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Con of the Wes(t) GM Call Nov. 28th to 30th Enchanted Grounds (Denver)

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:54 pm
by Russ Brown
Do you love playing Pathfinder? Do you love playing long stretches of Pathfinder? Do you have free time over Thanksgiving weekend? Well, we have the event for you!

Announcing Con of the West

Many of you may know that Wes Robinson, one of Colorado's most prolific GMs for any role playing game, has recently been battling against cancer. He has joined an elite group of individuals in this world: 1% of breast cancer patients are male and approximately 1% of those male patients are under the age of 40. Wes stands among those individuals. We are going to spend Thanksgiving weekend 2014 standing with him to help kick cancer's ass!

This mini-con will span Friday November 28th, Saturday November 29th, and Sunday November 30th. There will be 7 time slots, encompassing 21 games. Your $5 donation each game will be given to Wes's fundraiser and gain you one raffle ticket for a chance to win myriad prizes during the weekend. Everyone who plays will get something, be they PFS boons or Reaper Bones minis or Pathfinder RPG hardcovers or perhaps a custom miniature paint job from Wes, who paints some incredible PC minis. Along with the prizes will be grab bags of Reaper minis, comics, and role playing books. All proceeds from sales of these items will go to Wes's charity.

Now for the 'work' aspect of this announcement:

We need volunteer GMs. All GMs will be entered into drawings for prizes. Additionally, we will have Paizo exclusive boons for you to earn.  GM's who sign up by Oct. 17th will get the scenario PDF for free from Paizo.  Finally, you will be given access to the mini-con schedule ahead of general signups; each game you offer to run gets you a guaranteed seat at another game during the weekend. The schedule of games is listed below, along with which games need GMs.

We also need donations. Enchanted Grounds will hosting the mini-con, and will be matching every $5 player contribution during the weekend (so your $5 game makes Wes $10). They will also be donating various RPG books and comics. Dave Dostaler has donated several hundred of his massive Bones minis collection. Paizo has donated PFRPG books and PFS boons. We welcome more. Anything you can think to donate will help the cause, and any donation's proceeds will be given directly to Wes's charity. Have any spare maps or minis? Do you have an extra copy of a Core Book? Know how to draw an awesome PC portrait? Consider coordinating with Jeff or Russ to get your donation added to the list of things that people can win.

Last, we need volunteers to help us put together grab bags the week before the mini-con. A few spare hours is all we need; if you can stop by Enchanted Grounds to help put together comic book grab bags or open up the hundreds of Bones packages, your time will be well spent. Please coordinate with Jeff at Enchanted Grounds to donate your time.

Player announcements will follow once all volunteer GM positions have been filled. That announcement will detail all games and prizes.

Like all events, we expect many of you will be unable to attend due to prior commitments. You can still enter into the drawings for prizes by donating $3 per raffle ticket (this option for extra tickets is also available to players and GMs). Additionally, Wes has a YouCaring campaign currently running, and is giving away some great stuff. Consider donating to his cause by following this link: ... ate/222804

We hope to hear from you all soon.

Here are the games for which we need GMs.  If you want to GM, then email Russ at and state which game(s) you want to GM and any games you would like to sign up to play (up to one per game you GM).

We will be running the Season 6 Special  #6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords on Saturday afternoon!

Friday Nov. 28th
Time: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Table 1: Master of the Fallen Fortress, Tier 1-2 GM: Dane Patterson
Table 2: #2-01 Before the Dawn I: The Bloodcove Disguise, Tier 1-7 GM: Jeff Kokx
Table 3: #6-08 To Be Announced GM: Russ Brown

Friday Nov. 28th
Time: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Table 1: #6-09 To Be Announced GM: Russ Brown
Table 2: #2-02 Before the Dawn II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge, Tier 1-7 GM: Jeff Kokx
Table 3: #6-07 Valley of Veiled Flame, Tier 5-9 GM: Dave Dostaler

Saturday Nov. 29th
Time: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Table 1: #5-08 The Confirmation, Tier 1-2 GM: Kimberly McDonald
Table 2: #6-04 The Beacon Below, Tier 7-11 GM: Rob Steinhauser
Table 3: #6-08 To Be Announced GM: Jeff Kokx
Table 4: #6-05 Slave Ships of Absalom, Tier 1-5 GM: JD Reinhardt

Saturday Nov. 29th
Time: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Overseer GM: Russ Brown
Table 1: #6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords (1-11) GM: Christian Dragos
Table 2: #6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords (1-11) GM: Paul Lang
Table 3: #6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords (1-11) GM: Greg Matthews
Table 4: #6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords (1-11) GM: Bruce Goldstein
Table 5: #6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords (1-11) GM: Steven Sior

Saturday Nov. 29th
Time: 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Table 1: #6-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters, Tier 1-5 GM: Hjal Nelson
Table 2: #6-09 To Be Announced GM: Jeff Kokx

Sunday Nov. 30th
Time: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Table 1: #6-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters, Tier 1-5 GM: Caio Schmidt
Table 2: #3-12 Wonders in the Weave I: The Dog Pharoah's Tomb, Tier 5-9 GM: Andy Johnson

Sunday Nov. 30th
Time: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Table 1: #6-05 Slave Ships of Absalom, Tier 1-5 GM: Kim McDonald
Table 2: #3-14 Wonders in the Weave II: Snakes in the Fold, Tier 5-9 GM: Andy Johnson

Thanks everyone, let's make this a fun event and help Wes out in his fight against Cancer.

Jeff Kokx
Enchanted Grounds

Russ Brown                 
Venture Lieutenant, Denver

Re: Con of the Wes(t) GM Call Nov. 28th to 30th Enchanted Grounds (Denver)

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:55 pm
by Russ Brown
Thanks for the great response everyone. We have about two thirds of the the GM spots filled already with a few more "maybes" that I have not put on the list yet.

I edited the post above with GM names. If there is no GM listed we still need a GM for those games.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) GM Call Nov. 28th to 30th Enchanted Grounds (Denver)

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:29 am
by Prethen
Russ, I sent a couple of e-mails...did you get them okay? Please feel free to delete this reply if you'd like.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) GM Call Nov. 28th to 30th Enchanted Grounds (Denver)

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:37 pm
by Russ Brown
Okay I now have all the GMs that we need for the weekend.

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to run games.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) GM Call Nov. 28th to 30th Enchanted Grounds (Denver)

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:31 pm
by Russ Brown
Okay I made a few changes above, but this should now be the final lineup.

Re: Con of the Wes(t) GM Call Nov. 28th to 30th Enchanted Grounds (Denver)

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:24 pm
by Russ Brown
I just sent an email to all GMs. Please check your inbox for it!

Also we will send an announcement for player signups soon!