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SFS - 05 Nov 2020

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:26 am
by lochinvar_1971
Hail and Well Met Starfinders!


Season 3 is out!!!

As always, I have tried to incorporate as many requests as possible and if you want to see something changed, just ask!

And as always we need GM's

Just as a reminder:
  • Games start at 6pm and end at 10pm. Let's be respectful of our hosts and try to end on time!
  • We follow the D11 weather closure schedule; if D11 is closed on Wednesday, PFS/SFS is canceled for the night. Please be safe and plan accordingly.
  • Please make sure that your real name (or at least whatever you'd like me to call you on the schedule) is listed in your post. If your account is ChunkyLover53 and you don't list your real name, you will be christened...
  • Sign up as soon as possible, you can always cancel if you need to
  • Please do not hot-swap tables!
  • Any sign ups on the day of the game (Wednesday) may not get a slot at the table, but do show up. We will always try to fit you in to a game!
  • GMs: if you need to cancel, let me know ASAP so I can find a replacement!
  • If you want a game scheduled, please ask!
Explore, Cooperate, and Report!

SFS 03-09 Frozen Ambitions: Freeing the Herd Tier 1-4 GM: James

A retired Starfinder reaches out to the Society in search of assistance when the local fauna of a moon in Near Space begins to act erratically. The Society dispatches the PCs to investigate and contact the retired Starfinder and their companions. Soon enough it becomes clear that something insidious is at work nearby, and it's up to the PCs to step in and stop it.

Content in Frozen Ambitions is an ongoing series of adventures set in the Year of Exploration's Edge. These lower-level adventures are the perfect starting point for any new Starfinder character, and can be integrated into almost any ongoing campaign with little extra effort. The adventures in the Frozen Ambitions series can be played in any order.

Player 1: Jim
Player 2: Mitch
Player 3: Brian
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Re: SFS - 05 Nov 2020

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:48 pm
by jbane
I will sign up to run this scenario.


Re: SFS - 05 Nov 2020

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:49 pm
by jahenders
Sign me up.

Jim H

Re: SFS - 05 Nov 2020

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 9:37 pm
by Hakken
sign me up please

Re: SFS - 05 Nov 2020

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 10:46 pm
by Haman
Please sign me up as well.

The Reputation period has opened

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 12:00 am
by lochinvar_1971
The Reputation period for this event has now opened!

If you have attended this event, now is the chance to give your opinion about it.
You can give out Reputation by clicking on the link in the upper right corner.

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The Reputation period has closed

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 12:00 am
by lochinvar_1971
The Reputation period for this event has now closed!

If you have attended this event, we thank you very much.
Hope to see you all soon, again!

This is an automated message.