Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

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Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:56 pm

[glow=red,4,300]Hail and Well Met Pathfinders![/glow]

September; the turning of the seasons is upon us again and there are many geeky things to celebrate this month!
Google Commemoration Day - September 7
International Literacy Day - September 9
Programmer's Day - September 13
Optimus Prime Day - September 19
World Emoji Day - September 19
International Talk Like a Pirate Day - September 19
Software Freedom Day - September 19
Hobbit Day - September 22
Batman Day - September 26
Ask a Stupid Question Day - September 28

Due to the growing popularity of the Pathfinder Society on Wednesday nights I am going to ask that a GM who is not scheduled to run (and is not taking part in a special event) please have an evergreen quest with you just in case we have new players drop in. We never want to turn people away and an evergreen scenario is easy enough to run cold if you have ran it before. And if a GM has never run it before it's good practice.

As always, I tried to fit in as many requests and accommodations as possible, so if you'd like to see a change, let me know.

Just as a reminder:
  • Games start at 6pm and end at 10pm. Let's be respectful of our hosts and try to end on time!
  • Please make sure that your real name (or at least whatever you'd like me to call you on the schedule) is listed in your post. If your account is ChunkyLover53 and you don't list your real name, you will be christened...
  • Sign up as soon as possible, you can always cancel if you need to
  • Please do not hot-swap tables!
  • Any sign ups on the day of the game (Wednesday) may not get a slot at the table, but do show up. We will always try to fit you in to a game!
  • GMs: if you need to cancel, let me know ASAP so I can find a replacement!
  • If you want a game scheduled, please ask!
Explore, Cooperate, and Report!
Sep 5
PF2-01 The Rose Street Revenge GM: Richard & O.J.
Less than a year has passed since the Fiendflesh Siege, in which Absalom fended off an invading coalition of demonflesh constructs and the living dead. The siege lord offered freedom to any slave in Absalom willing to aid in the city's defense, and since that grand manumission, the city's slave trade has practically disappeared. The Pathfinder Society is one of many organizations that opened its doors to Absalom's newest citizens. However, several of the ex-slaves have been turning up dead, in other cases disappearing entirely. The Society doesn't often investigate serial killings, but one of its newest recruits is the latest victim. It's time for a band of Pathfinders to follow the clues, uncover these crimes, and end this threat.
The Rose Street Revenge is a series of four quests, each of which run about 40-60 minutes and highlight Pathfinder Second Edition rules. The series includes three quests that can be played in any order as well as a finale.
Player 1: Brian

SFS 01-06 A Night in Nightarch Tier 3-6 GM: Micheal
A routine business deal goes awry when a spiteful drow noble seizes a shipment of weapons destined for the Starfinder Society. The PCs are sent to the gloomy world of Apostae to retrieve the stolen arms. Granted 24-hours of diplomatic immunity for any actions taken against the thief, the PCs strike at the rebellious drow noble and retrieve the shipment. Whether through guile or sheer force, the PCs must prove that the Starfinder Society is not an organization to trifle with.
Player 1: Jim H

09-22 Grotto of the Deluged God Tier 1-5 GM: Shawn
When a ship that Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry hired to ferry Pathfinders to the Gloomspires vanished, she called upon diviners to speak to the sailors, only to learn that they had met a watery grave. Benarry has narrowed down the ship's location to the shoals off the coast of the pirate island of Tempest Cay. While the venture-captain asks some questions on shore and searches for survivors, the PCs must travel out to the shipwreck, uncover the reason why a crew of experienced sailors met their doom, and discover why the nearby ocean has been growing increasingly perilous.
Contents in 'Grotto of the Deluged God' also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Concordance faction.

