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Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:11 pm
by Pogie
Kyphexler wrote: Tim, that was a fun three part adventure. Thanks for running us through it.
Sure, thanks for playing. It's fun playing these mini arcs in order.

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:29 pm
by Pogie
Friendly reminder for Saturday early game. King of the Storval Stairs. We are starting 1 hr early, so 11am


Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:38 pm
Ill be coming to the afternoon game to fill a spot of i get to play, not worried if i don't.

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:52 am
by Miksalot
Ugh. I really hate to do this especially on such short notice but I have to bow out from today's games.
Life has a funny way of interrupting my gaming obsessions. Ah well.


Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:56 pm
by Pogie
Dang it I hate losing the opportunity to kill a PC. Apparently you can scribe a scroll with a meta magic feat applied to the spell, so for instance you could scribe a scroll of empowered fireball. You can't apply meta magic feats to an existing scroll. So no scroll of fireball with an empower metamagic rod......or reach applied to a scroll of breath of life. Rest easy tonight shan't be so lucky again. (Insert evil, slightly chagrined laughter)

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:03 pm
by Lusterpurge
Fair enough. I appreciate the clarification.


Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:17 pm
by jhatgames
Well that's interesting. I definately think if we hadn't gotten Vanya back up at that point then more party members would have soon fallen. Possibly a TPK - it was that close!

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:50 pm
by Pogie
Yeah could have been interesting. I'm just kidding around though. Do the best you can in the moment. Shit always gets missed one way of another. I brought it up just to tease Vanya.

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:53 pm
by Lusterpurge
Vanya appreciates her close call with death and looks forward to valiantly proving her worth (or lack thereof) on a future battlefield!

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 11:00 am
by WaltRed
Questions about Breath of life scroll:

1: Cost: Reading the spell it does not have any components (V,S). So the cost should be level: 4 X Caster level: 7 = 28 X 25GP = 700 GP Right?

2: What does "Within 1 round" mean? Creature gets hit and goes under his CON. His round lasts until it is his turn in the order in the next round. So is that the limit within that period, or do we get to have the next round to get to him and cast it?


Round 6
1 Fighter gets hit and is under his CON
2 Mage casts spell (Fight cont)
3 Cleric brings out scroll (Spring wrist sheaf) Moves 40 ft toward fighter
4 Rouge shoots
5 Witch crys

Round 7
1 Fighters round 6 ends and round 7 starts, he is still dead.
2 Mage cont fight
3 Cleric moves up to 20 feet and gets to fighter and casts Breath of Life. Is this within 1 round??
4 Rouge shoots
5 Witch is Happy again!!

Thanks Walt

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:35 pm
by Pogie
With Breath of life, I've always seen it go like this: The NPC or monster that put the pc down, starts the clock. Breath of life must be cast before that creatures next turn.

I'm seeing the scroll as spell level 5 x caster level 10 x 25 =1250

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:24 pm
by jhatgames
Pogie wrote: With Breath of life, I've always seen it go like this: The NPC or monster that put the pc down, starts the clock. Breath of life must be cast before that creatures next turn.

I'm seeing the scroll as spell level 5 x caster level 10 x 25 =1250
Correct on the '1 round' and when that '1 round' is up.

The spell Breath of Life is a 5th level spell(Core Rulebook p. 251) but Clerics get access to 5th level spells at starting at 9th level (Core Rulebook p. 40 table). So my math to buy the minimum scroll is spell level 5 x caster level 9 x 25gp = 1125gp.

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 11:32 pm
by WaltRed
Yup I did misread the level and it is level 5 and 1125 is correct.

Thanks for the clarifying comment about the Start time as the event that did the killing. I am coming around to agreeing, but still have some reservations about the word within. But I can accept the ruling that we have only one round to get it done.

Thanks everyone, Walt

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:41 pm
by Pogie
Just to continue the discussion. I screwed up in that I thought prot from evil only protected you from mind controlling spells. As it turns out with prot from evil up you were immune to the song. I think Marie was telling me that but I was obviously confused. However I think that prot evil communal is what was cast, giving you guys not 9 min apiece of it but 2 minutes for 4 and 1 minute for one.

My recollection is that it was cast at the bottom of the stairs and it took almost 2 minutes to climb the stairs so would have only been up for a few rounds. If cast just below the top it would have still been up. I pretty sure I will master every rule right when 2E comes around.

Then again the only PCs who walked in did so on their own lol.

Anyway Vanya is still alive after taking over 700 pts of dmg. It doesn't seem possible but Marcus added it up. Alls well that ends well.

Re: April's Call for Players at CollectorMania!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:52 pm
by Edwardteach
Pogie wrote: Just to continue the discussion. I screwed up in that I thought prot from evil only protected you from mind controlling spells. As it turns out with prot from evil up you were immune to the song. I think Marie was telling me that but I was obviously confused. However I think that prot evil communal is what was cast, giving you guys not 9 min apiece of it but 2 minutes for 4 and 1 minute for one.

My recollection is that it was cast at the bottom of the stairs and it took almost 2 minutes to climb the stairs so would have only been up for a few rounds. If cast just below the top it would have still been up. I pretty sure I will master every rule right when 2E comes around.

Then again the only PCs who walked in did so on their own lol.

Anyway Vanya is still alive after taking over 700 pts of dmg. It doesn't seem possible but Marcus added it up. Alls well that ends well.
Marie had cast just regular protection from evil on 3 party members (herself, Jimmy, and Marcus) as far as I understood it. Granting them each 9 mins of protection. I was not under it at the time and neither was Walt (he just was slow at moving to the other room after becoming entranced).