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ANNOUNCING! - Colorado Springs - Petrie's Family Games - 22 March Player Signups

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:40 pm
by ESParker

Greetings Fellow Pathfinders,

I am Eric Parker, and I am now requesting Player signups for the session at Petrie's Family Games for 22 March at 6 PM

We are also starting PFS sessions on Tuesday evenings.  This session will run from 6 PM until 10 PM

As always, we are limited to six players at each table, first come, first served.

Players at Petrie's are not required to pay to play, but a $2 per player per game contribution to store credit for the GM is recommended.  This should not be considered a barrier to players who can't afford the contribution.

GMs also receive a $5 store credit for running a successful game. This will be given per session, and it is only given for a scheduled, publically accessible store event (no pick up games, no private sessions.)

If you want to sign up, just let me know by replying to this thread or emailing me at

Tuesday 22 March
6:00 - 10:00 PM
#4-01: Rise of the Goblin Guild  tier 1-5

When a monster is discovered on the grounds of the Pathfinder Lodge at Heidmarch Manor in Magnimar, an investigation into its appearance leads the PCs deep under the City of Monuments-and face to face with a burgeoning thieves' guild.

GM: David


Thanks, and I'm looking forward to seeing you soon,
Eric Parker