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CollectorMania's Apology on the Game Cancelation for 11/17/15

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:50 pm
by CollectorMania
Hello PFS members,

This is Chris at CollectorMania. Yesterday, 11/17, Eric and I decided to close the store due to the weather. We were not sure how much worse the weather would get and we made a call to close for the day. We then notified the other employees of the closure, assuring them they had the day off. While the weather did clear up enough for us to open, we decided to stay closed due to already telling the employees we were closed for the day.

Unfortunately, neither Eric nor I remembered to post to the boards here or to notify Russ that we had closed for the day. This lead to customers and players showing up at our location without us being open.

Our mistake lead to some of you wasting your time and also driving in bad weather. I'm sorry. We cannot make up for the wasted time or missed games that night, but as an apology I will take the names from last night's schedule and they all will be receiving $15 store credit each as well as the next PFS game at our store free. GM's will be paid directly from us so they will not be losing any of their money. The credits will be in our store computer ready for you when you next come in.

In the future, we're adding a better "we're closing" procedure to give clearer ways of finding out if we are unexpectedly closed. It will include things like notifying Russ and posting here if it is a PFS day. We don't want to waste people's time or have them risk bad weather only to show up here with our doors locked again. That is obviously not our goal as a community store.

If you have any questions, or want to comment to us privately, please email us at or call us at 303-766-3530. You're also welcome to comment here.

Again I am sorry about our mistake,

Chris Ward
Eric Ward

Re: CollectorMania's Apology on the Game Cancelation for 11/17/15

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:20 pm
by Russ Brown
Thanks Chris and Eric.

Re: CollectorMania's Apology on the Game Cancelation for 11/17/15

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:39 pm
by eldestgruff
Thank you both.  You can take me off of that list, I cancelled early on and was not inconvenienced.  The thought is appreciated though.
Cheers ~ Daniel Sheehan

Re: CollectorMania's Apology on the Game Cancelation for 11/17/15

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:26 pm
by CollectorMania
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the honesty. I'll still leave your store credits though since you let me know. I really appreciate that.


Re: CollectorMania's Apology on the Game Cancelation for 11/17/15

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:43 pm
by WaltRed
Chris & Eric

It was strange to find the closed for weather sign, when it was not too bad out, but your explanation and thoughtful apology is appreciated!

Looking forward to more games in the future. I enjoy playing in Parker even though it is a long drive from Denver. (Depending on traffic of course!)

Thanks, Walt Straight