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Oct 9

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 11:29 pm
by musclecarlover07
Start time: 1900 (7 pm)

Starfinder Society Scenario #2-21: Illegal Shipment

As the Swarm invades the distant Suskillon system, a notorious collector of alien life captures several Swarm lifeforms with the intent of selling them to interested buyers. Bringing these creatures to Absalom Station as part of a clandestine trade, events go awry and the trader's preserved wildlife escape into the station. In order to prevent station-wide panic, the Starfinder Society sends its best agents to find out what happened, track down the escaped Swarm lifeforms, and stop a full-scale infestation at the heart of the Pact Worlds!
Tier: 1-4
Tags: Faction (Exo-Guardians), Faction (Wayfinders)

GM: Micheal
1. Carlos
2. Jimmie
3. Jim???