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Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:18 am
by Russ Brown
Hail and well met, Pathfinders!

It's the moment you've all been waiting for and asking about. It's time to give you all the results from the Con of the Wes(t), which took place at Enchanted Grounds this past weekend.

There were 122 seats sold at our little mini-con. Many people stopped by and either bought some Bones minis or donated to the cause. Many of YOU also bought minis or donated to the cause. Thank you, one and all. Wes Robinson's fundraiser on the website reached its goal because of all of you. A link to the fundraiser is here: ... ate/248658

Now, what about the prizes, you say? Well, here's how it's going to work. I'm going to list the prizes, first. In parentheses are how many winners there will be for each prize. With the exception of the GM Race Boon, the Blue Dragon D&D Mini, and the ridiculously huge Kaladrax dracolich Bones miniature (assembled and painted by Wes) any prize can be claimed by any winner by stopping by Enchanted Grounds in Highlands Ranch. Stop in with your stub, ask for it to be verified, look over the prizes that are unclaimed, and take what you want home. The other three prizes will go to named individuals (that list is after all this other stuff - gotta make you read everything, ya know).

The prizes:

·        Season 6 Boon #5 Expedition Manager (3)
·        Season 6 Boon #6 Explorer's Endurance (3)
·        Season 6 Boon #7 Factor (3)
·        Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer's Edition (2)
·        Set of 4 Spell Templates (1)
·        Pathfinder Flip Mat: Basic (1)
·        Pathfinder Flip Mat: Arcane Dungeon (1)
·        Pathfinder Companion - Inner Sea Primer (1)
·        Classic D&D Endless Quest Book #5 Revolt of the Dwarves (1)
·        Dragonlance #7 Comic Book - April, 1989 (1)
·        Pathfinder Face Cards: Rise of the Runelords (1)
·        Pathfinder Tales Novels (5)
·        Reaper Bones Grab Bag (10 winners - each winner chooses three minis)
·        Reaper Bones Cthulhu Figure (1)
·        Instant Adventures (5 sets of two - each winner chooses two of the following)
          o  Adventure Booster (8302): Sundered Faith
          o  Adventure Booster (8303): Tomb of the Overseers
          o  Adventure Booster (8304): Against the Barrow King
          o  Adventure Booster (8306): Out of Body, Out of Mind
          o  Adventure Booster (8307): The Crypt of St. Bethesda
          o  Adventure Booster (8308): Kurishan's Garden
          o  Adventure Booster (8313): Dead Man's Cove
          o  Adventure Booster (8316): Ice Caves of Azinth
          o  Adventure Booster (8332): The Gauntlet
          o  Instant Adventure: Darkwood's Secret

Now, the list of names for the above prizes. Like I said, bring in your stub, ask for it to be verified, and check over what kind of goodies you can take home. If you have more than one ticket number listed you get that many prizes (limit one boon, please).

·        Christian Dragos (196828)
·        Eric Parker (196738)
·        Rebecca Bean (196792)
·        Matt McConnell (196702 & 196747 & 196840)
·        Bill Axtell (196776)
·        Alan Luzietti (196772)
·        Sean Clark (196829)
·        Rob Steinhasuer (196704)
·        Chad Sevigny (196760 & 196759)
·        Caio Schmidt (196874)
·        Charles Graham (196696)
·        Sean Dineen (196658 & 196655)
·        Paul Lang (196872)
·        Ted Webster (196723)
·        Brad Woodcock (196712)
·        Toan Ngo (196757)
·        Jason Reynolds (196804)
·        Kimberly McDonald (196879)
·        Clan Harbula (196753)
·        Christian Gilligan (196765)
·        Walt Straight (196727 & 196728)
·        Aidan Nosal (196691)
·        Martin Blake (196832 & 196684)
·        Craig Loos (196793)
·        Frank Nosal (196787)
·        David Burton (196790)
·        Hjal Nelson (196870)
·        Russ Brown (196883)
·        Bruce Goldstein (196739)
·        Michael Jones (196791)
·        Derek Johnson (196746)
·        Jacque Woods (196714)
·        Tim Lewis (196701)

Now for the 'Big Three.' Can you hear the drum roll? Good. The winners are:

·        Elder (Huge) Blue Dragon mini - Sean Clark

·        Kaladrax, a Reaper Bones dracolich assembled and painted by Wes Robinson - Jason Reynolds

·        GM Reward (Winter 2014) Elemental Ancestry Boon (air) - Toan Ngo

That's it, folks. All 42 prizes for Con of the Wes(t). Say, doesn't the number 42 mean something...

