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UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:48 pm
by Jacque

Hello, Pathfinders!

GenghisCon 2014 is a month away and we're still looking to fill a couple of slots. The area's largest gaming convention is four days long; a total of nine 4-hour 'slots.' Each of those slots will be offering between 8 and 11 tables of Pathfinder Society play. What does this mean? It means we need GMs. Without you guys stepping forward and taking on the task of running games, none of those games will happen.

Below this announcement will be a list of slots to be filled, with scenario numbers, names and tiers.  Some scenarios do not have names yet, but I have been promised that they will be ready by the end of January. Every table you volunteer for gets us closer to our number, and opens up more perks for you.

What perks, you ask? Well, let me enlighten you.

1.  Each slot you GM will earn you a free ticket to play during another slot.
2.  If you GM 3 slots you will instead get your weekend Convention badge for free.
3.  Each slot more than 3 gets a free ticket to play during another slot (so, GM 5 slots and your weekend badge is free, plus you earn two tickets to play).
4.  Every GM gets the fear and admiration of tables filled with PFS players.
5.  An award ceremony is held Sunday evening after the Con, where all GMs will be presented a bit of free swag (or more, depending on number of tables and 'GM Scores'). This award event hands out a lot of awesome goodies and is not to be missed.
6.  All scenarios you run will be placed in your Paizo download files free of charge.
7.  You will also receive a racial boon as a thank you for running games.  This is the only way to get a racial boon - we will not be handing them out any other way.  The race for Genghis Con is the Undine, which is in the Advanced Race Guide.

As well, during the months of January and February, 'slot zero' events will be held at Enchanted Grounds in Highlands Ranch. You will only be able to play the scenarios being released in the next few months at the convention or at one of these 'slot zeros'. To play in a 'slot zero' you must be a volunteer for GM duty at Genghiscon.

We have one month to drum up volunteers. Reply to this post or email me at to claim your spot, and tell us how many slots you want to GM. I will be in touch separately to discuss details.

Thanks so much for all your help!


Addendum - As some of you know there has been a lot of change at the Denver Gamers Association since TactiCon.  I have been working with the DGA to get everyone's games uploaded into their system so we can get credit.  It has been quite a process to say the least because of the turnover in the organization and believe me I understand the frustration.  If your credit isn't in their system, you can sign up for games and pay for them to get your slot, they will give refunds at the con for any tickets that you purchased. 

Thursday, February 13th, 7pm

Fiesta Slots (8 GMs needed - you can choose whatever scenario you want to run)
GM1: Steven Sior
GM2: Adam Loutzenhiser
GM3: Nick Goedecke
GM4: Phil Huss
GM5: Julie Brokish
GM6: Sean Clark

Friday, February 14th, 9am

Ruins of Bonekeep Level 2: Maze to the Mind Slave (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
#5-08 The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)
GM1: Andrew Seifert
#5-09 The Traitor's Lodge (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Russ Brown
#5-11 Library of the Lion (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Jason Bliss
#5-12 TBA (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Caio Schmidt

Module: Crypt of the Everflame (Tier 1-2) - 2 slots
Module: Fangwood Keep (Tier 3-5) - 2 slots
GM1: Martin Blake

Friday, February 14th, 2pm

#5-08 The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)
GM1: Allen Westenbarger
#5-09 The Traitor's Lodge (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Jason Bliss
#5-10 Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread (Tier 7-11)
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
#5-11 Library of the Lion (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Todd Reidenbach
#5-12 TBA (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Andrew Seifert
#5-13 TBA (Tier 5-9)
GM1: Russ Brown

Friday, February 14th, 7pm
Fiesta Slots (10 GMs needed - you can choose whatever scenario you want to run)
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
GM2: Russ Brown
GM3: Jason Bliss
GM4: Phil Huss
GM5: Julie Brokish
GM6: Sean Clark

