ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

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ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by Drogon » Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:22 pm

Welcome to March, Pathfinders.

Below is posted the complete schedule for Pathfinder Society games at Enchanted Grounds in Highlands Ranch during the month of March. For directions to the store, see the 'stickied' post in the Enchanted Grounds section of

IMPORTANT: To sign up please email me directly at [email protected] <--Clicking this link will cause your email program or smart phone to generate an email directly to me. Simply hitting 'reply' to this email (the one generated by the announcement) will NOT get your email to anyone. Alternatively you may post a reply in the thread on that was generated by this announcement. If you leave a post please include your full name and email address

A few notes on the schedule:
  • The 'classics' this month are all high level choices. Some haven't been seen in three years. They obviously don't come around often, so take your chance to play them if you are in tier and haven't already.
  • Saturday has a mini story line scheduled. Scions of the Sky Key continues with Part 2, and I have added Part 1 to Saturday morning in case you haven't played that, yet.
Remember, we are limited to six players at each table, and all seats are first come, first served, so sign up now if you want a spot reserved. Throughout the month I will announce each date separately and provide updates as names change. If your name is on the list, your spot is guaranteed. If you want to be on the "waiting list" I will maintain that separately once the tables are full and will let you know if people drop and let you in.

Below are the dates, times, scenarios and tiers. A few tables will already have players, but not many, so start emailing me to let me know what you want to play.

Monday, March 9th, 6:00 PM
Table 1: #6-14, Scions of the Sky Key Part 2 - Kaava Quarry (tier 1-5)
Canceled due to GM work crisis

Table 2: #6-15, The Overflow Archives (tier 1-5)
GM: Christian Dragos
Player 1: Chris Wittenberg
Player 2: Jess Burlason
Player 3: Toan Ngo
Player 4: Don Krieg
Player 5: Matt McConnell
Player 6: Zack Kendrick

Table 3: #2-18, The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor (tier 7-11)
GM: Jason Reynolds
Player 1: Kimberly McDonald
Player 2: Rob Steinhauser
Player 3: Allen Westenbarger
Player 4: Judd
Player 5: Bruce Goldstein
Player 6: Joe Picone

Thursday, March 19th, 6:00 PM
#6-10, The Wounded Wisp (tier 1-2) [glow=red,2,300]CORE Campaign ONLY[/glow]
This is the 'Learn to Play' scenario for March, and as such is intended for new players and is limited to 1st level characters, only. Additionally you may only participate with a PC built using the Core Campaign's rules.
GM: Ian Benton
Player 1: Christian Gilligan
Player 2: Zack Kendrick
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Saturday, March 21st
Slot 1, 9:00 AM

Table 1: #6-12, Scions of the Sky Key Part 1 - On Sharrowsmith's Trail (tier 1-5)
GM: Andy Johnson
Player 1: Sean Clark
Player 2: James Stepanek
Player 3: Judd
Player 4: Chris Wittenberg
Player 5: Bruce Goldstein
Player 6: Walt Straight

Table 2: #6-15, The Overflow Archives (tier 1-5)
GM: Steven Sior
Player 1: Jason Reynolds
Player 2: Daniel Sheehan
Player 3: Patrick Anderson
Player 4: Russ Brown
Player 5: Cavin Studzinsky
Player 6: Eric Parker

Table 3: #4-16, The Fabric of Reality (tier 5-9)

Saturday, March 21st
Slot 2, 2:00 PM

Table 1: #6-14, Scions of the Sky Key Part 2 - Kaava Quarry (tier 1-5)
GM: Andy Johnson
Player 1: James Stepanek
Player 2: Bruce Goldstein
Player 3: Rob Steinhauser
Player 4: Walt Straight
Player 5: Christian Dragos
Player 6: Chris Wittenberg

Table 2: #6-11, The Slave Master's Mirror (tier 3-7)
GM: Steven Sior
Player 1: Eric Parker
Player 2: Russ Brown
Player 3: Brad Woodcock
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Table 3: #2-25, You Only Die Twice (tier 5-9)
GM: Martin Blake
Player 1: Zack Kendrick
Player 2: Judd
Player 3: Christian Gilligan
Player 4: Patrick Anderson
Player 5: Daniel Sheehan
Player 6:

Monday, March 23rd, 6:00 PM
Table 1: #6-14, Scions of the Sky Key Part 2 - Kaava Quarry (tier 1-5)
GM: Kimberly McDonald
Player 1: Joe Picone
Player 2: Jess Burlason
Player 3: Matt McConnell
Player 4: Kerney Williams
Player 5: Andrew Minott
Player 6: Patrick Anderson

Table 2: #6-15, The Overflow Archives (tier 1-5)
GM: Jason Reynolds
Player 1: Bruce Goldstein
Player 2: Faith O.
Player 3: Sean Clark
Player 4: Jeff Kokx
Player 5: Martin Blake
Player 6:

Table 3: #5-17, Fate of the Fiend (tier 7-11)
GM: Allen Westenbarger
Player 1: Christian Dragos
Player 2: Judd
Player 3: Christian Gilligan
Player 4: Rob Steinhauser
Player 5:
Player 6:

VERY IMPORTANT: Remember, email me directly at [email protected] or put a post in the thread on to sign up to play.

See everyone soon.

Enchanted Grounds

Last edited by Drogon on Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by eldestgruff » Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:34 pm

Hi Jeff, could you sign me up for Overflow archives on the 21st?  Thank you.
Daniel Sheehan

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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by Drogon » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:51 pm

Updated as of Wednesday, March 4th.

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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by CDragos » Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:28 am

I was able to get a game of Scions part 1 in before I play part 2. But I was wondering, I know they're to be played in order so is it ok to play a different scenario, say, between the 2nd & 3rd part?
Last edited by CDragos on Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Christian Dragos
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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by Drogon » Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:10 pm

Yes. They no longer create scenarios where you have to stay inside the story line or lose a boon, or anything else. At least, they haven't since they caught so much flak for it with Rats of Round Mountain. I doubt they've changed their minds.

However, I have not played or read them, so cannot be the final authority on this. If anyone else want to advise Christian I would appreciate it.

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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by Drogon » Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:49 pm

Updated as of Sunday, March 8th.

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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by cwitttt » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:40 pm


Is Scions of the Sky Key Part 2 still open on Saturday the 21st? If so, I would like a seat.


Chris Wittenberg
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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by Drogon » Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:40 pm

Updated as of Friday, March 13th.

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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by Drogon » Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:54 am

Updated as of Wednesday, March 17th.

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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by eldestgruff » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:12 pm

Hi, can you sign me up for the core game tomorrow?  Thanks, Daniel.

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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by Drogon » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:14 pm

Sure, Daniel. See you tomorrow.

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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by Drogon » Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:32 pm

Updated as of Friday, March 20th.

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Re: ANNOUNCING - Denver - Enchanted Grounds - March 2015 PFS

Post by Drogon » Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:18 pm

Updated as of Sunday, March 22nd.


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