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Starfinder Society Launch - B-Con/Conclave of Gamers

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:09 am
by Drogon
Hello, intrepid adventurers!

There are some new things coming to town that I think you would love to join in on. For one thing, there is a new RPG coming from Paizo. You know about it, of course: Starfinder, a blend of sci-fi and fantasy, utilizing much of the flavor and rules from the Pathfinder RPG. The Core Rule Book, first Adventure Path, and some other goodies all will be available as of August 17th. Get your preorders in with your favorite local game store so you don't miss out.

To go along with that, Paizo is launching a new organized play campaign: Starfinder Society. There are four adventures that will be available, all of which fit nicely into four or five hour slots. And, like the Pathfinder Society, these are games you can play anywhere in the world, taking your characters from place to place to experience new environments and groups.

It just so happens that you'll have your first opportunity to play those adventures within days of their being available to you: at B-Con With Conclave of Gamers, in Aurora, Colorado. This convention will be taking place from August 31st through September 3rd, during Labor Day weekend, where there is no longer any other convention happening. I have set up a schedule of adventures covering Friday through Sunday, seven total SFS gaming slots for you to take advantage of.

Accompanying the SFS games will be the conclusion of Season 8 of Pathfinder Society, and the launch of Season 9. Saturday night will feature the multi-table sendoff to Season 8, #8-99, The Solstice Scar. The rest of the weekend will feature the first three scenarios available for Season 9, The Year of Factions' Favor.

Again, all of these adventures are brand new as of the end of August, so I'm pretty sure this will be your first chance to see any of them.

To join in, register for B-Con here: ... clave-2017

You will find a schedule of events there, as well, where you can sign up for individual games. There will also be D&D, miniatures games, and board games to join in on. Finally, you will find a full slate of vendors so that you can get all the gaming goodies you will need.

So that you know the PFS/SFS schedule in general, I have listed what I planned below. You can search for titles or by campaign to narrow down the schedule on the B-Con website to something easy for you to peruse.

As a "just in case," here is the information you may need to join the Starfinder Society, so as to continue your gaming throughout the campaign:

Of course, if you have any questions, please let me know.

Friday, 9:00 AM Slot
 SFS #1-00: Claim to Salvation (the Starfinder introduction adventure utilizing 4th level pre-gen PCs) - two tables
 PFS Quest: Honor's Echo (the convention exclusive PFS Quest line utilizing 1st level pre-gens) - two tables

Friday, 2:00 PM Slot
 SFS #1-00: Claim to Salvation - one table
 SFS #1-01: The Commencement (1st-2nd level Starfinder Society game) - two tables
 PFS Quest: Honor's Echo - one table

Friday, 7:00 PM Slot
 Fiesta (gather your friends, choose a GM, choose a scenario, and play) - five tables

Saturday, 9:00 AM Slot
 SFS #1-00: Claim to Salvation
 SFS #1-01: The Commencement
 PFS Quest: Honor's Echo
 PFS #9-01: The Cost of Enlightenment (1st-5th level Pathfinder Society game)
 PFS #9-02: A Case of Missing Persons (3rd-7th level Pathfinder Society game)

Saturday, 2:00 PM Slot
 SFS #1-02: Fugitive of the Red Planet (1st-2nd level Starfinder Society game)
 SFS #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth (1st-2nd level Starfinder Society game)
 PFS #9-01: The Cost of Enlightenment
 PFS #9-02: A Case of Missing Persons
 PFS #9-03: On the Border of War (5th-9th level Pathfinder Society game)

Saturday, 7:00 PM Slot
 #8-99: The Solstice Scar (Pathfinder Society Season 8 storyline finish, 1st-11th level, multi-table event) - five tables

Sunday, 9:00 AM Slot
 SFS #1-00: Claim to Salvation
 SFS #1-02: Fugitive of the Red Planet
 SFS #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth
 PFS Quest: Honor's Echo
 PFS #9-01: The Cost of Enlightenment

Sunday, 2:00 PM Slot
 SFS #1-00: Claim to Salvation
 SFS #1-02: Fugitive of the Red Planet
 SFS #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth
 PFS #9-02: A Case of Missing Persons
 PFS #9-03: On the Border of War

If you would like to GM some tables please get in touch with me directly using with your requests. Alternatively, you can post in the thread this announcement generates on

I'm excited for this event. I hope all of you are, too. It'll be fun to see you all around the convention table once again.

See you all soon,

Jeff Kokx

Re: Starfinder Society Launch - B-Con/Conclave of Gamers

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:16 pm
by KCRift
Oh man! I would love to get in on this!!! Not sure I can make it to Aurora next weekend though. Thanks Jeff - excited to get into StarFinder!

Re: Starfinder Society Launch - B-Con/Conclave of Gamers

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 12:13 pm
by CDragos
Since I am GMing and getting my badge through will-call or pick-up at the con, how do I go about signing up for #8-99 Solstice Scar as a player? That is the only one I wish to play, btw.

Christian D.

Re: Starfinder Society Launch - B-Con/Conclave of Gamers

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 3:10 pm
by Drogon
As explained in the GM thread and in the email to you: buy your badge, sign up to play that game, and get the badge refunded to you when you pick it up.

Alternatively, sign up when you pick your badge up at will-call.