UPDATE! - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - June 22nd, 2015 PFS
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:51 pm
Hello everyone,
It has been a busy month with a new store opening, and time has apparently gotten away from me. I have mixed up which Monday was which, and now find June's fourth Monday upon me and a series of games I have not been pestering you about. This announcement fixes that.
We have three tables happening tomorrow night (June 22nd) at the Highlands Ranch location. We have six seats available at each table. The GMs picked personal favorites from their GMing and playing careers and are running them for your entertainment; let me know if you want any of the available seats by sending an email to Jeff@EnchantedGrounds.com and telling me what you'd like to play.
Important to know: The Half Dead City is a two-part adventure that will be completed at the end of July. Those who are signed up for Part 1 get priority for Part 2 in July. If you do not play Part 2 you do not get full credit on the chronicle sheet. You will ONLY get credit for the portions you play. This is extremely important to consider when signing up to play this game. If you want to switch to a different game because of this please let me know as soon as you can.
As always, games start at 6:00 PM. If you cannot make it please let me know ASAP. Games are $2 to play, which we use to give a gift certificate to the GMs to thank them for their efforts.
The game and player lists for tomorrow:
Monday, June 22nd, 6:00 PM
AP #79 The Half Dead City (Tier 1-2)
GM: Ted Webster
Player 1: Martin Blake
Player 2: Sean Clark
Player 3: Paul Lang
Player 4: Joe Picone
Player 5: Will O'Bryan
Player 6:
#24 Decline of Glory (Tier 1-7)
GM: Judd
Player 1: Faith O.
Player 2: Chris Wittenberg
Player 3: Tim Lewis
Player 4: Rachel Lewis
Player 5:
Player 6:
#3-14, Wonders in the Weave Part 2 - Snakes in the Fold (Tier 5-9)
GM: Kim McDonald
Player 1: Christian Gilligan
Player 2: Christian Dragos
Player 3: Patrick Anderson
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
IMPORTANT: Remember, email Jeff@EnchantedGrounds.com to sign up for a seat.
Thanks, and see you all soon.
Enchanted Grounds
It has been a busy month with a new store opening, and time has apparently gotten away from me. I have mixed up which Monday was which, and now find June's fourth Monday upon me and a series of games I have not been pestering you about. This announcement fixes that.
We have three tables happening tomorrow night (June 22nd) at the Highlands Ranch location. We have six seats available at each table. The GMs picked personal favorites from their GMing and playing careers and are running them for your entertainment; let me know if you want any of the available seats by sending an email to Jeff@EnchantedGrounds.com and telling me what you'd like to play.
Important to know: The Half Dead City is a two-part adventure that will be completed at the end of July. Those who are signed up for Part 1 get priority for Part 2 in July. If you do not play Part 2 you do not get full credit on the chronicle sheet. You will ONLY get credit for the portions you play. This is extremely important to consider when signing up to play this game. If you want to switch to a different game because of this please let me know as soon as you can.
As always, games start at 6:00 PM. If you cannot make it please let me know ASAP. Games are $2 to play, which we use to give a gift certificate to the GMs to thank them for their efforts.
The game and player lists for tomorrow:
Monday, June 22nd, 6:00 PM
AP #79 The Half Dead City (Tier 1-2)
GM: Ted Webster
Player 1: Martin Blake
Player 2: Sean Clark
Player 3: Paul Lang
Player 4: Joe Picone
Player 5: Will O'Bryan
Player 6:
#24 Decline of Glory (Tier 1-7)
GM: Judd
Player 1: Faith O.
Player 2: Chris Wittenberg
Player 3: Tim Lewis
Player 4: Rachel Lewis
Player 5:
Player 6:
#3-14, Wonders in the Weave Part 2 - Snakes in the Fold (Tier 5-9)
GM: Kim McDonald
Player 1: Christian Gilligan
Player 2: Christian Dragos
Player 3: Patrick Anderson
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
IMPORTANT: Remember, email Jeff@EnchantedGrounds.com to sign up for a seat.
Thanks, and see you all soon.
Enchanted Grounds