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January GMs Call for CollectorMania.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 8:03 pm
by Ahz
Greetings Adventurers!

We're in a new year and we're featuring a couple of new and old scenarios. On our CORE Tuesdays, we're staring the Devil We Know series.

At this time we are just taking bids for GMs.

Keep in mind the benefits of running games at CollectorMania:
1. We're participating in the Regional Support Program! Short version: you get boons for running games! Check out the LINK.
2. GMs get a $10 store gift certificate for their time and expense of preparing the scenario.
3. GMs get the privilege of signing up early for each game they volunteer to GM.
4. GMs get a free T-shirt once they have GMed 10 games at CollectorMania. These Ts grant the wearer a free re-roll per session.
5. Remember, Core Campaign allows a second GM chronicle if you have already GMed the scenario for the Organized Play Campaign. CORE games are labeled with a bolded, purple CORE.
6. The love, adoration and fear of everyone at the table they run.

Now, onto January's schedule:

Saturday, January 6th, noon - 4pm: #9-10: Signs in Senghor (1-5) GM: Tim
Saturday, January 6th, 5pm - 9pm: #1-07: Among the Living (1-7) GM: Steve

Tuesday, January 16th, 6pm - 10pm #1-29: The Devil We Know, Part I: Shipyard Rats (1-7) CORE GM: Paul

Saturday, January 20th, noon - 4pm: #9-11: The Jarlsblood Witch Saga (5-9) GM: Tim
Saturday, January 20th, 5pm - 9pm: #1-49: Among the Dead (1-7) GM: Walt

If you would like to GM any of these games, please reply to this thread.
Also, please remember to include which game(s) you would like to play.

Re: January GMs Call for CollectorMania.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 11:18 pm
by WaltRed

I can GM the 1-49 game.
I've played The Devil we Know part 1 Core with Lia, When the next three happen I'd like to continue with her.

I have the dates open for all the other games, So sign me up for 9-10.

Little correction: game on 1-6 at 5PM #1-7 should be #0-7

Thanks, Walt

Re: January GMs Call for CollectorMania.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:50 am
by Edwardteach
Sign me up to GM the 0-07 on the 6th at 5pm. Looking forward to playing this month!


Steve S.

Re: January GMs Call for CollectorMania.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 7:50 pm
by Pogie
I can GM jarlsblood witch saga on the 20th-Tim

Re: January GMs Call for CollectorMania.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:18 pm
by Pogie
I guess I'll GM the early game on the sixth-Tim

Re: January GMs Call for CollectorMania.

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 12:18 pm
by Ahz
Thanks Tim, you're awesome.