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ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, February 27th PFS

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:39 pm
by Drogon
Hello Pathfinders!

We are less than a week away from the final PFS game day at Enchanted Grounds in Highlands Ranch. This announcement serves to let you know about available space and to update you on who has what seat.

If your name is listed your seat is guaranteed. If you want to be on the list you simply need to send an email to to let me know which table you want to play. Remember we only have six seats at each table, so if you want one make sure to let me know ASAP. If you are listed and cannot make it please be sure to give me plenty of warning so that I can get any possible alternates involved in games. If you are going to be late be sure to call ahead to let us know or risk losing your seat to an alternate.

Remember, games are $2 to play, which we use to give GMs a gift certificate to thank them for their efforts in providing us all with fun and excitement.

Without further ado, the games and player lists for this coming Monday:

Monday, February 27th, 6:00 PM
Table 1: #8-10, Secrets of the Endless Skies (tier 1-5)
GM: Kimberly McDonald
Player 1: Jeff Kokx
Player 2: Jesse Butz
Player 3: Sean Clark
Player 4: Nathan Cejka
Player 5: David Davis
Player 6: Darrell Cejka

Table 2: #8-12, Caught in the Eclipse (tier 3-7)

Table 3: #8-13, What Sleeps in Stone (tier 7-11)
GM: Judd
Player 1: Christian Dragos
Player 2: Brad Woodcock
Player 3: Patrick Anderson
Player 4: Matt McConnell
Player 5: William Thomas
Player 6:

VERY IMPORTANT: Remember, email me directly at or put a post in the thread on to sign up to play.

See everyone soon.

Enchanted Grounds

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, February 27th PFS

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:09 pm
by CDragos
I'm fine with Sleeps in Stone getting postponed if there are only 3 players. I'd rather have 4+ players. Also, I have jury duty on Monday. Yay.

Christian Dragos

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, February 27th PFS

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:28 pm
by Drogon
I only just announced it, and we have a few days. We'll see what happens.

It's a fun one, by the way.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, February 27th PFS

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:34 pm
by Drogon
1st update, Thursday, February 23rd.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, February 27th PFS

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:27 am
Please sign me up for 813 thankyou

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, February 27th PFS

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:41 am
by Drogon
You got it, William.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, February 27th PFS

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:34 am
by Drogon
The above lists are the final lists. See everyone tonight.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, February 27th PFS

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:37 pm
by LordGalencia
Hey All,

Sorry for the late notice, I'm doing a big surgery case and it's looking like it will be a while... good luck and have fun without us tonight! (we will still try to make it, but it's not looking like we will, so feel free to fill our spots if you can)

Best of luck!

Nathan and Darrell

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Monday, February 27th PFS

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:51 pm
by Drogon
Okay, everyone, with Nathan and Darrell dropping, that table is now short of players (Daniel dropped this morning). I will be sending emails to you to see if you want to shift to different tables or simply bail on the night. Watch for them, please.