Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!



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Enchanted Realms

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Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:21 pm

Hail and Well Met Pathfinders!

November, a time to reflect and give thanks for the good things in your life. I am thankful that I have so many friends at Wednesday Pathfinder/Starfinder Society Play, really, I appreciate you all!

If anyone does not have something to do for Thanksgiving, let me know! I am hosting a Thanksgiving feast and there is room for more!

As always, I tried to fit in as many requests and accommodations as possible, so if you'd like to see a change, let me know.

Just as a reminder:
  • Games start at 6pm and end at 10pm. Let's be respectful of our hosts and try to end on time!
  • We follow the D11 weather closure schedule; if D11 is closed on Wednesday, PFS/SFS is canceled for the night. Please be safe and plan accordingly.
  • Please make sure that your real name (or at least whatever you'd like me to call you on the schedule) is listed in your post. If your account is ChunkyLover53 and you don't list your real name, you will be christened...
  • Sign up as soon as possible, you can always cancel if you need to
  • Please do not hot-swap tables!
  • Any sign ups on the day of the game (Wednesday) may not get a slot at the table, but do show up. We will always try to fit you in to a game!
  • GMs: if you need to cancel, let me know ASAP so I can find a replacement!
  • If you want a game scheduled, please ask!
With the changes to the website: I'd like to have everyone click the Attendance button in the upper right and list the game you would like to join in the justification statement when you ask to attend. I think this may reduce duplicate messages and get a better head count for our games!

Explore, Cooperate, and Report!
7 Nov
09-25 Betrayal in the Bones Tier 12-15 GM: Richard
Using misdirection and misinformation, the Pathfinder Society has cornered a pair of its old enemies-a demoniac and an assassin-in the Five Kings Mountains. However, the two have taken refuge inside a sacred dwarven burial ground sacred to Magrim, and their desperate defenses have stymied the dwarves' initial assaults. It falls to a team of the Society's best agents to overcome these obstacles, avert impending blasphemies, and end these villains' treachery forever.
Contents in 'Betrayal in the Bones' also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Grand Lodge faction.
Player 1: O.J.
Player 2: Hillary
Player 3: James
Player 4: Brian

08-08 Tyranny of Winds, Part 1: The Sandstorm Prophecy Tier 1-5 GM: Jim K
As a repurposed prison, the Sandswept Hall Pathfinder lodge in Sothis is an imposing target for thieves, yet an enemy operative recently broken in, stole valuable property, and escaped into the sun-scorched deserts of eastern Osirion. The PCs are the best disposed to follow the culprit's trail. Be warned, though, for the Scorpion Coast is the battleground of powerful elemental tribes that have assailed Osirion's frontier with cruel sandstorms and deadly force for millennia.

07-24 Dead Man's Debt Tier 1-5 CORE GM:?
Every Pathfinder's adventures come to an end eventually. When the Society an esteemed venture-captain laid to rest, it was unaware of his outstanding debt to the Ekujae elves of the Mwangi Expanse. The elves have not forgotten, and they expect the Society to make good on the late venture-captain's promises. Its up to the PCs to brave the Mwangi jungle and the dangers within to salvage the Society's reputation in the region.

The Emerald Spire Superdungeon Level 7: Shrine of the Awakener Tier 5-7 GM: Bill
For ages untold, a gemstone monolith has pierced the heart of the Echo Wood. Now, as civilization intrudes upon this enigmatic splinter, a strange life once again stirs in the depths-one with ties to undying evils and a might beyond time itself. The promise of wealth and power calls to glory-seekers from across the Inner Sea region, tempting them into a labyrinth of monster-haunted vaults, defiled tombs, arcane laboratories, and worse, as they seek to unveil the secrets locked below the legendary Emerald Spire.
Player 1: Randy
Player 2: Hetti
Player 3: Sean
Player 4: Harlie
Player 5: Nadia
Player 6: Jesse
Player 7: Brandon

