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ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Saturday, May 21st PFS

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 9:55 am
by Drogon

This is the announcement for the Saturday PFS games at Enchanted Grounds in Highlands Ranch. If your name is on this list you are guaranteed your seat. If you cannot make it please be sure to let me know so that I can get your seat to an alternate. Remember that games start at 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM on Saturdays; if you are going to be late you MUST call the store, or you will lose your spot to an alternate.

To sign up for a spot just send an email to and let me know where you would like to play.

Games are $2 to play, which we use to give a gift certificate to each GM to thank them for their work and efforts.

The player lists for next Saturday's games:

Saturday, May 21st
Slot 1, 9:00 AM

Table 1: #7-21, The Sun Orchid Scheme (tier 1-5)
GM: Jess Burlason
Player 1: Davin Northcoat
Player 2: Ben Knauth
Player 3: Brian Fryslie
Player 4: Nic Willey
Player 5: Michael Frick
Player 6:

Table 2: #7-17, Thralls of the Shattered God (tier 5-9)
GM: Kimberly McDonald
Player 1: Andy Johnson
Player 2: Eric Parker
Player 3: Mike Bertelsen
Player 4: Tim Goodwin
Player 5:
Player 6:

Table 3: #7-20, All for Immortality Part 1 - First Taste of Eternity (tier 12-13)
SPECIAL: This scenario will run for two slots, and will be limited to 12th and 13th level PCs, only.
GM: Jeff Kokx
Player 1: Judd
Player 2: Christian Dragos
Player 3: Matt McConnell
Player 4: James Stepanek
Player 5: Daniel Sheehan
Player 6: Andrew Seifert

Saturday, May 21st
Slot 2, 2:00 PM

Table 1: #7-16, Faithless and Forgotten Part 2 - Lost Colony of Taldor (tier 1-5)
GM: Chris Mabbutt
Player 1: Zach Armstrong
Player 2: Danielle
Player 3: Iris Mowry
Player 4: Nic Willey
Player 5: Ben Knauth
Player 6: David Davis
Alternate: Jimmy Haturn

Table 2: #7-15, The Deepmarket Deception (tier 3-7)
GM: Kimberly McDonald
Player 1: Peter Hoang
Player 2: Becca Bean
Player 3: Nick Louie
Player 4: Eric Parker
Player 5: Mike Jones
Player 6: Tim Goodwin
Alternate: Mike Bertelsen

Table 3: #7-20, All for Immortality Part 1 - First Taste of Eternity (tier 12-13)
SPECIAL: This is listed only for the sake of formatting. All players listed at table 3 for slot 1 are automatically listed for this table as well.

IMPORTANT! To sign up please send an email to <-- Click this link. Your email program or smartphone will automatically generate an email for you. DO NOT simply hit "reply" on what you are reading right now, as that will not go to anyone.

See you all soon.

Enchanted Grounds

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Saturday, May 21st PFS

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 12:24 pm
by Drogon
Updated as of Wednesday, May 18th.

It's looking pretty grim for that morning table of Thralls of the Shattered God. Let me know as soon as you can if you want to play there. It'd be sad to take a brand new adventure that's only been played twice off the schedule for the foreseeable future...

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Saturday, May 21st PFS

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 3:59 pm
by kimcdonald
Yeah! Come play Thralls with me. It's an awesome adventure and I would hate to not be able to run such an awesome experience.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Saturday, May 21st PFS

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 4:44 pm
by Amazingred
Well if I can help make the table, I have replay credit I'd be willing to spend to play it and I'm not doing anything that morning. Would any of the Sun Orchid players be willing to switch over?

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Saturday, May 21st PFS

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 6:19 pm
by Drogon
Updated again. If we get two more for that morning table...

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Saturday, May 21st PFS

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 7:20 am
by ESParker
Or even one more player and we can add a pregen. . .

Re: ANNOUNCING - Highlands Ranch - Enchanted Grounds - Saturday, May 21st PFS

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:25 pm
by Drogon
Final update is posted. All tables are good to go.

See you all tomorrow.