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Post by skyshark » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:04 pm

Greetings Pathfinders!

This is the official announcement for the upcoming Easter Food Drive taking place on March 28th.

**FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT**Less than one week to go!  The high tier table has been cancelled and a new low level table (The God's Mouth Heresy tier 1-2) is now available.  Remember, if you are unable to come on out for the whole day, there are half day tables available that can use a couple more players.  The weather is going to be nice Saturday, so traveling conditions should be good.  The store will open at 10am.  If anyone has any questions, please post them here or email me, siryvaine42@yahoo.com.  I look forward to seeing everyone there!

**UPDATE #4** Due to the current lack of interest in the higher tier games, I will be rescheduling Doom Comes to Dustpawn for a lower tier module if I do not get any more interest in it by March 19th.  So if you have been waiting to see who else is signing up for what games or are on the fence of which one you wanted to play, you have four days to decide on Doom Comes to Dustpawn before it gets cancelled.

**UPDATE #3** With just under three weeks left before the Food Drive, I still have plenty of seats available.  Do not wait until the last minute to decide which game you want to play only to find out the table you wanted has filled up.  I also have A LOT of stuff from Paizo in addition to gift certificates to restaurants.  The chances of winning something are extremely high!

If you are a player and have always wanted a race boon but never got one because GMing is not your cup o tea, then this is your chance to win one.  There will be a solo raffle for a race boon, do not miss out!

**UPDATE #2** WOW did those GM spots fill up fast since the announcement yesterday!  Thanks for all help GMs.

With all the GM spots full, this is now the OFFICIAL CALL FOR PLAYERS!

**UPDATE #1**  Two boxes of goodies just came in from Paizo in support of this event.  In addition to the usual stuff, they have included a few extra really cool items.  What to know what they are?  Sign up to play/GM a game to find out.

GMs, to receive a pdf copy of the module for free from Paizo, you MUST sign up to GM a game no later than March 9th!  Any GMs signing up to run a game after March 9th will not receive a pdf copy for free.

I need two more GMs before I send out the call for players.

I am happy to introduce a D&D 5th edition module in addition the the PFS tables currently being offered.  Timmy Creese has offered to run "The Lost Mine of Phandelver", a D&D Adventurers League adventure.  If you have never played at any of Timmy's tables, you are missing out.  Timmy is a published author in the D&D world and whom I believe to be the best GM I have ever played with.  With Timmy behind the GM screen, you are gauranteed to have an amazing adventure.

In similar fashion to the last Food Drive in December, this will support the Care and Share Foundation for Easter.

This event will be taking place from 10am - 7pm with an hour break for food.  Please show up on time as modules have the potential to run longer than 8 hours.  The cost to play at this event is six (6) canned goods.  Cash will not be accepted.  If you do not have time to attend this event but would still like to donate, please show up and we will graciously accept your canned good donations.

Don't have time for a full day module?  Then come check out one of the 4 hour modules being offered.  Master of the Fallen Fortress will be offered in the morning and Risen from the Sands in the afternoon.

There will also be an After Party event.  In case you didn't get enough module fun during the day, or had to work, there is still one more chance to donate and play.  The cost for the game is still the same, except I will be hosting this event at my house.  Expected time for this event is 9pm until completion.

Every player and GM will get two (2) raffle tickets for all day modules and one (1) raffle ticket for half day modules.  Additional raffle tickets will be on sale for two (2) canned goods each.  There has been a lot of items that have been donated to this event to include a race boon and gift certificates, so come on out, donate some food, have fun, and get a really good chance at getting some awesome items in return.  See you all there!

Who: Everyone's invited!
What:  Food Drive mini-con
When:  Saturday, March 28th 2015.
Where:  Enchanted Realms, Colorado Springs
Why:  To support the Care and Share Foundation for the holiday season
Cost:  6 canned goods/items per person
          3 canned goods for the half day games

Goal:  250 canned goods

The most needed food items are:
-Canned Fruit
-Canned Vegetables
-Canned Meat or Tuna
-Peanut Butter

You can also email your requests to siryvaine42@yahoo.com or post below.  I look forward to seeing you all there.

Master of the Fallen Fortress (1-2) 10am - 2pm

The ruined siege castles outside Absalom have long beckoned adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. Now an earthquake has cracked open one of these fabled ruins, and its lost mysteries and fantastic treasures lie exposed for the first time in centuries. But the tower's empty halls once more echo with living footfalls, and a new master has claimed the Fallen Fortress as his own. Can the PCs find a way to get inside its shattered walls? What ancient dangers and fresh threats will they encounter inside its crumbling chambers? And will the PCs be able to defeat the current Master of the Fallen Fortress?

