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What is your favorite character?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:25 am
by Sir.Gryphon
We all have fond memories of our favorite characters and their adventures so I thought I would start a poll to ask about your favorites.  Tell us what you think!

Re: What is your favorite character?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:31 am
by Sir.Gryphon
One of many favorite characters:

Name: Sebastion

Class: OCC Knight of Sunn (Palladium Fantasy RPG)

Notable adventure: While charging into battle to save a princess from a colossal thicket serpent (i.e. colossal linorm/limbless dragon) he succeeded in literally charging his mount right down the beast's throat, eventually finding and slicing the creature's heart from inside the creature.

Why is this character a favorite?: Through this character I was able to be loyal, just, self sacrificing, noble, and valiant.  All of the qualities I try to live up to even today.

Re: What is your favorite character?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:36 pm
by KatanaEdge316
Great yet complicated. Though fond of my Samurai characters, I am also drawn to my fighter and gunslinger, I have high hopes for some newer characters I've made as well. All characters are an extension of personality and serve whatever purpose is needed. But I love them all.

Re: What is your favorite character?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:35 pm
by KatanaEdge316
Notable characters....

Samurai: Hanzo Ryu
Gunslinger: Arianna Declii
Fighter: Iearatreea Qui Metit

Re: What is your favorite character?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:44 pm
by Pippin
I believe my favorite for sheer fun would be my tiefling oracle of bones/occultist, Stella Lynette Vervain Hofflepride.  While her parents envisioned her becoming a horseman of the apocalypse, she turned out more My Little Pony.  She enjoys tea parties and sticking her hand in fire.  When her party was discovered as being Pathfinders and a pronouncement of, "You're Pathfinders!" was made, she replied with, "Your face is a Pathfinder!"  She also enjoys knocking on suspicious doors with the cover story of calling out, "Pathfinder Scout cookies!"  She's a delight.

Aldren Droon, better known as Droon the Huntsman, is another favorite.  The half-orc summoner/musket master thinks he's Prince Charming and is trying to find his one true love...through the process of elimination.  I have four other characters who are his illegitimate children.  He once willingly ran to and kissed a succubus (though she was disguised as a mermaid...sitting on dry land in the middle of a forest...).  His eidolon, Challa, commonly travels in disguise as Brother Maynard (though not carrying the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch), though he occasionally steps in as Droon's wing man...literally since he has the winged evolution.

I enjoy all of my characters, but I'd say those two are favorites.

Re: What is your favorite character?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:53 am
by wez201102
It's hard to say what my favorite character is. I often find myself drawn to Brother Tane, a cookie cutter Paladin. He was my first DnD character back when 4th edition was a thing at heroes and dragons, some 7 Years ago?

But for Society I'm really enjoying my Magus. Elise Swiftspell. She's a librarian for the dark archives. But what I like about her is that she's the first Lawful Neutral character I've played. I built her personality around the idea "I don't really care so long you return your books on time!". Which has lead to some hilarious situations when she feels obligated to engage in combat due to her books getting Damaged or wet. Luckily she has a bag of holding now so it's less of a huge deal. But still! Take care of your books!

Re: What is your favorite character?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 3:44 pm
by Atun
Hands Down My Warrior of the Holy Light, ThatThing.

Not only is he a Paladin unlike any other, his wit and surprising charisma have both saved and frustrated parties, but in combat his abilities have turned difficult scenarios into cakewalks. His constant thoughts of food are also an entertaining distraction from the tasks at hand.

Re: What is your favorite character?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:43 pm
by Alecak
Several characters come to mind. And most people could tell you a story or 2 about a few of them as well. But one of my favorite is my elven barbarian, Jayden Joysword. He was the only one of his kind until a few months after he was mid levels everyone seemed to have one build like him.

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