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Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 7:58 pm
by rwcraigo
Eric S Parker wrote: I also encourage everyone to post their character concepts (ancestry, background and class) for the others to look at prior to the game.
Myself, Trystan, Miriam and Esther were planning on bring a group of goblins, inspired by the We Be Goblins modules. All different classes of course, but if you'd like more variety than this we can certainly manage. So far we have more character ideas than we'll have opportunities to play them during the playtest anyway.

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:07 pm
by ESParker
Hi RC,
I am fine with whatever you want to bring, and a number of goblins in the group fits the adventure. Just make sure you use the backgrounds in the document I posted, as they are different than the ones in the playtest rulebook.

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:24 pm
by rwcraigo
Eric S Parker wrote: Hi RC,
I am fine with whatever you want to bring, and a number of goblins in the group fits the adventure. Just make sure you use the backgrounds in the document I posted, as they are different than the ones in the playtest rulebook.
Ah... so it's only those that are available, not them plus what's in the rulebook?

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:44 pm
by ESParker

Each player must choose a background from those listed on page 3 of this adventure;

That was one reason I extracted the character creation rules for the module

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:49 pm
by ESParker
And if anyone else is interested, I have already coordinated with Cam (the store owner) to add a third table if necessary (assuming I can find a third GM.)

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:32 pm
by rwcraigo
My current concept is a goblin monk Pathfinder hopeful named Flurg.

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 9:31 am
by Lord of the Trinkets
So my schedule has changed recently. I won't be able to go to the session on the 11th and I would like to move to standby for the 25th.


Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 7:03 pm
by Pippin
Totally calling dibs on being at the same table as William.
I'll be bringing in an elven druid who will eventually have a bear companion (though she'll actually be an Order of the Storm druid) and I think I'll go with the budding Osiriontologist for her.

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:45 pm
by greyblade23
Hey, playtesters,

Here's a spreadsheet showing all the basic character creation options. One question I haven't found an answer to is if the background lore skill is counted as one of the skill points you get from your class.

This way, you won't have to flip through the entire first half of the rules if you know what you want. Plus, we can compare the classes directly. Personally, I think wizards got taken out back and beaten with nerf bats.

If you use this, please let me know if (or when) you find mistakes, or if you have suggestions for how this could flow better or be more useful.

Jim K

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 3:10 pm
by jahenders
Erik: You asked that we "post their character concepts (ancestry, background and class) for the others to look at prior to the game."

I'm playing Zola Druza Burrowbrook -- a female, goblin alchemist with the Esoteric Scion background.

Jim H

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:13 pm
by Pippin
I'm creating a second option character of a dwarven wizard (who I'm building somewhat as a battle mage) so we'll have the option for more table variety in case we get there already have a druid at the table. Sticking with Budding Osirionoligist for her as well.
So, that means I'm for sure Budding Osirionologist and then elf druid or dwarf wizard as needed. Flexibility!

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:39 pm
by rwcraigo
I have a "backup" character of an esoteric goblin angelic sorcerer. No name yet, but the "working title" is Excessively Confused.

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:06 am
by ESParker
I have arranged for a third table, and suspect three tables of four will make a better playtest than two tables of six. All I need is someone willing to GM the third table. Ant takers> The event will happen either way.

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:06 pm
by lightsdust
I'm thinking of a goblin bard osirionologist.

Re: ANNOUNCING! - CSprings - Petrie's Family Games - August Player Signups

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 4:12 pm
by meganspond
I'm interested in the session on the 11th. I will need help creating a character, since I only vaguely understand what's happening here. I can show up early or whatever.