GM: Mark
Player 1:  Richard
Player 2:  Joel
Player 3:  Eric P
Player 4:  Duran
Player 5:  Chris
Player 6:

The Confirmation (1-2) 10am - 2pm
GM:  Mark
Player 1: Richard
Player 2: Eric
Player 3: Joel
Player 4: Duran
Player 5: Chas
Player 6:

Risen from the Sands (2-4) 3pm - 7pm

The deserts of Osirion-land of pharaohs and ancient tombs-hide not just untold wonders, but also unspeakable dangers. When the vast sand dunes part to reveal the ancient pyramid of the legendary Pharaoh of Sphinxes, glory seekers from across many nations race toward it, each fighting to be the first to claim its wonders. But the storied pharaoh doesn't rest quietly within this monument, and his tomb was designed to slaughter any who would dare trespass.

A band of bold adventurers are the first to arrive, and stand poised to claim what's risen from the sands-but they're unaware of the doom that lurks inside. With daring on their side and strange, rarely seen powers at their disposal, the heroes may be the only force capable of containing the force of evil within and defeating its curse!

GM:  Mark
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:

Dawn of the Scarlet Sun (4-6) 3pm - 7pm

The coastal city of Magnimar is no stranger to crime, yet recently, a series of murders has sent a chill through the early morning streets. Someone-or something-is stalking and killing worshipers of Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun. The city guard is prepared to ambush the murderer, but they need help-help of the kind that adventurers are so good at providing. What is the sinister truth behind these violent acts?

GM: Richard
Player 1:  Joel
Player 2:  Mark
Player 3:  Duran
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:


Dark Pyramid of Sorcerer's Isle(Tier 5-10)  All day module
**This is a D&D 5th Edition Adventurers League table**

Long unoccupied, the pyramid on Sorcerer's Isle now flows with strange magical energy, warping creatures and the landscape around it. The Cult of the Dragon and Red Wizards of Thay have taken notice, and it's up to you to keep whatever power dwells there out of their hands.

GM:  Thomas Campbell
Player 1: Jessie Soyk
Player 2: Kristen Soyk
Player 3: Joe Spoehr
Player 4: Steven Neville
Player 5: Jason Gorski
Player 6: Timmy
Player 7: Well Clark

Crypt of the Everflame (Tier 1-2)  All day module

The young heroes of the town of Kassen are ready for their coming-of-age ceremony, an old tradition in which they retrieve a piece of the eternal flame burning in the tomb of the town's founder. Yet when they arrive there, they find only the corpses of their fellow townsfolk, dead bandits, and mysterious animated skeletons. The novice heroes must brave the traps and perils of the Crypt of the Everflame, discover the source of the corruption that has awakened an ancient evil, and defeat a menace that seeks vengeance against Kassen and its people.

GM:  Jess
Player 1: jbane
Player 2: Joe
Player 3: Chris
Player 4: CJ
Player 5: Christine
Player 6:

The God's Mouth Heresy (Tier 1-2) All day module

Deep below the anarchic city of Kaer Maga, someone-or some thing-has begun stealing corpses from the city's most prestigious tomb, the Godsmouth Ossuary. Fearing the worst, the clerics of Pharasma in charge of maintaining the crypts quietly call for aid, not wanting to risk their own members in combating whatever horrors may have crept in from the tunnels and hidden chambers of the legendary Undercity. Yet when the PCs venture below the closed-off sections of the crypt, what they find may be more than they bargained for. For beneath the infamous crypt lies a temple from an ancient empire devoted to sin, and a former Pharasmin cleric who's weathered his goddess's wrath to create an army of undead minions, their dead flesh standing ready to support his heretical plans

GM:  Adam
Player 1:
Player 2: 
Player 3: 
Player 4: 
Player 5:
Player 6:

The Midnight Mirror (Tier 3-5) All day module

The sleepy town of Karpad in shadow-haunted Nidal has long been overseen by the Boroi family, and until a few weeks ago, the citizens under Baron Stepan Boroi's rule have lived uneventful lives of relative peace. Recently, however, the outbreak of a virulent and fatal disease and a number of mysterious disappearances have left the people of Karpad paranoid and fearful. Even Baron Stepan has been acting strangely, and now the tenuous balance of racial tensions between Karpad's human and fetchling populations stands on the verge of collapsing into total anarchy. Can the PCs uncover the root of Karpad's problems and put an end to the deadly virus, the terrifying disappearances, and the miasma of fear and distrust that threatens to overwhelm the region?

GM:  Sean
Player 1:  Zaia
Player 2:  Jimmy
Player 3:  Brian
Player 4:  Ron
Player 5: 
Player 6:

No Response from Deepmar (Tier 7-9) All day module

A hundred miles off the Chelish coast lies the remote island of Deepmar, where the House of Thrune sends prisoners to work in crystal mines, wresting valuable spell components from the depths of the earth. A month ago, all contact with the penal colony ceased, and now someone must discover what mysterious fate has befallen the prisoners and guards of this isolated mining operation. The abandoned colony shows no signs of struggle yet something is clearly not right: Herds of animals lie mutilated in the surrounding fields. The savage beasts of the island have run amok inside the compound. And the silent, gaping mines-each named for a different layer of Hell-lead to new threats beyond anyone's imagining. As the PCs explore the island in search of the missing miners and their jailers, what they discover may unhinge their very minds. If left unchecked, the new masters of Deepmar could bring about a new era of madness for all of Cheliax-and beyond.

