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Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:02 am
by Vulse
I'd like to play Captive in Crystal please.

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:32 am
by Drizheim
Erik R. for Captive Crystal

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:02 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
Jesse, Erik : that table 9s full with 7 players, but I can put you down as standby players in case someone drops out.  We could also switch you to another table if you like.

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:50 pm
by Khan Shawnery
Please add Brevis to the Dalsine Affair.

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:06 pm
by Cohma
Hey Randy, who's running Core?

Since there's not a lot of desire for my table so far this week, I will volunteer to swap my table to a 2nd Captive in Crystal.  Austin's guy is lvl 8, and Drew has a lvl 5 (6?) he can play.  Already checked with both of them.  Go ahead and throw the overflow onto my table please.

Don't be scared of 7-11's.  I'll be gentle.  I promise.

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:27 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
I will jump in to run the Core game and we will run a second table for 07-13.  Thanks for stepping up Mark.

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:37 pm
by Cohma
My pleasure.  Toss Erik and Jesse on mine please.

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:43 pm
by Vulse
Yeah, toss me on Mark's table.  Thanks!

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:03 pm
by jbane
Can I jump to Marks table to even things out please.

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:28 am
by Dulon
I'd like a spot at the core game please.


Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:38 pm
by Drizheim
I'd be fine being standby for O.J.'s table if it opens up and otherwise playing at Mark's.

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:05 pm
by Alecak
If you allow me to just have my character and no sheets for it I could play the 5-9 but all my PFS stuff is packed atm just have my characters on my kindle.

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:08 pm
by Sir.Gryphon
Because I understand your situation, I think we could accommodate you.  What books do you need?

Re: Enchanted Realms - Mar 2, 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:33 pm
by Alecak
Depends on the game I play