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Enchanted Realms, Colorado Springs - October GM Call

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:10 am
by WhiteMane
Greetings Pathfinders!!!

It's that time of the month again...  Time for brave souls from near and far (mostly near) to volunteer to GM for the month of October.  I just got word of the latest releases for the Year of the Sky Key and have put them on the list for scenarios we will be running!

We had success with having people volunteer to be Backup GMs this last month, and it was so successful that we actually filled up 5 tables at Enchanted Realms one week!  That having been said, I will continue asking that each week, someone volunteer to be a Backup GM...  You get to choose the scenario you run, but I do ask that it be a lower tier scenario of some sort since most of the people that don't reserve a slot have not been playing for long.

Now, some of you might be asking, "But O.J., what are the benefits of GMing?"  I'm glad you asked!  First of all, you get to help make sure that everyone in this wonderful little community of ours has a lot of fun.  While I realize that this is more than enough of a benefit for most of you, on the more tangible front, anyone that volunteers to GM automatically gets first crack at saying "I want to play in THIS game..."  (This includes those people that volunteer as a Backup GM)  Second, you get credit applied towards your GM status.  As you get additional stars on your GM status, you gain certain privileges within the Pathfinder Society including the ability to replay games that you've already played for credit!  Third, all of the players donate funds to your store account to help offset some of the costs associated with preparing a game.  Finally, by volunteering to GM, you get the admiration and respect of your fellow gamers.  Yes, you too can have young players look up at you with awe and marvel at your massive GM skills.

If you have not GMd before, that's OK.  We all had a first time and you can contact me or the other "seasoned" GMs out there for all sorts of advice.  (You want to get a gamer talking?  All you have to do is ask their advice about the game...) 

If you would you like to GM (and in the process, reserve your slot), please post under this topic or email me at  Without further ado...

Oct 1
02-07 Heresy of Man pt 2:  Where Dark Things Sleep (Tier 5-9)  GM:  O.J.
00-08 Slave Pits of Abasalom (Tier 1-5)  GM:  Adam
01-47 The Darkest Vengeance (Tier 1-5)  GM:  Hjal
Backup GM:  Sean

Oct 8
02-09 Heresy of Man pt 3:  Beneath Forgotten Sands (Tier 5-9)  GM:  O.J.
06-05 Slave Ships of Absalom (Tier 1-5)  GM:  Brian
Player 1:  Adam
Player 2:  Hjal
Player 3:  Sean
05-12 Destiny of the Sands Pt. 1:  A Bitter Bargain (Tier 1-5)  GM:  Jess
Backup GM:  Sean

Oct 15
00-26 Lost at Bitter End (Tier 7-11)  GM:  Brandon
Player 1:  Adam
Player 6:  O.J.
05-15 Destiny of the Sands Pt 2:  Race to Seeker's Folly (Tier 1-5)  GM:  Jess
01-55 The Infernal Vault (Tier 1-7)  GM:  Chelsea
Player 1:  Hjal
Backup GM:  O.J.

Oct 22
02-25 You Only Die Twice (Tier 5-9)  GM:  Hjal Nelson
Player 6:  O.J.
05-16 Destiny of the Sands Pt 3:  Sanctum of the Sages (Tier 3-7)  GM:  Brian
Player 1:  Adam
04-18 The Veteran's Vault (Tier 1-5)  GM:  Brandon
Player 1:  Chelsea
Backup GM:  O.J.

Oct 29
06-04 Beacon Below (Tier 7-11)  GM:  O.J.
Player 1:  Hjal
Player 2:  Adam
06-03 The Technic Siege (Tier 3-7)  GM:  ??
00-05 Mists of Mwangi (Tier 1-5)  GM:  Sean
Backup GM:  Chelsea

Re: Enchanted Realms, Colorado Springs - October GM Call

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:36 pm
by skyshark
Your schedule looks eerily similar to my October schedule, have you been snooping through my computer again?

I'll GM Slave Pits and play at Slave Ships.  Thanks!

Re: Enchanted Realms, Colorado Springs - October GM Call

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:47 pm
by Hjal Nelson
I can GM Darkest Vengeance on the 1st in addition to the table you've already got me down for on the 22nd.

I wanna play me some Infernal Vault, Slave Ships, and Beacon Below.

Re: Enchanted Realms, Colorado Springs - October GM Call

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:49 pm
by WhiteMane
skyshark wrote: You're schedule looks eerily similar to my October schedule, have you been snooping through my computer again?
You can't prove anything...  I've covered my tracks too well...  *MUWAHAHAHA*
skyshark wrote: I'll GM Slave Pits and play at Slave Ships.  Thanks! 
Thanks for volunteering!  Did you want to sign up to play any scenarios?

Re: Enchanted Realms, Colorado Springs - October GM Call

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:52 pm
by skyshark
Since you're offering, I'll also play Lost at Bitter End,  Deatiny of the Sands Part 3 and Beacon Below

Re: Enchanted Realms, Colorado Springs - October GM Call

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:43 pm
by Pippin
I'll be your backup GM for the 1st and 8th and I'll GM "Mists of Mwangi" on the 29th.  I'd like to play on "Slave Ships" on the 8th if I'm not needed to run a table.

Re: Enchanted Realms, Colorado Springs - October GM Call

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:55 pm
by Yllia
I'll GM infernal vault on the 15th and be your backup for the 29th.  Brandon will GM Bitter End on the 15th and veteran's vault on the 22nd. I'd like to play veteran's vault.

Thanks :)

Re: Enchanted Realms, Colorado Springs - October GM Call

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:16 pm
by Hakken
I can GM slave ships on the 8th and Destiny of sands part 3 on the 22nd
