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Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:04 am
by Sir.Gryphon
[shadow=red,left]Hail and Well Met Pathfinders![/shadow]

February, a time for love. Love of ADVENTURE!

This week the Pathfinders investigate an ancient elven watchtower, visit a gnome enclave in search of a tomb, track down relics entrapped in the ice in the glacial north, and uncover the lost history of Taldor and the beginning of the Shining Crusade!

Just as a reminder:
  • We follow D11 closure and early release schedules for bad weather. Stay safe during icy conditions!
  • Games start at 6pm and end at 10pm. Let's be respectful of our hosts and try to end on time!
  • Please make sure that your real name (or at least whatever you'd like me to call you on the schedule) is listed in your post
  • Sign up as soon as possible, you can always cancel if you need to
  • Any sign ups on the day of the game (Wednesday) may not get a slot at the table, but do show up. We will always try to fit you in to a game!
  • GMs: if you need to cancel, let me know ASAP so I can find a replacement!
  • If you want a game scheduled, please ask!
Explore, Cooperate, and Report!

21 Feb 2018
4-17 Tower of the IronWood Watch (Tier 5-9) GM: Richard
On the edge of Varisia's Mierani Forest stand the ruins of an ancient guardtower that once served as the native elves' first line of defense against the threat of invasion from the bordering Thassilonian realm of Envy. Just as the elves fled Golarion to avoid the destruction of Earthfall, so too did they leave behind the Tower of the Ironwood Watch, which the Pathfinder Society now hopes to explore-a task that could prove more dangerous than anyone anticipates.
Player 1: Hillary
Player 2: Micheal
Player 3: O.J.
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
Standby: Nick

0-44: Echoes of Everwar, Part III (Tier 7-11) GM: Austin
The citizens of the gnome enclave of Whistledown in distant Varisia are being kidnapped by malevolent creatures that stalk the night. You are sent there by the Pathfinder Society to see if this sudden surge of vile activity is linked to the rumors of a hidden tomb near Whistledown that holds the body of a famed Osirion concubine. Can you save the town of Whistledown from certain doom and find the lost tomb of the ancient concubine?
Player 1: Nick
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

06-18: From Under Ice (Tier 1-5) GM: Randy
Rumors of an ancient settlement and its priceless treasure locked beneath Irrisen's perpetual ice have reached the Society's ears. The Pathfinders set out to the Land of the Linnorm Kings with a precious cargo of trade goods to buy their way into the witch-ruled nation, but even approaching Irrisen is fraught with danger. Can the PCs navigate the frozen wastes and recover the relics within, or will the icy climate claim their lives?
Player 1: Harlie
Player 2: Don
Player 3: Sean
Player 4: Jim K
Player 5: Roy
Player 6:

[glow=limegreen,2,300]08-07: From the Tome of Righteous Repose (Tier 3-7 Evergreen adventure!) GM: Bill[/glow]
When the necromancer-king Tar-Baphon rose as a lich and threatened to conquer all of Avistan, Taldor rallied its neighbors and led the Shining Crusade, a glorious campaign that defeated the Whispering Tyrant's armies and sealed him away. For the better part of a millennium, Lastwall has guarded Tar-Baphon's prison and fended off the orc tribes to the north, rarely sparing a second thought to the rich archaeological secrets that lie just below the soil. A local venture-captain has found a lost chapter to the Tome of Righteous Repose, which chronicles the demise of countless heroes of the Shining Crusade. At long last, this has earned the Society Lastwall's blessing to uncover these lost sites, lay to rest the fallen crusaders, and repatriate the family heirlooms they carried to battle.
Player 1: Jim H
Player 2: Brian
Player 3: Hetti
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
Standby: Nick

9-12: Shrine of the Sacred Tempest (Tier 1-5) GM: Mark
Outside of a remote village in the tengu nation of Kwanlai, a generations-old group of shrinekeepers has dutifully watched over a holy site that commemorates celestial forces that fell in battle against a qlippoth invasion in the distant past. By tradition, the guardians report to celestial forces every 10 years, but these guardians have fallen silent. A messenger from Heaven has called upon the Pathfinder Society to investigate the historic site and uncover the truth behind the shrinekeepers' fate.

Contents in "Shrine of the Sacred Tempest" also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Silver Crusade faction.
Player 1: Callie
Player 2: Joan
Player 3: Deana
Player 4: James
Player 5: Erin
Player 6:

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:16 am
by WhiteMane
Please sign me up for Tower of the Ironwood Watch.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:50 am
by harleyquinn94
Can you sign Harlie up for From under ice please.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:14 pm
by MoffRimmer
Maybe mention that Tome of Righteous Repose is an "Evergreen" adventure...

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:19 pm
by donbuley
Could I get on From Under Ice please. Thanks.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:50 pm
by jahenders
Please sign me up for: 08-07: From the Tome of Righteous Repose (Tier 3-7 Evergreen adventure!) GM: Bill


Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 5:43 am
by Pippin
I'd like to join the From Under Ice table, please :=)

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:35 am
by Sir.Gryphon
We have had a few new players from the convention and visiting the store so I expect we will have folks show up on Wednesday who have not signed up.

Table GMs: I do not plan to cancel any tables until Wednesday night. If a game does not have enough players we do have an evergreen scenario planned for the night so we can move even experienced GMs to that table if need be.

Oh, and in case you have not noticed, they have added a SFS ranking to your profile page. If you support SFS, jump to your profile and update your info.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:05 am
by lochinvar_1971
If we have predominately new players, maybe we should have a second 1-5? I'd offer up The Confirmation or Wounded Wisp, but am already committed to running.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 2:48 pm
by jbane
Please put me down for "Tower of the Ironwood Watch."

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 2:58 pm
by greyblade23
Sign me up for From Under Ice, please.

Jim K

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:21 am
by Tavmminqat
This is Nick, could you sign me up for 0-44: Echoes of Everwar

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:20 pm
by Nilgodmode
Can I get on From Under Ice plz.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:13 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
I added another new 1-5 in case we have new player overflow.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS, 21 Feb 2018

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:20 pm
by Cohma
I will happily run this. I am going to show up ready to play/GM, but I hope our original GMs tables go off.