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Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:20 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
Where has the time gone?  April is almost done and May is soon to start.

There are no updates yet on the relocation for Enchanted Realms, but when I have more information I will post it on the forums.

As a reminder, sign up for events as soon as you can to guarantee a seat at the table.  There will also be an additional Tier 1-5  event scheduled this week... as soon as I find one that will work.  I have posted a new Tier 1-7 game below if a GM (James, I am looking at you >.<) wants to volunteer.

Meanwhile, on to the games!

05-16  Destiny of the Sands Pt 3:  Sanctum of the Sages **CORE**  Tier 3-7  GM: Richard
Uncovering the secrets of a Jeweled Sage reveals that the others are in grave danger, and the PCs set off after notorious jewel thieves before the criminals can disappear with another priceless treasure. When the trail leads to the sages' hidden sanctum deep within the Pillars of the Sun, the Pathfinders must draw upon both their own resourcefulness and the ancient historians' power if they are to preserve a millennia-old organization and Osirion's past.  'Sanctum of the Sages' is the final scenario in the three-part Destiny of the Sands campaign arc. It follows Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-12: Destiny of the Sands-Part 1: "A Bitter Bargain" and Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-15: Destiny of the Sands-Part 2: "Race to Seeker's Folly." All three chapters are intended to be played in order.
Player 1: Bill
Player 2: David
Player 3: Micheal
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

04-25  Glories of the Past Part 3:  The Secrets of Stones Keep  Tier 5-9  GM: James
Deep beneath the orc city of Urgir in the Hold of Belkzen lie the ruins of the ancient dwarven Sky Citadel of Koldukar, where awaits what could be the greatest discovery of the Age of Lost Omens: confirmation of the location of one of the lost Sky Citadels, built by the dwarves in their earliest days on the surface of Golarion. But reaching their destination won't be easy for the Pathfinders, and only the most skilled will survive Urgir and the terrors guarding the dwarves' long-abandoned secrets. Can they uncover the location of the lost Sky Citadel, or will the Pathfinders suffer the same fate as Koldukar-defeat at the hands of ruthless orcs and centuries of decay under the earth?
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

03-22  The Rats of Round Mountain-Part II: Pagoda of the Rat  Tier 7-11  GM: Randy
In the hollow center of Round Mountain, the Pathfinder Society's crack team of special agents must navigate the so-called Pagoda of the Rat, where the influential ratfolk of the region hold court. Can they break up negotiations between the ratfolk and the sinister Aspis Consortium, or will the risks taken to reach this point have been in vain? The future of the Pathfinder Society's viability in the region lies in the PCs' hands.
Player 1: Austin
Player 2: Hjal
Player 3: Sean
Player 4: Zaia
Player 5:
Player 6:
Standby: James

08-16  House of Harmonious Wisdom  Tier 1-5  GM: OJ
Mighty Lung Wa once controlled much of Tian Xia, but the empire crumbled a century ago. Three Successor States have squabbled for dominance ever since, each insisting that it alone is the rightful inheritor of Lung Wa's glory. In the shadow of these mighty nations, the humble land of Shokuro has sought the means to discourage its neighbors' territorial ambitions and earn their respect. When a retired hero learns of a lost, legendary palace that might protect relics of the old empire, she calls on the Pathfinder Society for assistance finding the fabled site. The PCs must travel to each of the Successor States in search of clues to uncover the palace and the treasures within.
Player 1: Brandon
Player 2: Jesse
Player 3: Patrick
Player 4: Shanna
Player 5: Nadia
Player 6: Linaeve

01-29  Devil We Know Pt.1:  Shipyard Rats, Tier 1-7, GM: James

When simultaneous kidnappings of Pathfinder and Aspis Consortium agents rock Cassomir's Imperial Naval Shipyards, the Society orders you to join forces with hated Aspis agents to solve the mystery. Can you work together with the enemies of the Society to uncover the source of the kidnappings, or will you perish in the shipyards of Cassomir?
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:00 pm
by MoffRimmer
Destiny of the Sands part 3, please.

Thank you.


Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:29 pm
by Pippin
Zaia and I for House of Harmonious Wisdom, please.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:50 pm
by Hjal Nelson
I hear all the cool kids are playing high tier this week.

You want to be one of the cool kids, don't you?

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:06 pm
by Pippin
Hjal Nelson wrote: I hear all the cool kids are playing high tier this week.

You want to be one of the cool kids, don't you?
Okay, you've twisted my arm.  Zaia and I will play the high tier table.  We'll be bringing level 7 characters (Stella and Creator).

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:11 pm
by Hjal Nelson

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:23 pm
by KatanaEdge316
Hight Tier For the Win!!!!!!!! Proud of you I am!!!! And Thank you Hjal for your beautiful persuasion!!! ;)

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:09 pm
by DavidPetik
Hjal Nelson wrote: I hear all the cool kids are playing high tier this week.

You want to be one of the cool kids, don't you?
Hey but the sadist are playing 05-16  Destiny of the Sands Pt 3:  Sanctum of the Sages **CORE**, so sign me up for that.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:26 am
by Vulse
Sign Brandon and I up for 08-16  House of Harmonious Wisdom, Thanks!

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:26 am
by jbane
I would like to sign up as a standby for "House of Harmonious Wisdom" please. Just in case my table doesn't go off again.
James Bane.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:50 am
by Pippin
jbane wrote: I would like to sign up as a standby for "House of Harmonious Wisdom" please. Just in case my table doesn't go off again.
James Bane.
Or, you could join us at the high tier know...the cool kids table?  (free action to twist arm)

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:27 am
by Shanna
Patrick and Shanna for House of Harmonious Wisdom please.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:43 pm
by aidanixi
Sign me up for the House of Harmonious Wisdom... I'm thinking Minnow could use some wisdom, and our team could do with some harmony...

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:57 am
by Linaeve
Sign me up for House of Harmonious Wisdom, please!

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS, 26 Apr 2017

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:39 pm
by jbane
"Hey Ouch." Since my arm is being twisted, "Ouch." I guess I can move over to the "Cool Kids Table, The Rats of Round Mountain Party II, Pagoda of the Rat, Tier 7-11." "Sean quit touching me!!!" Unless a bunch of people sign up to play at my table, "Hjal stop biting my leg," Or we need to start another 1-5 table. Besides, somebody needs to be there to pull Austin out of the Ooze before he gets eatin again. "Zaia stop pulling my hair!!"
James Bane