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Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:16 pm
by WhiteMane
Personally, I'm hoping for some new scenarios from the last part of Season 8 or early season 9...

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:05 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
Fyre Vyxsin wrote: I know there were talks about a 12-15 scenario that Bill had already expressed interest to run...Totally think that should be scheduled. ~ Hillary
I did the best I could, but you and Micheal did not make it easy.  You booked yourselves up for 3 of the 4 weeks in September!

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:15 pm
by musclecarlover07
I know OJ had requested it to be the first week. I as well requested for the first week as well.

If that is the case than I want to drop the table I am running on the 27. Mean an Hillary will jump to play the 12-15 and I will run Echoes of the Overwatched on the 6th. I was expecting that to be the first week.

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:25 pm
by KatanaEdge316
Please sign me up to run Rise of the Goblin Guild. Please put me down to play Echoes of the Overwatched and Echoes of the Everwar too. Thank you sir.

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:26 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
musclecarlover07 wrote: I know OJ had requested it to be the first week. I as well requested for the first week as well.

If that is the case than I want to drop the table I am running on the 27. Mean an Hillary will jump to play the 12-15 and I will run Echoes of the Overwatched on the 6th. I was expecting that to be the first week.
I juggled the 7-11 and the 12-15 so that should accomedate the masses... but it does not give the <GM NOT FOUND> much time to prepare.

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:31 pm
by DavidPetik
Since you opened up player sign up for Starfinder, Nick and I would like to get seats at "Quest: Into the Unknown Tier 1".


Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:31 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
KatanaEdge316 wrote: Please sign me up to run Rise of the Goblin Guild.
Sure thing buddy, just sign up to run a game first!  (Yes, I know you asked for a game, but I could not work it in this month.  Those are the breaks :) )

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:45 pm
by KatanaEdge316
Sir.Gryphon (Randy) wrote:
KatanaEdge316 wrote: Please sign me up to run Rise of the Goblin Guild.
Sure thing buddy, just sign up to run a game first!  (Yes, I know you asked for a game, but I could not work it in this month.  Those are the breaks :) )
No worries, next time perhaps.

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:30 pm
by WhiteMane
Randy does an incredible job scheduling scenarios and supporting Pathfinder Society at Enchanted Realms.  When he does so, he sometimes makes decisions regarding this scheduling that someone disagrees with.  He does so because from a "big picture" perspective, it is the only way to make it happen.  This is in addition to all the work he has done decorating the rooms for Pathfinder Society and helping to organize events outside of Enchanted Realms.  He does this without any sort of financial compensation because he loves the game and the community.

Making comments criticizing his decisions in the forum does not help.  Invoking my name in those comments also does not help.  When I make a request to Randy to schedule something, it is ALWAYS as a Pathfinder, never as his Venture Captain.  If he can not make it happen, that is his prerogative and I will support him in it 100%.

If anyone has issues with how the scenarios are scheduled, please talk to Randy out of forum, and if that fails to resolve the issue, then come to me. 

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:33 pm
by WhiteMane
I would like to:
Play PFS 8-25 Unleashing the Untouchable
Play SFS 1-01 The Commencement
GM PFS 9-03 On the Border of War

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:35 pm
by MoffRimmer
If it makes it easier/better, feel free to put the first Emerald Spire on the 20th and I can run Unleashing the Untouchable instead.  (Maybe give it 24 hours to see if anyone else steps up for it first?)  Just let me know and I'll help out where I can.

Sir.Gryphon (Randy) wrote:
musclecarlover07 wrote: I know OJ had requested it to be the first week. I as well requested for the first week as well.

If that is the case than I want to drop the table I am running on the 27. Mean an Hillary will jump to play the 12-15 and I will run Echoes of the Overwatched on the 6th. I was expecting that to be the first week.
I juggled the 7-11 and the 12-15 so that should accomedate the masses... but it does not give the <GM NOT FOUND> much time to prepare.

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:41 pm
by musclecarlover07
So then with the date change me and Hillary for the 12-15

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:10 pm
by lochinvar_1971
Please add me to PFS 9-03 On the Border of War on 20 Sept please.

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:57 am
by Sir.Gryphon
KatanaEdge316 wrote:
Sir.Gryphon (Randy) wrote:
KatanaEdge316 wrote: Please sign me up to run Rise of the Goblin Guild.
Sure thing buddy, just sign up to run a game first!  (Yes, I know you asked for a game, but I could not work it in this month.  Those are the breaks :) )
No worries, next time perhaps.
You slippery devil, you changed your post after I replied... I'll need to keep an eye on you  ???

Oh, and I got your games signed up too.

Re: Enchanted Realms GM Call: September 2017

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 3:02 pm
by Vulse
Since I had the opportunity to play it at Gen con, I'd be happy to run unleashing the untouchable - that is, if bill isn't able to.  Perhaps there will be another chance at it later.