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ANNOUNCING! - Colorado Springs - Petrie's Family Games - April 23 Player Signup

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:52 pm
by ESParker

Greetings Fellow Pathfinders,

I am Eric Parker, and I am now accepting Player signups for sessions at Petrie's Family Games for April 23rd. Sorry this is a little late, but it has been a bit of a rough month.

We have shifted the schedule to the Second and Fourth Saturdays, and this will be the schedule for the foreseeable future. 

As always, we are limited to six players at each table, first come, first served.

Players at Petrie's are not required to pay to play, but a $2 per player per game contribution to store credit for the GM is recommended.  This should not be considered a barrier to players who can't afford the contribution.

GMs also receive a $5 store credit for running a successful game. This will be given per session, and it is only given for a scheduled, publically accessible store event (no pick up games, no private sessions.)

If you want to sign up, just let me know by replying to this thread or emailing me at

The game and GM list:

Saturday, 23 April
Noon-4 PM
GM:  Obstinant
5-01  The Glass River Rescue  1-5
A Pathfinder leading a diplomatic envoy from the dwarven holds of the Five Kings Mountains has gone missing, and the balance of power in a time of war hangs on her rescue. The Pathfinder Society's divinations indicate the agent was waylaid in the theocratic nation of Razmiran, when one of her escorted diplomats failed to pay a requested tithe. Now it falls to the party to enter Razmiran, locate the missing Pathfinder and the dwarven diplomats, and escape with their lives.

Player 1: Kevin
Player 2: Mike Bertelsen
Player 3: Tim Goodwin
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6: Eric Parker

Saturday, 23 April
5-9 PM
GM:  Eric Parker
4-16  The Fabric of Reality  5-9
For the past year, the Pathfinder Society has used the isolated demiplane contained in the Hao Jin Tapestry as a private adventuring realm and, since discovering a backdoor out of the demiplane, as a shortcut from the tapestry's location to a hidden corner of Varisia. But the tapestry wasn't designed for this purpose, and travel from Absalom to Varisia could be more efficient. Now a team of Pathfinders must discover how the infamous sorcerer known as the Ruby Phoenix created her private demiplane and enter the heart of the tapestry and alter the very nature of the magical realm.

Player 1: Kevin
Player 2: Mike Bertelsen
Player 3: Tim Goodwin
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Thanks, and I'm looking forward to seeing you soon,
Eric Parker

Re: ANNOUNCING! - Colorado Springs - Petrie's Family Games - April 23 Player Signup

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:38 pm
by masskill25
I will take a spot at both Kevin

Re: ANNOUNCING! - Colorado Springs - Petrie's Family Games - April 23 Player Signup

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:04 pm
by Atun
Sign me up for Glass River please!

Re: ANNOUNCING! - Colorado Springs - Petrie's Family Games - April 23 Player Signup

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:36 pm
by Atun
Sorry to say but something came up and i need to be removed from the game list. I'll catch the next one if i can
Thanks all!


Re: ANNOUNCING! - Colorado Springs - Petrie's Family Games - April 23 Player Signup

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:30 pm
by yorpayne
Mike Bertelsen and Tim Goodwin would like to be added to this list.

Re: ANNOUNCING! - Colorado Springs - Petrie's Family Games - April 23 Player Signup

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:47 am
by Atun
I'm in on the 1-5 scenario, see y'all then!
Cheers! Gavin