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Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 1:49 pm
by Brionmace
Can I get added on to table #2 Saturday night for the core group of cosmic captive.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 4:14 pm
by Steyr455
Hey Russ,

Could I please get signed up for the final spot on

Date: Saturday, October 15
Time: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm 
Table 1: We B4 Goblins  Lvl 1 Goblin Pregens
GM: Zach Armstrong

Thanks much!

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 4:23 pm
by Drogon
jhatgames wrote: Hi Russ,

Since I'm the only one signed up for:

Date: Saturday, October 15
Time: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Table 5: #7-98 Serpent's Ire Lvl 8 Pregens
GM: OJ Pinckert

Could you move me to the open space for:

Date: Saturday, October 15
Time: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm 
Table 1: We B4 Goblins  Lvl 1 Goblin Pregens
GM: Zach Armstrong

Jimmy, why don't you switch to Serpent's Ire on Friday (instead of Portent's Peril), then play Through Maelstrom Rift on Saturday (instead of Serpent's Ire), and then Portent's Peril on Sunday (instead of Maelstrom Rift). That will make three different tables happen, and allow you to play all the different things you wanted.

It'll also allow Colin (who just signed up for the same seat you had requested at B4 Goblins) to play.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 12:27 am
by jhatgames
Hi Jeff, I looked at your schedule,

I was looking forward to playing with Russ as a fellow player since he's usually the GM (many thanks to him for GMing so much). I'd lose that changing from Fri 7-11pm Table 3: #8-01 Portent's Peril Tier 1-5 GM: Dan Carter. And I'm guessing that table could be high tiered because of the players (crossing fingers). I got excited when I saw the B4 Goblins open up and I actually created a new character to use with the 1st level chonicle.

But unfortunately I can't make the early times on any of the days (not something you'd know, not your fault). The last on my list I was interested in was the 8th level pregens since I don't have anyone close to that level, so it's the one I wanted to swap out and the times worked.


PS: good eye, I think you've been doing this a while :-)

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 1:27 pm
by Russ Brown
Okay since we have alot of interest in We B4 Goblins on Saturday afternoon, I changed Table 5 from Serpent's Ire to a second table of We B4 Goblins in that timeslot. I put 4 players at each table.

All other player signups have been updated.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 4:24 pm
by kimcdonald
Hey Russ...

Can I make a backup plan of playing table 3 at 9 AM on Saturday if my table doesn't fire? It's looking a bit grim.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 4:28 pm
by jhatgames
Thanks Russ,

That works for everyone.


Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 3:11 pm
Can you send me up for,  Table 3: #8-01 Portent's Peril. 
I know I'm playing it before but I'd like to play it again.  I'm not worried about not getting credit for it.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 3:13 pm
by Drogon Thomas wrote: Can you send me up for,  Table 3: #8-01 Portent's Peril. 
I know I'm playing it before but I'd like to play it again.  I'm not worried about not getting credit for it.
Regardless of whether you don't want credit, replaying an adventure is not an option, William. Sorry.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 3:47 pm
by CDragos
I'd like a spot at table 2 on Saturday 2-6pm, but, if it doesn't happen then either table of We B4 Goblins is good.

Christian Dragos

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:01 pm
by Drogon
Looks like Russ updated this last night, folks. He says he will have a final update tonight.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:44 pm
by Ted Webster
Please sign me up for Saturday 9 am table 3 #08-03 and 2 pm Table 5 We b4 Goblins.
Thank you.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:49 am
by Russ Brown
player signups updated.

I am not likely to have a chance to update them again before the games tomorrow as I will be at work.  However if you are signed up to play a game with only a few players, please still turn up for your game, we may have some walk in players and will do our very best to seat you at another game so you can still play something.

See everyone this weekend.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:04 am
by Drogon
Ted Webster wrote: Please sign me up for Saturday 9 am table 3 #08-03 and 2 pm Table 5 We b4 Goblins.
Thank you.
Ted, did you know that there are two adventures being played this weekend that are convention exclusives? #7-99 and #8-00 can only be played with the approval of PFS leadership, at an event with 25 or more tables. If you haven't played them, yet, I don't know if there will be another chance in Denver.

Re: ANNOUNCING - Enchanted Grounds' 10th Anniversary Celebra-Con - Oct. 14-16

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:43 pm
by Mjolbeard89
Hey Russ,

Sadly I'm not going to make it to the games I requested for Saturday. I ended up getting scheduled to work and couldn't get anyone to cover for me. I'll still be there for Beyond Azlant Ridge on Sunday afternoon, though.

Jordan DeBord