Module The Emerald Spire Superdungeon Level 8: The Circle of Vissk-Thar Tier 6-8 GM: Bill
For ages untold, a gemstone monolith has pierced the heart of the Echo Wood. Now, as civilization intrudes upon this enigmatic splinter, a strange life once again stirs in the depths-one with ties to undying evils and a might beyond time itself. The promise of wealth and power calls to glory-seekers from across the Inner Sea region, tempting them into a labyrinth of monster-haunted vaults, defiled tombs, arcane laboratories, and worse, as they seek to unveil the secrets locked below the legendary Emerald Spire.
Player 1: Randy
Player 2: Hetti
Player 3: Sean
Player 4: Harlie
Player 5: Nadia
Player 6: Jesse
Player 7: Brandon

Sep 12
03-18 The Gods Market Gamble Tier 1-5 GM: Bill
Valuable relics of religious natures have been disappearing on their way into Absalom and the Pathfinder Society stands to lose countless irreplaceable artifacts if the cause isn't found. Amid the bustling markets of the God's Market in the shadow of the Starstone Cathedral, the Society sets a plan in motion to ensure the parties responsible for the recent thefts are caught and brought to justice.
Player 1: Jim H

PF2-AP-01 Doomsday Dawn, Part 1: The Lost Star (Continued) GM: Richard/OJ
In 4718, a rare planetary conjunction, in combination with the power of ancient artifacts erected in the desert kingdom of Osirion thousands of years ago, will create a massive portal between Golarion and the hostile planet of Aucturn, at the far edge of the solar system. If this portal appears, it will allow the ravenous aliens of the Dominion of the Black to harvest brains from the peoples of the Inner Sea region on a devastating scale and provide an opportunity for a nascent entity of great power awakening from eons-long gestation to feast upon the world of Golarion. Fortunately, hints of this imminent apocalypse have emerged from the sands of time over the past decade, affording a desperate chance to avert this doom. These hints and clues have become known as the Aucturn Enigma, and unless multiple groups of heroes rise to the challenge of opposing this catastrophe, it could destroy one world forever while simultaneously creating another.
Player 1: Hillary
Player 2: Micheal
Player 3: Mark
Player 4: Jim K
Player 5: Sean
Player 6: Shawn
Player 7: Owen
Player 8: Sarah
Player 9: Nick
Player 10: Charity
Player 11: LaShawn
Player 12: David
Player 13: Jerrod
Player 14: Alex

09-23 The Ghol-Gan Heresy Tier 7-11 GM: ?
The Aspis Consortium and Vanji Prospectors' Guild may have allied to extract valuable minerals from the tropical Kaava Lands, yet their endeavor also threatens to release a fiend sealed beneath the nearby ruins. The Pathfinder Society and its new friends have strangled the operation economically, causing most of the workers to abandon the dig. However, a dedicated corps is trying to dig out one last lucrative (and perilous) haul before evacuating the site. The PCs range deep into the jungles alongside their grippli allies to stop the Aspis-and perhaps confront the same fiend imprisoned millennia ago.
Contents in 'The Ghol-Gan Heresy' also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Exchange faction.
Player 1: Brian
Player 2: James

04-21 Way of the Kirin Tier 3-7 GM: ?
On the eastern continent of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society remains a small player in the greater political landscape, but Amara Li, head of the Lantern Lodge in the teeming city of Goka, has plans to change that. In order to secure the Pathfinder Society's place as an influential organization on the far side of the world from the Grand Lodge in Absalom, she must orchestrate an alliance with the mysterious Way of the Kirin. But the longtime rival of the Pathfinder Society, the Aspis Consortium, has plans to form an alliance of its own, and if the consortium succeeds, the Pathfinder Society's hopes of cementing their place in the Dragon Empires could be dashed forever.

Sep 19
02-23 Shadows Last Stand Pt.1: At Shadow's Door Tier 1-7 GM: Shawn
The Shadow Lodge's assault on the Pathfinder Society has come to a head in the Andoren city of Almas, where renegade Shadow Pathfinders have taken over the Grand Cathedral of Aroden, holding the Pathfinders and Venture-Captain stationed there hostage. You must gain entry into the overrun Pathfinder lodge and put an end to the open warfare within the Society.