Saturday, February 15th, 9am

Ruins of Bonekeep Level 2: Maze to the Mind Slave
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
#5-08 The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)
GM1: Andy Johnson
#5-09 The Traitor's Lodge (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Steven Sior
GM2: Russ Brown
#5-11 Library of the Lion (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Todd Lower
GM2: Jason Bliss
#5-12 TBA (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Caio Schmidt
GM2: Andrew Seifert

Module: Crypt of the Everflame (Tier 1-2) - 2 slots
GM1: Julie Brokish
1Module: Fangwood Keep (Tier 3-5) - 2 slots
GM1: Phil Huss

Saturday, February 15th, 2pm

#5-08 The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)
GM1: Steven Sior
GM2: Scott McCauliffe
#5-09 The Traitor's Lodge (Tier 3-7)
GM1: OJ Pinckert
GM2: Jason Bliss
#5-10 Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread (Tier 7-11)
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
#5-11 Library of the Lion (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Todd Lower
#5-12 TBA (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Andy Johnson
#5-13 TBA (Tier 5-9)
GM1: Russ Brown
GM2: Sean Clark

Saturday, February 15th, 7pm
Fiesta (11 GMs needed - you can choose whatever scenario you want to run)
GM1: Todd Lower
GM2: Jason Bliss
GM3: OJ Pinckert
GM4: Allen Westenbarger
GM5: Nick Goedecke
GM6: Jon Holmberg
GM7: Emily McCabe

Sunday, February 16th, 9am

Ruins of Bonekeep Level 2: Maze to the Mind Slave
GM1: Adam Loutzenhiser
#5-08 The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)
GM1: Todd Reidenbach
GM2: Jon Holmberg
#5-09 The Traitor's Lodge (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Caio Schmidt
#5-11 Library of the Lion (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Todd Lower
GM2: Emily McCabe
#5-12 TBA (Tier 1-5)
GM1: OJ Pinckert

Module: Crypt of the Everflame (Tier 1-2) - 2 slots
GM1: Andy Johnson
Module: Fangwood Keep (Tier 3-5) - 2 slots

Sunday, February 16th, 2pm
#5-08 The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)
GM1: Todd Reidenbach
GM2: Allen Westenbarger
#5-09 The Traitor's Lodge (Tier 3-7)
GM1: Steven Sior
#5-10 Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread (Tier 7-11)
#5-11 Library of the Lion (Tier 1-5)
GM1: Todd Lower
#5-12 TBA (Tier 1-5)
#5-13 TBA (Tier 5-9)

Thanks and Happy Gaming!


Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:10 pm
by skyshark
I'll go ahead and pick up #5-10 for the Sunday 2pm slot as well.

Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:02 am
by Amber Feldman
Are you okay if a brand new GM steps up for a few slots?  I've only GMed one PFS scenario so far, but if you need more GMs, I'd be happy to sign up for a couple of them.

Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:11 am
by Amber Feldman
PS: If I'm allowed to volunteer as a GM, I will sign up for:

- Crypt of the Everflame (Tier 1-2), Friday February 14th, 9am (It shows "Two Slots" next to the scenario.  If that is the case, I can also volunteer for this same scenario on either Saturday at 9am and/or Sunday at 9am, since it is listed on all three of those days)... I figure GMing the same scenario more than once would help me get accustomed.

- Fiesta, Friday February 14, 7pm (this looks cool, but I would need to know what I was signing up for, first, lol).

- #5-12 TBA (Tier 1-5), Sunday February 16th, 2pm.

Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:50 am
by Sior
Lenyria wrote:- Fiesta, Thursday February 13, 7pm (this looks cool, but I would need to know what I was signing up for, first, lol).

- Crypt of the Everflame (Tier 1-2), Friday February 14th, 9am (It shows "Two Slots" next to the scenario.  If that is the case, I can also volunteer for this same scenario on either Saturday at 9am and/or Sunday at 9am, since it is listed on all three of those days)... I figure GMing the same scenario more than once would help me get accustomed.

