Pathfinders Roll Call

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Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Russ Brown » Fri May 02, 2014 1:15 pm

I thought it would be fun to provide a place for people to post some info about their characters. That way we may know a little bit more about each others characters when we sit down at the table. I put this here instead of in the General Discussion forum because people looking here are more likely to sit at a table together. However anyone is welcome to post their characters.

Here is a pre-formatted section to provide info. (Hit quote on this post then edit the contents).
If you want to provide a full character sheet or stat block please use the spoiler tags.

Name: Name Here      Faction: Faction Here
Race: Race Here        Class(es): Class1(archetype) Level / Class2(archetype) Level / ...
Level: Character level Role: Melee/Ranged/Healer/Buffer/Blaster/Support/etc.
Description: Description of what your character looks like, attitude, etc.
Quotable Quote: Does your character have a catch phrase?
[spoiler=Full stats]
(optional) Stat block or character sheet here. 

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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Russ Brown » Fri May 02, 2014 1:28 pm

Name: Godric Skarsgard    Faction: Scarab Sages 
Race: Human (Ulfen)          Class: Fighter 11
Level: 11                            Role: Melee
Description: Godric is a large Ulfen warrior with a wicked battle axe and large round shield. He has pale blonde hair and one ice blue eye which are both common to the Ulfen people. A eye-patch covers the ruin of his left eye socket. Curiously Godric's skin is tanned a deep bronze and his shield bears the symbol of an Osirion scarab. Godric is extremely practical and ruthlessly efficient in combat. If you want prisoners for questioning, it is best to make that clear before hostilities begin.
Quotable Quote: "Beware of Wampires!"
Character Sheet: Godric
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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Russ Brown » Fri May 02, 2014 1:46 pm

Name: Loriel Gilded-Leaf  Faction: Scarab Sages
Race: Elf                            Class: Wizard (Diviner) 4
Level: 4                            Role: Ranged/Blaster
Description: Loriel is an elf that possesses an unearthly androgynous beauty. You are uncertain of his gender until you hear him speak for the first time.  He dresses as a typical elven forester in green cloth and brown leathers. He bears a longsword at his hip and seems always to be holding his longbow, which is carved with numerous arcane symbols.
Quotable Quote: "....." Loriel speaks only when he as something meaningful to say.
Character Sheet: Loriel
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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Russ Brown » Fri May 02, 2014 2:09 pm

Name: Roland Cross  Faction: Andoran  Grand Lodge
Race: Half-Elf              Class(es): Fighter(Mobile Fighter) 2 / Rogue(Burglar)  4 / Pathfinder Delver 4
Level: 10                    Role: Trapfinder/Melee Support/Knowledge Skills
Description: You see a no nonsense half-elf with red hair and an neatly trimmed red goatee. He is dressed in leather and completely covered in a web of straps and buckles, from which hang a myriad assortment of tools and devices. Trained as a Pathfinder Delver, Roland is a specialist in bypassing not only traps and locks, but the types of creatures typically left to guard tombs, labyrinthes and the deep, dark places of the world.
Quotable Quotes:
- "My name is Roland, I am highly trained Delver specialist. What this means to you is that at some point in the near future we will be wading through a sewer."
- "You want me to go to a wedding?  Me?"
- "What do I think of Colson Maldris?" *spits*
Character Sheet: Roland
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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Russ Brown » Fri May 02, 2014 2:20 pm

There are my -1, -2, and -3 characters.  8)

I will get to the others a bit later and give others a chance to post their characters.  :D
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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Caio » Wed May 14, 2014 8:56 pm

Name: Faust          Faction: Cheliax
Race: Human        Class(es): Cleric of Asmodeus (and Attorney at Law)
Level: 2                Role: Burning enemies with hellfire.
Description: Faust is a charming middle age human, yet there is something unsettling about him. Maybe it's the unholy symbol of Asmodeus hanging from his neck, over the crimson red ceremonial robes. Or perhaps it's his inclination to solve problems with a good blast of hellfire. Though most likely it's the impression that he is just waiting a bit to eagerly for something really bad to happen.
Quotable Quote: Have you been injured by an Ogre? Has a devil cheated you on a deal? If so, the offices of Faust and Associates can help you get financial compensation...

