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ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 10:08 pm
by Drogon
Hello everyone,

This announcement is for the upcoming Monday PFS games at Enchanted Grounds in Highlands Ranch. The date of the event is July 24th. We have three tables available, and each table has room at this point. If you would like to join a game send an email to and let me know. Of course, if you are listed, your seat is guaranteed. If you can't make it please let me know ASAP so that I can get alternate players involved.

Game time, as ever, is 6:00 PM. If you are going to be late please be sure to call the store to let them know so that you don't lose your seat. Also remember that games are $2 to play, which we use to buy a gift certificate for the GM to thank them for their time.

The games and player lists for our next PFS game day:

Monday, July 24th, 6:00 PM
Table 1: #8-22, Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen (tier 1-5)
GM: Judd
Player 1: Stephanie Schrader
Player 2: Steve Schrader
Player 3: Tom Bukowski
Player 4: Kelley Olsen
Player 5:
Player 6:

Table 2: #8-23, Graves of Crystalmaw Pass (tier 3-7)
GM: Erin Kramer
Player 1: Christian Dragos
Player 2: Patrick Anderson
Player 3: Matt McConnell
Player 4: William Thomas
Player 5: Blake Mann-Schweigert
Player 6: William Thomas

Table 3: #8-15, Hrethnar's Throne (tier 5-9)
GM: Jesse Butz
Player 1: Jeff Kokx
Player 2: Jared Koepsell
Player 3: Kevin French
Player 4: Meghan O'Connor
Player 5: Andrew Minott
Player 6: Kimberly McDonald

VERY IMPORTANT: Remember, email me directly at or put a post in the thread on to sign up to play.

See everyone soon.

Enchanted Grounds

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:46 am
by minott
Could you move me to table 1 please? Turns out I won't have a level 5 by next monday...

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:01 am
by Drogon
minott wrote: Could you move me to table 1 please? Turns out I won't have a level 5 by next monday...
Yes. And sad.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:39 am
I would like to play Monday table 1,  I have a boon to let me play this adventure again.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:21 am
by Drogon Thomas wrote: I would like to play Monday table 1,  I have a boon to let me play this adventure again.
So long as you understand that you will need to give up your seat if a player who has NOT played it signs up, I will list you as an alternate.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:04 pm
by CDragos
William, it would be nice to have you join us at table 2. :)

C. Dragos

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:24 pm
I'm making an alchemists, and would like to play this one.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:41 pm
by Drogon Thomas wrote: I'm making an alchemists, and would like to play this one.
As I said, I will be giving priority to players who have not played it already.

Would you like a seat at Table 2?

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:16 pm
Dnt know why,  but I thought all this was for the Monday 17th. 
Sorry but I can't play on the 24th.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:59 pm
by Drogon
Updated as of Thursday, July 20th.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:17 pm
by Drogon
Final update is posted, Sunday, July 23rd.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:48 pm
by CDragos
Jeff, William said a couple posts up that he can't be there tomorrow. Is Crystalmaw Pass still going to happen?

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, July 24th PFS

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:13 am
by Drogon
It can at three. You'll be taking a GMPC.

Also, all three alternates should be able to play that game instead of the other. They just have not replied to any of my emails (even the initial one saying they were alternates). If they haven't been getting my emails, they'll show up because they think they're going to play the first table. If they have been getting them, they'll show up so they can play the second table.

Edit: Nathan and Darrel can't play Table 2. They may be able to play Table 3. Blake definitely can play Table 2, though. We'll see what happens, I guess.