Pathfinder/Starfinder Bounty Day May 28th



Event Date


Event Location

Petrie's Family Games

Event Type

Petrie's Family Games

Age range

-- ⁄ --


Slots: 012

Moderators: lochinvar_1971, emorrow

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Pathfinder/Starfinder Bounty Day May 28th

Post by emorrow » Sat May 14, 2022 9:03 pm

I am excited to announce Pathfinder and Starfinder on May 28th. We will run a Pathfinder 2nd Edition game at 10 AM and a Starfinder game at 2 PM. Each game session is 45 minutes to an hour. Bounties are short adventures to help introduce new people to the game.

Please Note: There have been substantial changes to the PFS2E Organizational Play. Please review the following link to familiarize yourself with these changes and the impact they may have to your character. Pathfinder Society (Second Edition) Guide to Organized Play

Things to keep in mind:

- Please be cognizant of your fellow Society Agents - while masks are not required it will be a table decision - meaning if one member feels unsafe in an unmasked situation, please have your mask available and be prepared to wear them at the table. To make people feel more comfortable this will be a blind census.
- Please don't attend the game if you feel ill.
- Any other concerns about this please contact me via PM.

We need GMs! Please send me a message to volunteer!

Just a reminder:
-The games start promptly at 10AM and 2 PM, please be early for the game so we can avoid having the games run over the time scheduled.
-Please post a message on the thread for the game with your “REAL NAME” so I know who to put on the sign up.
-Please sign up right away as room is limited, if something changes, you can always cancel.
-Please do not HOT SWAP tables.
-If we do not get early interest in the game, it is in danger of being cancelled. We need a minimum of 2 Players for a game to go off. Please check the day of the game to make sure it is happening.
-Any sign ups on the day of the game (Saturday) may not get a slot at the table, but do show up. We will always try to fit you into a game!
-GMs: if you need to cancel, let me know ASAP so I can find a replacement!
-If you want a game scheduled, please ask!

10 AM Pathfinder 2E Scenario
Following Bounties will be offered:
#17 Sodden Stories

A Pathfinder Bounty designed for Level 1.

Ecmund Swiftstout was always fascinated by tales of “roughing it” in the wilderness of regions far away from the Inner Sea. Seeking to explore such places, Ecmund’s mother has hired a group of adventurers to keep her son safe during his moment of wanderlust. Now trudging through the Sodden Lands, a group of heroes must content with the dangers of the jungle while keeping tabs on the wandering dwarf. Of course, there’s something else out in the jungle, and it’s only a matter of time before it makes itself known!

#18 From Family Lost

A Pathfinder Bounty designed for Level 3.

When the Fifth Mendevian Crusade ended, the hamlet of Bulviss was one of many casualties on the Mendevian side of the border. Overrun by demons and their allies, the hamlet hasn’t been touched since a band of crusaders cleared out the demonic influence that lingered. Now, contracted by an interested party, a group of adventurers must head into the ruins of Bulviss to find a missing deed and any other surviving treasures. Have the demons truly been removed, or are there other, darker secrets waiting in the ruins?

GM: Adam Wilbee
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

2 PM Starfinder Scenario
#1 The Cantina Job

A Starfinder Bounty designed for Level 1.
A desperate scam artist prowls the bars of Drifter’s End, fleecing the tourists and starship crews of Absalom Station out of their hard-earned credits with a chunk of fake horacalcum and the chance to invest in their newly discovered starmetal vein. It’s up to the PCs to track down this fake miner, and haul them back to pay their dues!

#2 Test Flight

A Starfinder Bounty designed for Level 1.
United Interfaith Engineering is a new shirren starship manufacturer with lofty ambitions. While they’ve made a name for themselves selling mid-sized, well-defended starships for the galactic explorer, they aspire to sign a lucrative contract a major Pact Worlds organization in the near future. To that end, UIE hires the PCs to take their newly designed Grimshaw I for a test flight from Absalom Station to a Liavaran shepherd moon and back. Along the way, the PCs put the starship through its paces, avoiding dangerous hazards, performing difficult maneuvers, and dealing with Liavara’s massive wildlife.
GM: Adam Wilbee
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

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Venture Lieutenant
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The Reputation period has opened

Post by emorrow » Sun May 29, 2022 12:00 am

The Reputation period for this event has now opened!

If you have attended this event, now is the chance to give your opinion about it.
You can give out Reputation by clicking on the link in the upper right corner.

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Everett Morrow
Venture Lieutenant Colorado Springs

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally."
W. C. Fields

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The Reputation period has closed

Post by emorrow » Sun Jun 05, 2022 12:00 am

The Reputation period for this event has now closed!

If you have attended this event, we thank you very much.
Hope to see you all soon, again!

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Everett Morrow
Venture Lieutenant Colorado Springs

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally."
W. C. Fields

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