14 Nov
10-05 Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 1: Testament of Souls Tier 3-7 GM: O.J.
Something ominous is afoot around Magnimar's famous monuments. The mayor hired an official investigator to get to the bottom of the situation, but the latter's methods have overlooked key evidence. Unable to secure the investigator's cooperation, a local governing body called the Varisian Council has turned to the Pathfinder Society for aid. The Pathfinder Society's efforts to cleanse the monuments and discover the source of their corruption are certain to stir up trouble as the PCs draw closer to a confrontation with a lurking evil force.
Player 1: Jim K

SFS 01-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow Tier 3-6 GM: Jim H
The Exo-Guardians leader, Zigvigix, has been forced by recent events to revaluate the Society""s arsenal of weapons. They order a new exploration mission to the irradiated nuclear wasteland world of Elytrio, homeworld of the beetle-like ghibrani species. Far from the homes of the surviving ghibranis, the PCs travel into a missile silo that contributed to the death of a world. What deadly weapons can the PCs find and what further concealed truths are there to uncover about the history of the ghibranis?
Content in Yesteryear""s Sorrow is a continuation of the Starfinder Society scenario, Starfinder Society #1-03: Yesteryear""s Truth, however, playing this previous scenario is not required."

Module The House on Hook Street: Return to the House on Hook Street Tier 6-8 GM: Bill
In Old Korvosa, nightmare-spawned horrors begin stalking the district's shiver addicts, sparking a manhunt to bring those responsible to justice. What role does the strange cult known as the Brotherhood of the Spider play in the mysterious deaths, and why is the veil between the dreaming and waking worlds so thin? To solve these mysteries and others, the heroes must walk the unseen paths of Bridgefront's occult underworld, and even enter the Dimension of Dreams itself to unravel the web of intrigue concealing the cult's deadly machinations. But what will happen when the heroes' own dreams turn against them, and what becomes of those who uncover esoteric secrets too terrible to know? Beset by dangers from their own minds, the heroes must race against time to save Korvosa-and their sanity.
Player 1: Hetti
Player 2: Deana
Player 3: Harlie
Player 4: Randy
Player 5:
Player 6:

04-20 Words of the Ancients Tier 7-11 GM: Hillary
After countless divinations and the efforts of undercover agents throughout Varisia, the Pathfinder Society has discovered the location of the last component needed to awaken a sleeping runelord. In a mad dash to beat the cult of Lissala to this ancient Thassilonian ruin, the Pathfinders must do whatever it takes to ensure they and not the evil cultists acquire the power within. But the arcane components are not unguarded, and even after 10,000 years, the cost of ensuring the safety of the region could be higher than the veteran adventurers are prepared or willing to pay.
Player 1: James
Player 2: Richard
Player 3: Mark

21 Nov (Pre-Thanksgiving)
PF2-AP-04 Doomsday Dawn, Part 4: The Mirrored Moon Tier 9 GM: Jim K
In 4718, a rare planetary conjunction, in combination with the power of ancient artifacts erected in the desert kingdom of Osirion thousands of years ago, will create a massive portal between Golarion and the hostile planet of Aucturn, at the far edge of the solar system. If this portal appears, it will allow the ravenous aliens of the Dominion of the Black to harvest brains from the peoples of the Inner Sea region on a devastating scale and provide an opportunity for a nascent entity of great power awakening from eons-long gestation to feast upon the world of Golarion. Fortunately, hints of this imminent apocalypse have emerged from the sands of time over the past decade, affording a desperate chance to avert this doom. These hints and clues have become known as the Aucturn Enigma, and unless multiple groups of heroes rise to the challenge of opposing this catastrophe, it could destroy one world forever while simultaneously creating another.

SFS 01-24 Siege of Enlightenment Tier 1-4 GM: Jim H
With tensions rising between two Near Space civilizations, the a host of historical sites are at risk of being caught in the ensuing conflict's crossfire. The Starfinder Society's been called in to catalogue one such site, believed to be the ruins of a now-defunct hobgoblin empire that may have ended during the Gap. Speeding into the distant star system, the PCs must navigate the politics of the escalating conflict and reach their target.

