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Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:02 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
This will be our last week of Pathfinder Society at the Constitution Enchanted Realms location.  Starting the first Wednesday of April we will be at the new location at 2163 Academy Blvd North (near Constitution and Academy)
Never mind, there is a delay while the contract is being signed... stay tuned to this forum for breaking news as it comes in.

Normally we only get four weeks of adventure a month, but fate was kind to us in March and we are blessed with an EXTRA WEDNESDAY!

This week, the Pathfinder Society is concluding their quest for the Sky Key, braves the siege of Pezzack in search of an informant, investigate the fey of Sanos Forest, explore the haunted house in the Dragon Empires, and in our Bonus Adventure, the Pathfinders must choose sides of a conflict in far off Tian Xia.

06-16 Scions of the Sky Key Pt 3:  The Golden Guardian, Tier 1-5, GM Jesse
Having bested the Aspis Consortium and recovered a powerful weapon, the PCs return to the Bandu Hills to delve into its ruins, confront the ancient guardian within, and find their missing venture-captain. Even greater secrets lie below, and the Pathfinders soon find that there is more to the so-called Golden Guardian than legends suggest. Are the PCs resourceful enough to survive the mounting danger and find Nieford Sharrowsmith?
Player 1: Nadia
Player 2: Keith
Player 3: Sean
Player 4: Zaia
Player 5: Brandon
Player 6: donbuley

06-22 Out of Anarchy, Tier 1-5, GM Bill
Several years ago, rebellion in the seaside town of Pezzack resulted in a Chelish blockade to slowly starve the rioters into submission. Since then few have entered or left, trapping the increasingly desperate citizens with little with which to repair their broken homes and eke out a living. When the Society learns that an important informant still lives in the ruined town, the PCs must smuggle themselves into Pezzack, navigate the devastated urban landscape, and extract their contact-all without igniting a new rebellion and inviting Cheliax's unfettered wrath.
Player 1: Hillary
Player 2: Erik R
Player 3: Hjal
Player 4: Shanna
Player 5: Patrick
Player 6:

04-05 The Sanos Abduction, Tier 3-7, GM Micheal
The Pathfinders are sent to the Sanos Forest in central Varisia to assist an agent researching the fey who inhabit the remote wood. But like many seemingly routine tasks in a Pathfinder's adventuring career, the simple support mission quickly turns into an adventure the PCs aren't soon to forget-presuming they survive.
Player 1: Nick
Player 2: David
Player 3: Roy
Player 4: Jonathan
Player 5: Richard
Player 6:
Standby: Randy

03-15 The Haunting of Hinojai, Tier 5-9, GM Randy
Ever seeking long-lost secrets, the Pathfinder Society sends a team of agents to explore a reportedly haunted house in the Dragon Empires nation of Minkai, hoping they can uncover the secret behind the legendary location's tormented past.
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

03-17 Red Harvest, Tier 7-11, GM Brian
In the naga-ruled nation of Nagajor in southern Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society finds itself caught between feuding factions in a remote village. Forced to choose a side, the decisions of the agents involved could determine whether or not the Society gains access to a valuable religious artifact considered sacred by the village's nagaji population.
Player 1: O.J.
Player 2: Austin
Player 3: Mark
Player 4: Alex
Player 5: Jessica
Player 6: James
Player 7: dawnforged

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:17 pm
by aidanixi
Please sign me and my friend Keith up for Scions part 3. Thanks! :) Nadia

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:11 pm
by Pippin
Zaia and I for Sky Key Part Three, please.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:44 am
by Drizheim
Erik R. for Out of anarchy.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 3:03 pm
by Hjal Nelson
I'm in for out of anarchy

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 8:59 am
by Vulse
And one more time - Brandon for Scions.  Thank you!

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:24 pm
by alexdm
Please sign me up ofr 03-17 Red Harvest, Tier 7-11,

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:20 am
by Shanna
Shanna and Patrick for Out of Anarchy please

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:10 pm
by alexdm
Please sign up Jessica 3-17 Red Harvest

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:30 pm
by donbuley
Put me down for Scions part 3 please.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:34 am
by jbane
I would like to sign up for "Red Harvest" please.
James Bane.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:00 pm
by alexdm
Please sign up dawnforged for the red harvest 7-11

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:41 pm
by DavidPetik
Nick and I would like to play 04-05 The Sanos Abduction, but we could play 03-15 The Haunting of Hinojai if someone would rather play that.

Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:32 am
by lochinvar_1971
With the influx of new players, if need be you can reassign me to any of the mid tier tables to allow a person without that flexibility to play.  I have a character I can play at any of those levels.


Re: Enchanted Realms PFS 29 March 2017

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:39 am
by Nilgodmode
Can Harlie and I get on, The Sanos Abduction, please.