SFS 01-16 Dreaming of the Future Tier 1-4 GM: Jim H
The Starfinder Society pursues the dream visions of a Liavaran dreamer, seeking information lost in a time before the Gap. Three broken fragments form the key to a forgotten repository of knowledge hidden within the Pact Worlds. It's up to the PCs to find these missing fragments and brave the dangerous reliquary to secure a new source of prescient knowledge for the Society.
"Dreaming of the Future"" includes four, 1-hour adventures that take the PCs into the asteroid field of the Diaspora and across the Pact Worlds of Aballon, Liavara and Verces.

CORE BONEKEEP 02-18 The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor
Tier 7-11 GM: Randy

When a Qadiran Pathfinder known for her knowledge of genie-kind fails to report back to the Katheer Lodge, the PCs are sent into the long-abandoned ruins of Koor, a former forge city high in the Zho Mountains. In their effort to find the lost agent, the Pathfinders may find themselves facing a foe long locked in a secure vault by the city's former occupants-guardians whose departure weakened their defenses, paving the way for a terrible escape.
Player 1: Micheal
Player 2: Hillary
Player 3: Richard
Player 4: Bill
Player 5: David
Player 6: Brian

10-03 Death on the Ice Tier 5-9 GM: James
A message delivered by an unlikely courier sends the PCs to the Crown of the World. After making a dangerous trek across the icy passes and bays of Golarion's northernmost continent, the PCs must come to the aid of a Pathfinder Society expedition whose archaeological excavations have uncovered far more than they expected to find. Can the PCs unravel the mysteries that lie beneath the gelid glaciers of the Crown of the World in time to save their fellow Pathfinders from a frigid fate?
Player 1: O.J.

Sep 26
01-50 Fortune's Blight Tier 5-9 GM: Brian
You're sent to the wild River Kingdoms to find and kill a green hag who holds the last fragment of a powerful ancient sword called Passion's Edge, sundered into three pieces a decade ago. Things aren't as simple as they seem: the last creature to control the fabled sword wants it back at any cost, ghosts of the sword's past seek revenge for wrongs committed by former wielders of Passion's Edge, and the Pathfinder Society wants the sword whole again before being returned to Absalom. Madness, murder, and mayhem await you in the River Kingdoms!

PF2-AP-02 Doomsday Dawn, Part 2: In Pale Mountain Shadows GM: Richard/OJ
In 4718, a rare planetary conjunction, in combination with the power of ancient artifacts erected in the desert kingdom of Osirion thousands of years ago, will create a massive portal between Golarion and the hostile planet of Aucturn, at the far edge of the solar system. If this portal appears, it will allow the ravenous aliens of the Dominion of the Black to harvest brains from the peoples of the Inner Sea region on a devastating scale and provide an opportunity for a nascent entity of great power awakening from eons-long gestation to feast upon the world of Golarion. Fortunately, hints of this imminent apocalypse have emerged from the sands of time over the past decade, affording a desperate chance to avert this doom. These hints and clues have become known as the Aucturn Enigma, and unless multiple groups of heroes rise to the challenge of opposing this catastrophe, it could destroy one world forever while simultaneously creating another.
Players: confirm your availability.
Player 1: Hillary
Player 2: Micheal
Player 3: Mark
Player 4: Jim K
Player 5: Sean
Player 6: Owen
Player 7: Sarah
Player 8: Nick
Player 9: Charity
Player 10: LaShawn
Player 11: David
Player 12: Jerrod
Player 13: Alex

02-24 Shadows Last Stand Pt.2: Web of Corruption Tier 1-7 GM: Randy
The mastermind behind the Shadow Lodge incursion on the Pathfinder Society has been revealed-a mysterious figure known only as The Spider. Your journey to discover the traitor's whereabouts and identities will take you throughout the streets and underground of Almas, even to the floor of the People's Council itself.

