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GMs STILL NEEDED! - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - August, 2016 PFS

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:00 pm
by Drogon

Due to a misreading on my part, I am actually short a GM for two tables. Remember, if you want to GM you get all of the following:
  • I can get you the module for free. If requested, I will provide a physical copy of it, along with faction missions and chronicle sheets. In certain cases, I can get you an electronic copy, but those cases are necessarily rare and must be discussed.
  • You will earn a $10 gift certificate to the store for each game you GM. This helps offset any cost you incur purchasing the scenario or the supplies to run that scenario.
  • You will be given access to the schedule ahead of the general announcement. For each table you GM I will allow you to take a player seat at another table. This seat is guaranteed, as you will be signing up ahead of the open call.
  • Once you have GM'd 10 scenarios, starting with sessions run in July of 2016 and ending in June of 2017, you will be rewarded with a 'GM's Kit.' This kit will consist of a Bestiary Box (of your choice), a GM's Screen, a hardcover Bestiary (or NPC Codex) of your choice, a Chessex Battlemap, and one set of wet-erase markers. This set of items is a $135 value and can only be earned by running games from July 2016 to June 2017.
  • All of the inherent benefits of GMing PFS scenarios (character credit, advancement on the GM "star" tier, access to chronicle boons when made available, etc.).
If you are willing to take the tables, I need the following:

Saturday, August 20th, 9:00 AM
#7-27, Beyond Azlant Ridge (tier 3-7)

Saturday, August 20th, 2:00 PM
#7-28, Ageless Ambitions (tier 7-11)

Send an email to to take either of these tables.


Enchanted Grounds

Re: GMs NEEDED! - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - August, 2016 PFS

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:41 pm
by Feral
Monday, August 8th, 6:00 PM:
GM: #6-98, Serpent's Rise (Aspis Consortium Pre-Gens) - You must be 4 or 5-star GM to run

Saturday, August 20th, 9:00 AM:
Play: #7-27, Beyond Azlant Ridge (tier 3-7)

Saturday, August 20th, 2:00 PM:
GM: #7-98, Serpent's Ire (Aspis Consortium Pre-Gens) - You must be 4 or 5-star GM to run

Monday, August 22nd, 6:00 PM:
Play: #7-28, Ageless Ambitions (tier 7-11)

Re: GMs NEEDED! - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - August, 2016 PFS

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:50 pm
by Drogon

Are you wanting to run all these?

Re: GMs NEEDED! - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - August, 2016 PFS

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:52 pm
by Feral

I'm playing two and running two.

Re: GMs NEEDED! - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - August, 2016 PFS

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:55 pm
by Drogon
Ah. Missed the bit before the colon.

Re: GMs NEEDED! - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - August, 2016 PFS

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:50 pm
by Russ Brown
Hey Jeff,
As discussed, I can run Serpent's Ire in the Morning on the 20th.


Re: GMs NEEDED! - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - August, 2016 PFS

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:38 pm
by Amazingred
You get my email, Jeff?

Re: GMs STILL NEEDED! - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - August, 2016 PFS

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:00 pm
by Drogon
Modified because I still need GMs, in turns out. Please reply back if you're willing to take a spot.

Re: GMs STILL NEEDED! - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - August, 2016 PFS

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:06 pm
by Russ Brown
I can run Ageless Ambitions on the afternoon of the 20th if you still need someone Jeff.

Re: GMs STILL NEEDED! - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - August, 2016 PFS

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 5:06 pm
by Drogon
Chris Mabbut took Ageless Ambitions, but I still need a GM for Beyond Azlant Ridge in the morning. Please step up and run this adventure, folks, else you will see it get canceled.