- #5-12 TBA (Tier 1-5), Sunday February 16th, 2pm.
- The Fiesta is a grab-bag. You pick what you want to run and go with it. That's sort of the point. It's for whatever you want to run that isn't offered the rest of the weekend. Or it could be one more slot of something that is run.

- The reason Crypt of the Everflame is listed as "two slots" is because it is a module. These run twice as long as scenarios and thus take two 4-hour slots back-to-back. This means that you will be booked for the 2pm slot that day as well. So take that into consideration as well.

- Most importantly, have fun GMing! Bring plenty of water and cough drops! And possibly a sign saying "GM can be bribed with [insert beverage/snack choice]". =)

Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:52 am
by Amber Feldman
Thank you for that.

I'll keep that one Crypt of the Everflame up there, then.

I'm excited to get some more experience GMing.  I need to get more supplies, though.  I don't have much yet, but I'll get there over time.

Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:30 pm
by Sean Clark
Jacque: please go ahead and sign me up to DM the Sunday 2PM slot of "#5-12: Destiny of the Sands-Part 1: A Bitter Bargain."


Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:30 pm
by Jacque
Sean - Someone picked that one up would you like to try 5-13 in the same time slot?

Adam - I have you down for 5-10 on Sunday

Amber (I think that's you Lenyria??)  - I will put you down to do the module on Friday Crypt of the Everflame.  Are you sure you don't want to pick up a fiesta slot maybe Saturday night?  You can do another tier 1-5 and that way you would get a free weekend pass.  Also email me ( and let me know what you might need, I can let you borrow it if I have it.

Thanks guys for stepping up!  I really appreciate it.


Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:21 am
by Amber Feldman

Yes I'm Amber :)

Also, I signed up for not just the Crypt of the Everflame, but also the Friday 7pm fiesta, and a Tier 1-5 on Sunday morning. Or would just adding the Fiesta on Friday get the free weekend pass?  Not sure, since the Crypt of the Everflame takes up two slots.  If it DOES take up two slots, and I only need one more, I'll just keep the Fiesta on Friday night.  (I have to also save time to spend with my mother at the convention. xD )

Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:55 am
by Sean Clark
It sounds like Amber just wants the Fiesta slot and the Everflame double-slot.  If that is the case, I would like to DM 5/12 on Sunday afternoon.

Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:46 pm
by Jacque
Amber - I have you down then for the Friday Fiesta plus the Crypt of Everflame.  Since Crypt runs over two slots it counts as two separate slots for the purposes of getting in for free so running the module plus fiesta will get you in for free.

Sean - someone other than Amber took 5-12 in Sunday afternoon but it's still available Sunday morning, do you want to do that?


Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:37 pm
by Riizu
Hey, I'd love to give this a shot. Is there still 3 slots available, to be able to qualify for the free pass?

Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:10 pm
by CDragos

If you still need a GM please sign me up for a Friday 7-11 slot, Saturday 2-6pm or 7-11, and Sunday 2-6pm. If any are Fiesta slots I am willing to run anything except Citadel of Flame. I've run that too many times in the past.

Christian Dragos

Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:53 pm
by Jacque
Riizu - there are still 3 slots available - email me at and I can set you up.

Christian - I've put you down for the Friday and Saturday fiestas and the Sunday afternoon.  I'll get the Sunday scenario to you and let me know what you would like to run for fiesta

Thanks guys!


Re: UPDATE Genghis Con 2014 GM Call January 15th - We still need GMs :)

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:11 am
by TJackal
Hey Jacque... or anyone else who can answer.  Refering to the OP about the issues with the convention - I'm GMing a few scenarios, but this is my first Gen Con so I'm not really aware of what I should be sure is taken care of on the convention end.  I'm registered for the event, but I don't have any tickets (I'm not playing anything though), weekend badges (Free due to GMing 3+ scenarios), etc.  Actually, other than the "You're registered" email, I haven't heard a thing from the convention.  Should I be doing something to be sure they have me signed up and ready to enter the convention, or is this normal and I should just show up and be ready to run my scenarios?