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Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 2:55 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
Note: As a courtesy to your fellow adventurers, please sign up or cancel NO LATER THAN one hour prior to game time (5pm Wednesday) so we can plan the night's games.

May 11, 2016
New Seeker Arc All characters subject to audit before sign-up.  Email your character and chronicle sheets to for approval.
07-20: All for Immortality, Part 1: First Taste of Eternity, Tier 12-15, GM O.J.
Every year, one of Thuvia's five city-states receives a mere six vials of the famous sun orchid elixir-a potent and extravagantly expensive tonic able to reverse the effects of aging. After both of his last two shipments disappeared without a trace, the ruler of Pashow has retained the services of the Pathfinder Society to ensure that this year the elixir arrives unharmed and restores prosperity to his realm. However, what begins as an unusual security assignment quickly spirals into a revelatory unveiling of Pashow's treacherous underbelly.
Player 1: Brandon
Player 2: Micheal
Player 3: Jacob
Player 4: Brian
Player 5: Alex (called me to say they would like to be signed up--O.J.)
Player 6: Belinda (called me to say they would like to be signed up--O.J.)

00-02: The Hydra's Fang Incident *CORE*, Tier 1-5, GM Randy
After an Andoren village is razed by the Hydra's Fang, a renegade Chelish slaver-ship, outrage threatens the stability of both nations. You and your fellow Pathfinders are sent to capture the Fang before the Inner Sea is pitched into political frenzy.
Player 1: Roy
Player 2: Emily
Player 3: Will
Player 4: Amanda
Player 5: Kevin
Player 6: Vin
Player 7: Glen

07-19: Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts, Tier 3-7, GM Mark
Following a successful mission into the mist-shrouded and shifting Gloomspires, the Pathfinder Society sent another team to explore the tomb of the legendary pirate Sevenfingers. Unfortunately, this team never returned. The spires have momentarily halted, allowing a new team to brave the tomb's many dangers, hopefully rescuing their allies in the process.
Player 1: lochinvar
Player 2: Austin
Player 3: Hillary
Player 4: Jimmie
Player 5: James
Player 6:

01-36: Echoes of the Everwar - Part I:  The Prisoner of Skull Hill, Tier 7-11, GM Jesse
A Chelish outpost deep inside the anarchic orc-controlled Hold of Belkzen has gone silent after strange fires were seen burning in the skies above. You have been sent north to investigate the disappearance and find a lost tomb long rumored to exist beneath the outpost's timber tower. When you arrive and find the place choked with monsters and hideous plant creatures from beyond the stars, your mission of exploration quickly turns to one of survival.
Player 1: Drew
Player 2: Sean (I did not think you wanted to play at separate tables)
Player 3: Zaia
Player 4: Chelsea
Player 5: Jacob II
Player 6: Mark
Player 7: Connor

**NEW** 7-01: Between the Lines, Tier 1-5, GM Richard
Rival explorers have beaten the Pathfinders to a valuable site in Katapesh, but fortunately most of the riches-including the obscure text the Society sought in the first place-have ended up in the capitol's extensive bazaars. What is at first a routine shopping trip spirals out of control as the PCs uncovers the writing's secret past-and secret messages.
Player 1: Jim
Player 2: Donny
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 2:59 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
As a reminder, if you have any special requests, please post them in the 'Scenario Wishlist' thread.  I know we have had many requests, but if they are not documented in that message thread, I am likely to forget them...

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 3:03 pm
by TharanDanlon
Please sign Chelsea up for 01-36: Echoes of the Everwar - Part I:  The Prisoner of Skull Hill


Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 4:01 pm
by KatanaEdge316
I would like to be signed up for Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts please.

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 5:23 pm
by Fyre Vyxsin
I'd like to get signed up for Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts, please. Thank you ~ Hillary

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 5:28 pm
by musclecarlover07
All for Immortality, Part 1: First Taste of Eternity Micheal.

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 8:06 pm
by Nilgodmode
Can I, I being Roy, play in the 1-5 core game.

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 11:21 pm
by Alecak
ReRetirement arc please.  I have several options

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 12:01 am
by PaperArgonaut
Could I (Emily) please be signed up for 00-02: The Hydra's Fang Incident?


Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 3:58 am
by Dulon
I'd like a spot at Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts please.


Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 11:52 am
by McJeeps
Please sign Drew up for echoes of every at part 1

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 8:15 pm
by XxWillDaBeastxX
Will and Amanda would like to sign up for the core 1-5 table please!

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 1:51 am
by masskill25
I will take a spot on the core table Kevin

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 9:18 am
by jbane
I would like to sign up for "Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts" please.

Re: Enchanted Realms, May 11, 2016

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 7:41 pm
by Hakken
sign me up for the new retirement arc please

brian.    several options also