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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Caio » Wed May 14, 2014 9:13 pm

Name: Stromgald    Faction: Silver Crusade
Race: Human          Class(es): Cavalier (Order of the Sword)
Level: 6                  Role: Frontline Melee/Tank.
Description: Stromgald is a handsome young man, with an air of nobility and confidence about him. He is very tall and strong and usually accompanied by an even bigger and stronger warhorse. Clad in full plate mail, he is always ready to be in the front line of combat, challenging his enemies to face his blade. 
Quotable Quote: A sewer... why does it always have to be in a sewer?

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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Russ Brown » Thu May 15, 2014 5:19 pm

Name: Ru-Sateph          Faction: Scarab Sages
Race: Human(Garundi)    Class: Cleric of Pharasma 12 / Envoy of Balance 1
Level: [glow=purple,2,300]13[/glow]                      Role: Offensive Spells/Healer
Description: Ru-Sateph is a tall, gaunt human. He is dressed in armor and a dark, hooded robe. He carries no visible weapons, but bears a silver holy symbol of Pharasma, a spiral tailed comet.
Quotable Quote: I will tend your wounds, but be aware, today might be the day your name is written in the Lady's book.
Character Sheet: Ru-Sateph
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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Ahz » Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:10 pm

Name: Dropkick    Faction: Qadiran    Race: Dwarf     
Classes: Barbarian 2 / Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) 10
Quotable Quote: 'Non-lethal damage?  I don't do that.'
The Tragic Story of a Dwarf   Dropkick's childhood was poverty stricken, unpleasant and short. 
  Years ago Dropkick's clan settled high in the mountains south of Galt.  There they founded a nice town in the side of a mountain.  But they had to defend their new home from the local tribes.  Those early years saw constant attacks from orcs, goblins, trolls and even hill and stone giants.  To deal with the clan's defense every dwarf, at the age of 30, is conscripted into the clan's defense force for a minimum of ten years.  These recruits learn weapons training, tactics and warfare.  The attacks have tapered off since those early years but the mandatory conscription still stands.
  One of the heroes of the last hundred years is a dwarf named ... well, his name isn't important, what is noteworthy is what he did.  During a giant assault he was kicked 40 feet by a particularly fearsome stone giant, but he got back up, grabbed a dwarven war axe and slew that giant in one blow.  Since then he was known as Punt.  Punt became a leader of the defense militia.  Punt's son did his mandatory time then left to work the family's mines.  His son, however, looked so much like his grandfather that everyone called him Dropkick.  This little Dropkick reluctantly joined the defense force when he was obligated.  Grandfather Punt, still a bigwig, pulled strings and got Dropkick assigned to a small platoon who specialized in the dwarven war axe.  Dropkick enjoyed the training and learning the ways of war.  When he mentioned to his father that he might want to stay in the defense force permanently, his parents ridiculed him, saying that only weak dwarves run away from the mines and the family's responsibilities.  Even though it was not the entire clan's opinion, his parents quickly made it unbearable at home.  Dropkick, feeling he wouldn't be happy no matter what decision he made, left the clan as soon as he had saved enough to buy a war axe, just like his Grandfather had used in the wars.
  The first year he was on his own was difficult, several times he was tempted to return to the clan but Dropkick persevered and learned how to live off the land.  He entered cities only as necessary, usually to sell the pelts he had, but then he realized the opportunities a city provided.
  He took temporary jobs at the local taverns he found along the way, rising quickly from clean-up boy to barkeeper but Dropkick's tendency to literally drink the profits assured him he would never be too well off in that vocation.  Determined to find fame and fortune, he joined up with the Qadiran Faction. He learned of their goal to achieve economic control and with the riches that would bring him, he could return home glorious and wealthy.

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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Ahz » Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:46 pm

Name: Uzurah    Faction: Grand Lodge
Race: Human (Shoanti)    Classes: Barbarian 4
Quotable Quote: 'ARE YOU CASTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME?!  I'm watching you!'
Uzurah of the Lyrune-Quah     At the age of 17, after passing her Moon Clan trials on the Velashu Uplands, Uzurah realized how little she knew about the rest of the world.  She decided that she wanted to learn more about Golarion so she took a job as a guard for a Varisian caravan.  She became very close to these nomads to the point of viewing many of them as family, a very rare thing for a Shoanti.  But her inexperience would come to haunt her when the convoy was ambushed by arcane magic wielding bandits.  Many of the people she had sworn to protect died in the attack and it would have been worse if a party of Pathfinders hadn't joined in against the bandits.  The Pathfinders fought valiantly and stayed to help the injured after the attackers were run off.  Uzurah admired the Pathfinders for their teamwork, strategy and metagaming.  She spoke with them while they rested and ate dinner with the caravan.  They taught her about the Decemvirate and the goals and duties of the Pathfinder Society: Explore, Report and Cooperate.
    Mourning the loss of her new family and feeling like she let the Varisians down, Uzurah left when the caravan arrived at its next stop.  She realized she still had a lot to learn.  So, with a new-founded distrust and a down-right hatred for users of arcane magic, she decided to try to join the Pathfinder Society if they would take her.

