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Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:45 am
by WhiteMane
7-12 The Twisted Circle (Tier 1-5)
A magical war between the archmages Geb and Nex left the landscape between their nations scarred and wracked by magical anomalies-a barren stretch known as the Mana Wastes. During the conflict, their generals also created countless weapons and defenses that pushed the limits of magic, yet most of these were destroyed in battle or lost forever. Recent investigations suggest that some of this ancient power is at play in an insular town outside Alkenstar, but there the trail runs cold. Can the PCs uncover the truth while braving the residents' eccentricities?
GM:  Jesse
Player 1:  Roy
Player 2:  Scott
Player 3:  Richard
Player 4:  Brandon
Player 5:  Emily
Player 6:  Vin

6-15 The Overflow Archives (Tier 1-5)
Beneath the Grand Lodge of Absalom lie the vaults, a series of storerooms and libraries that contain much of the Society's findings from the past centuries. Cataloguing the sundry relics and texts takes time, and finds requiring closer study find their way to an extensive vault called the Overflow Archives. Soon after a pair of initiates sneaks into the archive and steals a few items on a dare, the complex inexplicably springs a leak. It is up to the PCs to investigate this strange phenomenon and put a stop to it before thousands of priceless documents are ruined forever.
GM:  James
Player 1: 
Player 2: 
Player 3: 
Player 4: 
Player 5: 
Player 6: 

Module Risen From the Sands ***CORE*** (Tier 2-4)
The deserts of Osirion-land of pharaohs and ancient tombs-hide not just untold wonders, but also unspeakable dangers. When the vast sand dunes part to reveal the ancient pyramid of the legendary Pharaoh of Sphinxes, glory seekers from across many nations race toward it, each fighting to be the first to claim its wonders. But the storied pharaoh doesn't rest quietly within this monument, and his tomb was designed to slaughter any who would dare trespass.  A band of bold adventurers are the first to arrive, and stand poised to claim what's risen from the sands-but they're unaware of the doom that lurks inside. With daring on their side and strange, rarely seen powers at their disposal, the heroes may be the only force capable of containing the force of evil within and defeating its curse!
GM:  Brian
Player 1:  O.J.
Player 2:  Jacob
Player 3:  Sean
Player 4:  Erik R
Player 5: 
Player 6:  James?

6-20 Returned to the Sky (Tier 7-11)
Part of a Numerian relic once thought scattered to the winds has found its way back to the savage land of super-science, and the Pathfinder Society must track down the component if they are to unlock the device's secrets. Clues point to the economic hub Chesed, where only the descendants of a shattered clan can share where their revered ancestor buried the strange artifact. Can the PCs brave the troubled city, evade the vigilant agents of the Technic League, and survive a trip into the Numerian wastes?
GM:  Chelsea
Player 1:  Hillary
Player 2:  Michael
Player 3:  Kevin
Player 4: 
Player 5: 
Player 6: 

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:13 pm
by Nilgodmode
Can you put Roy and Harlie on The Twisted Circle if you would please?

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:51 pm
by lochinvar_1971
I'll like to play 7-12 please


Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:04 pm
by Fyre Vyxsin
Micheal, Kevin and I would like to get signed up for Return to the Sky, please. Thanks ~ Hillary

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:24 pm
by Alecak
Sign me up for the core risen game. I maybe a little late I'll keep ya posted if I am

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:19 am
by PaperArgonaut
Could I please sign up for 7-12?


Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 4:16 pm
by Pippin
Zaia and I would like to join the Core table, please.  It will be the last adventure before Ehlio and Violent hit level 5!!

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:14 pm
by Khan Shawnery
Sign me up for The Twisted Circle  please - Vin

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:25 am
by Alecak
I will be late for the game  as we have a coworker off and I need to stay till 6 to cover him. Should be there around 630

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:19 pm
by Drizheim
Erik R. for Risen from the Sands

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:24 pm
by KatanaEdge316
So I've been pretty sick for the last few days and doubt I'll make it Wednesday. Please take me off for this Wednesday. I'll see you guys next week.

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:40 am
by jbane
If me game gets cancelled, please put me down for the core game.

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 10:57 am
by Pippin
Zaia has the pukeys and possibly strep (we've got a doctor's appointment at 1:15), so she isn't going to make it tonight.  I should still be there, though.

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:43 pm
by Nilgodmode
Harlie can't make it, she's not feeling too well, don't know why, weren't gonna  pry. I'll still show up though.

Re: Enchanted Realms - June 8, 2016

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:26 pm
by Durell
If there's still room id like to sign up for the 7-12 game :-)
