Hello! My name is RC and I organize society games at Dungeons & Javas in Colorado Springs.

Sign-ups for all PFS & SFS events are handled via If you prefer not to use Warhorn, you may also reply to this post or send me an email at rccraigo (at) Sign-ups on Warhorn will take priority over others should there be more signed up than available seats. I can usually arrange a 2nd table if given at least a few days advance notice but may need to ask a player to step up and volunteer to GM.

PFS2 2-02: Mountain of Sea and Sky

Character levels 3-6

Venture-Captain Amari Li has called for assistance in establishing new Pathfinder lodges throughout Tian Xia! The mountainous island of Kayajima, in northwestern Minkai, would be an ideal site, as it sits atop a convergence of powerful—though long-dormant—ley lines that could offer valuable protection for a future lodge. Rather than lay claim to the island by force, the Pathfinders must treat with the island's animals and spirits, securing their blessing for a ritual to restore the island's magic and establish the newest Pathfinder lodge.

Written by Adrian Ng

Scenario tags: Envoys' Alliance

PFS2 2-02: Mountain of Sea and Sky
Location: Dungeons & Javas
Date/Time: Saturday April 17, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Player 1: Nick S.
Player 2: Trystan
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

PFS2 2-05: Balancing the Scales

Character levels 1-4

The Sewer Dragons reach out to the Pathfinder Society, concerned about a missing contact. The Pathfinders discover that this is no mere meet and greet, however, as strange events and a mysterious cult become tangled together in a web of mystery.

Written by Jessica Catalan

Scenario tags: None

PFS2 2-05: Balancing the Scales
Location: Dungeons & Javas
Date/Time: Saturday April 17, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Player 1: Miriam
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

SPECIAL NOTE: At this time, Dungeons & Javas is allowing limited in-store play. The wearing of masks within the store is mandatory unless eating or drinking at a table. If you are "fully vaccinated" (received both shots) a mask is still required as many others have not and are still vulnerable. Please remember to social distance, wear your mask and stay safe out there.

Explore. Report. Cooperate!

Re: Dungeons & Javas - COS - Apr 17 - PF2

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:16 am
by rwcraigo
Looking forward to tomorrow. Have some potential new players who expressed interest at the store, so might run just the tier 1-4. Pregens can be provided.