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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Russ Brown » Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:03 pm

Thanks for sharing guys!  I will put up a few more of my characters soon.

Paul, I like your back Stories!

I think I will sticky this thread to make it more visible.
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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Ahz » Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:57 pm

Name: Lasazar    Faction: Andoran    Race: Human
Classes: Fighter 1 / Paladin 8 (Warrior of the Holy Light) / Inquisitor 2
- A Very Bitter Lasazar - Lasazar was born into a very wealthy family.  His father, Gleeland, gave his first offspring all the advantages his gold could buy.  Lasazar learned to read and write, he learned swordplay, religion, and of course, business economics.

Lasazar was very happy with his life and proud of his father who had built his company from the ground up.  He was eager and excited to join the family business when he was old enough.  Then, one day while running errands with his mother, he overheard two men talking.  They were saying that Gleeland's success was attributed to dishonest, unscrupulous business practices and slavery.  Lasazar was devastated by these accusations and confronted the men.  They argued back and defended their accusation saying they've worked with Gleeland for years and had seen firsthand the strong-armed business practices he used and terrible working conditions he created for his employees.  Determined to clear his family's name, Lasazar burst into his father's office but not finding him there he searched the large majestic desk and was devastated by the evidence he discovered.  He found ledgers detailing monthly bribe schedules and amounts, plans to pirate competitors' shipments and correspondence with well known slave traders.  He confronted his father and was aghast when he didn't even try to deny it.  'It's part of business,' he tried to explain, 'you'll understand when you get older and realize how the real world works.'  These statements and the nonchalant way they were delivered infuriated Lasazar.  He left the family taking nothing but the clothes he was wearing. 

It was a very short time later that he realized that he had no place to stay and no food to eat.  He was educated and had skills so he easily found work translating and menial record keeping but his anger and the feeling of betrayal smoldered within him.  He needed to act.  He knew how to swing a sword and he'd heard of the goals of the Andorans so he joined with them.  He also started following the ways of Iomedae, becoming more devoted daily.

Now he looks forward to each Pathfinder mission as an opportunity to crush corruption and injustice when he sees it and one day expects to encounter his father's amoral trading where he intends to show him how the real world does indeed work.

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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Russ Brown » Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:16 am

Name: Nephroditie      Faction: Scarab Sages
Race: Human(Garundi) Class: Witch 10
Level: 10                    Role: Magical Debuffer/Blaster
Description: Nephroditie is a small Osirion woman who seems to see and hear things that others cannot. Her face is painted with arcane symbols that make you feel uneasy when looking her in the eye. You notice that a severed hand hands around her neck on a leather thong and a jar full of eyeballs rests on her hip. The eyeballs seem to watch you wheverever you go. She is accompanied by a spider monkey named Uli.
Quotable Quotes:
"Uli, doesn't think this is a good idea!"
"What do you mean you don't know how to fly?"
Last edited by Russ Brown on Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Russ Brown » Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:29 am

Name: Sandy Underhill  Faction: Grand Lodge
Race: Halfling                Class: Ranger (Nimrathi Irregular, Warden) 3
Level: 3                        Role: Ranged
Description: A bit large for a halfling, Sandy is dressed in layers of browns and greens that allow him to quickly blend into the trees in any wooded environment. He carries a bow and moves with a confidence that belies his small stature.
Quotable Quote: Does your character have a catch phrase? -not yet. Honestly, I have not played him enough to develop one.
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Re: Pathfinders Roll Call

Post by Russ Brown » Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:43 am

Name: Whisper of Longing  Faction: Scarab Sages
Race: Tengu                      Class(es): Monk(Monk of the Four Winds) 5 / Ninja 3
Level: 8                              Role: Melee/Tank
Description: Description of what your character looks like, attitude, etc.
Quotable Quotes:
"Hello, I am....ooooh, shiny!"
"Have you seen my master, Lo-Ping? Honestly how far can a 103 year old man wander off to?"
"I think we should endever to.....oooooh, shiny!"
"Is that a beetle? What are you going to do with it? Are you going to eat it? Then can I eat it?"
"No we must not let the villains....oooh, shiny!"
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