09-24 Beneath Unbroken Waves Tier 5-9 GM: Bill
Fishers have dredged up a strange, glowing artifact from the sea off the coast of Jalmeray, and the Pathfinder Society believes this is a key-likely to something hidden beneath the waves. With the key in hand, the PCs sail out to the underwater ruins of a people erased from history. Can the PCs' discoveries shed new light on whose these people were and the true reason for their downfall?
Contents in 'Beneath Unbroken Waves' also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Concordance faction.
Player 1: James
Last edited by Sir.Gryphon on Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by lochinvar_1971 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:54 pm

Part 2 of the Lost Stars (Playtest)
In Pale Mountain Shadows (Playtest) - probably 2 sessions

Whichever is on the list - bonekeep or adventure path
Rose Street Revenge (If Pale Mountain Shadows only goes 1 session)
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by musclecarlover07 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:09 pm

September should be Bonekeep for sure. I am pretty sure we are doing 1 final scenario, where most of the group is going at half and David should be at full so we are all caught up. Randy, I think we are finally ready to do this, November will be Bonekeep, Part 1. Then January Part 2. Then our journey continues to hit Part 3 (Sometime in the future)

Now I would like to see SFS 1-11.

Randy I hope this helps with some of the scheduling and based on prior discussions with 2 edition

Sept 5th - Continue Part 1 Doomsday (The Lost Stars)
Sept 12th - SFS 1-11
Sept 19th - Bonekeep (Hoping I calculated David's schedule correctly)
Sept 26th - Pale Mountain Shadows (Give Richard sometime to recuperate from GMing)
Last edited by musclecarlover07 on Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by MoffRimmer » Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:17 am

At some point I've been interested in running "Crypt of the Everflame" -- but maybe not this month.

OJ mentioned that he hasn't played in any season 10 scenarios yet. If there's anything in particular he'd like to play, I'm game for running it...

And Emerald Spire's always good to schedule. :)

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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by Daktylo » Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:53 pm


I have relatively few (one or less) played from Season 4, 5, and 7. The only ones I do have are 4: Rivalry's End and 5: Glass River Rescue.

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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by DavidPetik » Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:55 pm

I would be available for Bonekeep on the 5th or 19th. I would love to play SFS #1-12: Ashes of Discovery (1-4) or #1-06: A Night in Nightarch (3-6) if they can be schedule one of those dates.
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by musclecarlover07 » Fri Aug 24, 2018 2:01 am

Randy with David's request I propose:
Sept 5th - I can run SFS 1-06 preferably, but can do SFS 1-12
Sept 12th - Continue Part 1 Doomsday (The Lost Stars)
Sept 19th - Bonekeep (Hoping I calculated David's schedule correctly)
Sept 26th - Pale Mountain Shadows (Give Richard sometime to recuperate from GMing)
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by lochinvar_1971 » Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:13 pm

With all the scheduling. I can run Rose Street Revenge the first Wednesday of the month.
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by WhiteMane » Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:12 am

lochinvar_1971 wrote: With all the scheduling. I can run Rose Street Revenge the first Wednesday of the month.
I can run it as well since the Playtest seems to be very popular... I still have it prepped from GenCon, CS ComicCon and the upcoming B-Con... (I can almost run it in my sleep... LOL)
Also, I will continue to run Doomsday Dawn on the 5th if my group will want to come back... ;-) If you would like a second GM to run it at the end of the month, I can do that as well.

Would you mind scheduling a Season 10 scenario for me to play during the 19th... I'd like to have one week where I'm not GMing...
Last edited by WhiteMane on Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:33 pm

The latest schedule is posted!
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by MoffRimmer » Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:55 pm

:) I don't think that I can play in Bonekeep and GM at the same time.

I can GM The Gods Market Gamble on the 12th.


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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by aidanixi » Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:03 am

I have parent-teacher conferences on the 26th... :'(

Any chance we can move the Superdungeon?

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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by Hakken » Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:38 am

Gm 1-50 on the 26th. Play pf2-01 on the 5th, 9-23 on the 12th and core bonekeep

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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:16 am

aidanixi wrote: I have parent-teacher conferences on the 26th... :'(

Any chance we can move the Superdungeon?

Gnome Gname Gnome Gclam forever!
The only week that is available is 5 Sep. Bill/Gnome-Gclam: is that OK by you?
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS September GM Call!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:16 am

MoffRimmer wrote: :) I don't think that I can play in Bonekeep and GM at the same time.

I can GM The Gods Market Gamble on the 12th.

Pathfinder #47387
Venture Captain for Southern Colorado

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