Thank you all, again, for coming out and playing with us this past weekend. It was awesome. See you all again in January for our next mini (but bigger) con. Watch this space for details.

Jeff Kokx - Enchanted Grounds
Russ Brown - Venture Lieutenant, Denver

P.S Thanks for writing up the results Jeff! I got the easy job of just posting them here. -Russ

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:30 am
by greywizard77
Yeah, I won something!!
Not I just have to dig up my ticket stubs

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:56 pm
by Drogon
You won three things, Matt. But you'd better get in to the store soon. Stuff is going fast.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:35 pm
by Sean Clark
Thanks Jeff and Russ, for all of your efforts - great con!

Get better soon, Wes!


Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:25 pm
by CDragos
I had an awesome time, as well! I wish work hadn't got in the way so I could have participated more. Thanks, guys!!!

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:54 pm
by Drogon
Great Scott! I just realized I was remiss in my praise. I apologize for not doing this earlier, but I have a few people to thank:

Thank you, Paul Lang and Kim McDonald for opening all those minis up for the donation purchases and prize grab bags. That was a chore, and you two handled it quickly and efficiently.

At the same time, Paul donated some fun classic items to the prize pool (that sweet solo adventure and the comic).

Ed Auran donated the Cthulhu mini.

Dave Dostaler donated a full Vampire Bones box, plus some extras. Those minis generated quite a bit of traffic.

Not sure who gave us the Huge Blue Dragon, but that mini is sweet. Thank you.

Jacque Woods got us the Pathfinder Tales books.

Russ Brown donated that pile of classic adventures (those are the pre-cursors to the scenarios you all play, now, you should realize). Many of them are great one shots you can run in a single night, and require very little conversion for Pathfinder. He also gave in the Savage Worlds, one of the flip mats, and the Primer. He also got Paizo to put up the boons for the weekend's festivities and wrangled GMs and players.

The items and the time were appreciated, guys. Thank you very much.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:40 am
by Russ Brown
Thanks Jeff,

Paul Lang also donated the comic and endless quest book.

Bruce Goldstein actually donated the Inner Sea Primer.

I also kicked in the Eldar Blue Dragon.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 8:31 am
by greywizard77
I plan on stopping by this afternoon.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:39 pm
by Prethen
I'll let my prize go to someone else. Thanks again for putting on such a great convention.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:46 am
by CDragos
Prethen wrote: I'll let my prize go to someone else. Thanks again for putting on such a great convention.
Ooooh! Ooh! *raises hand* Can I have one of the boons!?! I'll trade ya a miniature or other boon.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:48 am
by Drogon
Sorry, Christian, if Bruce is going to turn down his prize we will draw another name.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:41 am
by Drogon
After talking to a couple different people about this, there is apparently some confusion on the prizes. I'm going to clear that up.

If your name is listed, you won. The numbers next to your name are the ticket (or tickets) that won. Bring them in to Enchanted Grounds.

There are a bunch of prizes you can pick from (the other list). You get to pick from any that are left. The minis, for instance: there are over 100 minis left to choose from. 10 people will go home with three each. Once 10 people have claimed minis, that prize is "gone" from the list. Likewise, if someone claims the Cthulhu mini (there is only one of those) then that prize is gone.

There is more than enough stuff to support all 39 winning tickets with multiple options. No one will go home with nothing.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:37 pm
by Prethen
Christian, embarrassingly enough, I spoke too soon and with Jeff's clarification I did end up taking something. However, I'd like to give you my Season 6 #3 Boon (Custom Order) the next time I see you.
Drogon wrote: Sorry, Christian, if Bruce is going to turn down his prize we will draw another name.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) Results

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:49 pm
by Romulex
Again I just want to thank everyone for making this such an awesome success!

Plus was great playing with everyone I played with!