GM: Kim
Player 1: Valerie
Player 2: O.J.
Player 3: Michael
Player 4: Hjal
Player 5: Adam
Player 6:

Realm of the Fellnight Queen(Tier 6-8) 9pm-?

Stay Out of the Woods

Deep in the forest, something is stirring. An evil fey sorcerer, cast out of the First World millennia ago by her own kin, has found a way to break through the ancient walls of her prison, and carries with her a vengeance too deep to be sated. For the quiet Andoren town of Bellis, busy celebrating a long-awaited marriage, it's a time for joy and laughter. Yet the forest that's always sheltered it is growing dark, and things are moving in the heart of the woods...

GM: Brian
Player 1:  Adam
Player 2:  Alex
Player 3:  Belinda
Player 4:  Jess
Player 5:  Joe
Player 6:  Jacob
Last edited by skyshark on Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMS

Post by Pippin » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:27 pm

I volunteer to run The Midnight Mirror.  Zaia would like to be at my table.

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Re: Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMS

Post by Hjal Nelson » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:32 pm

I'm game for participating, I have to ponder and think as to whether I want to GM or play.

I do want to point out tho that No Response From Deepmar is a 7-9, not a 3-5.  I don't know if you're gonna swap that module out for something lower level or run that many high level modules.  Carrion Hill might be a good substitution as a 4-6.
Last edited by Hjal Nelson on Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMS

Post by skyshark » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:51 pm

Hjal Nelson wrote: I'm game for participating, I have to ponder and think as to whether I want to GM or play.

I do want to point out tho that No Response From Deepmar is a 7-9, not a 3-5.  I don't know if you're gonna swap that module out for something lower level or run that many high level modules.  Carrion Hill might be a good substitution as a 4-6.
Looks like a typo, good catch Hjal!

I offered Carrion Hill last time, so I am leaving it off the list this go around.

Right now it will stay as, low table, low-mid, high-mid, and high level table.  If no one signs up for the half day games, I will replace both with another lower level all day table.
Last edited by skyshark on Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMs

Post by eldestgruff » Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:44 pm

This looks really cool.  I would like to sign up for Midnight Mirror.  Thank you,
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Re: Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMs

Post by WhiteMane » Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:51 pm

eldestgruff wrote: This looks really cool.  I would like to sign up for Midnight Mirror.  Thank you,
Daniel Sheehan

I don't believe that Adam is taking requests for players at this point...  Are you interested in GMing at this time?  ;D
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Re: Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMs

Post by skyshark » Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:30 pm

O.J. Pinckert - VL Colorado Springs wrote:
eldestgruff wrote: This looks really cool.  I would like to sign up for Midnight Mirror.  Thank you,
Daniel Sheehan

I don't believe that Adam is taking requests for players at this point...  Are you interested in GMing at this time?  ;D
That is correct, as soon as I get a couple more GMs to make sure I have tables available for players, I will announce the call for players.  Stay on the edge of your seat until that announcement comes out.
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Re: **UPDATE 1** Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMs

Post by kimcdonald » Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:41 pm

Sign me up for No Response from Deepmar. If someone has already claimed it I'll gladly take any of the open half day modules.


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Re: **UPDATE 1** Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMs

Post by skyshark » Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:48 pm

All yours Kim!  Thanks for volunteering!

I already have some players on standby who want to play that one.
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Re: **UPDATE 1** Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMs

Post by lochinvar_1971 » Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:35 am


I can definitely run one of the two afternoon sessions; it is too early to tell what my workload at work will be for the morning session, but as we get closer I will try to cement time for that.

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Re: **UPDATE 1** Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMs

Post by skyshark » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:09 pm

Thanks Richard, I will go ahead and pencil you in for Dawn of the Scarlet Sun for the afternoon.
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Re: **UPDATE 1** Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMs

Post by Cohma » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:12 pm

Throw me in to GM Master @ 10 and Sands @ 3.  I am waiting for my maps to come in, already have digital copies of most (all) of the rule books/bestiaries. 

Two low level modules should let me get my feet wet without jumping in neck first and hoping for the best.

I am also working on gift certs for this event right now.  Will turn in as they pop up.
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Re: **UPDATE 1** Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMs

Post by Cohma » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:13 pm

That will also give me an hour to draw for next module.
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Re: **UPDATE 1** Easter Food Drive Official Call for GMs

Post by skyshark » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:15 pm

Thanks Mark!  That fills up the last of the GMs spots.
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Re: **UPDATE 2** Easter Food Drive Official CALL FOR PLAYERS

Post by jbane » Tue Mar 03, 2015 1:39 pm

Please sign me up for Jess's game please. Crypt of the Eternal Flame.
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