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Colorado Springs Comic and Toy Convention GM Call **UPDATE**

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:06 pm
by WhiteMane
Greetings Pathfinders!

UPDATE:  With the public release of the Silverhex Chronicles, we can now report when people GM these chronicles, so everyone that chooses to help out by running them WILL get GM credit for it!!!  END OF UPDATE

There is going to be small comic and toy convention at the Embassy Suites in Colorado Springs on October 11-12.  We have been asked by one of the organizers if we would help out by running some table for the event to get new people interested in playing Pathfinder.  Needless to say, this means that I am asking for a couple of volunteers to help GM at the event.

Ideally, I would like a couple of people that would be willing to take a couple of tables.  Since it is a small convention, we don't need alot of volunteers.  It promises to be alot of fun and it will give you the chance to help give newcomers to Pathfinder a chance to experience this wonderful hobby that we all have a passion for.  (Plus, I will buy lunch for anyone that agrees to run a morning AND afternoon session on one of the days...)

Here are the tables that I need help filling:

Saturday 9:00-1:00 Master of the Fallen Fortress
Saturday 9:00-1:00 Beginner Box Bash:  Relics, Silverhex Chronicles:  Mausoleum, Mists, and Colony
Saturday 2:00-6:00 Silverhex Chronicles:  Crash, Webs, and Silverhex, Beginner Box Bash:  Ruins
Saturday 2:00-6:00 The Confirmation
Sunday 9:00-1:00 We Be Goblins!
Sunday 9:00-1:00 Ambush in Absalom, Silverhex Chronicles:  Mausoleum, Mists, and Colony
Sunday 2:00-6:00 Silverhex Chronicles:  Crash, Webs, and Silverhex, Beginner Box Bash:  Terrors
Sunday 2:00-6:00 The Frostfur Captives

The Sessions with the Silverhex Chronicles are all several short one hour quests that are designed to give people a chance to try a short session of Pathfinder.  Functionally, it means that there will be four quests that all together will be about the length of a standard PFS Scenario.

If you are interested, email me directly at Replying to this email (the one generated by the announcement) will NOT get your email to anyone.  Alternatively you may post a reply in the thread on that was generated by this announcement.

Hope to hear from you soon!