10-06 Treason's Chains Tier 1-5 GM: Randy
Venture-Captain Roderus has long been one of the most reliable and steadfast allies of the Pathfinder Society in the nation of Katapesh, but the aging human has decided that it is time to retire from his long-held position. Roderus's retirement party draws in Pathfinders from across Golarion, but there are some who see his retirement as an opportunity to advance personal goals that go against the Pathfinder Society's interests. Amid the turmoil of a party turned crime scene, the PCs must uncover the true threat to the Society's stability in Katapesh-and perhaps make an unexpected new ally along the way.
Contents in "Treason's Chains" also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Liberty's Edge faction.
Player 1: James
Player 2: Hillary

10-07 Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 2: The Howling Dance Tier 3-7 GM: O.J.
With the unique blessing of a celestial ambassador, the PCs depart Magnimar and rush into the swamp, chasing after the mastermind behind the corruption of several of Magnimar's iconic monuments. This mastermind isn't the only one who wants to see the PCs perish in the swamp, however. If the PCs are to find the mastermind and undo these schemes, they'll need to keep their wits sharp and make the most of their newfound powers.

28 Nov
Pathfinder Adventure Path #38: Serpent's Skull 2 of 6 Racing to Ruin Tier 4-6 GM: Bill
The heroes strike off into the jungle in a desperate race to reach a lost city before their competitors, but will they survive to claim its treasures? Also includes an overview of the port city of Eleder and the faith of Gozreh, god of nature and the sea, as well as an encounter with some familiar slavers in the Pathfinder's Journal.
Player 1: Sean: K'Vairn Cadwhistle, Flamboyant Bard Arrowsong Minstrel
Player 2: Hillary: Nyx of the Duskstalker Clan, Rogue Gambler
Player 3: Richard: Chamukai, a follower of Irori and enlightened wanderer
Player 4: Randy: Akshetsi, Nagaji Bloodrager with Draconic Bloodline
Player 5: Erin: sylph wizard
Player 6:

05-21 The Merchant's Wake Tier 1-5 GM: Austin
A powerful Qadiran trade prince has died, and faction leader Aaqir al’Hakam rushes to his homeland to attend his mentor’s funeral. As an act of support, the Pathfinder Society sends the PCs as representatives to the event; however the death of such an influential merchant and politician has created a considerable power vacuum, and ambitious acquaintances from across the Inner Sea are in attendance to pay their respects, claim a piece of the trade prince’s legacy, and undercut their rivals’ attempts to do the same. Can the Pathfinders keep this somber event from spiraling into a bloodbath?

PF2-AP-04 Doomsday Dawn, Part 4: The Mirrored Moon Tier 9 GM: Jim K
In 4718, a rare planetary conjunction, in combination with the power of ancient artifacts erected in the desert kingdom of Osirion thousands of years ago, will create a massive portal between Golarion and the hostile planet of Aucturn, at the far edge of the solar system. If this portal appears, it will allow the ravenous aliens of the Dominion of the Black to harvest brains from the peoples of the Inner Sea region on a devastating scale and provide an opportunity for a nascent entity of great power awakening from eons-long gestation to feast upon the world of Golarion. Fortunately, hints of this imminent apocalypse have emerged from the sands of time over the past decade, affording a desperate chance to avert this doom. These hints and clues have become known as the Aucturn Enigma, and unless multiple groups of heroes rise to the challenge of opposing this catastrophe, it could destroy one world forever while simultaneously creating another.

08-10 Tyranny of Winds, Part 2: Secrets of the Endless Sky Tier 1-5 GM: Mark
Recent discoveries suggest what was a simple theft is part of a grander plot that directs the PCs to floating metropolis of Armun Kelisk, capitol of the djinni empire. As the Pathfinders pursue the culprit and uncover the past that has brought them in conflict, they may find they have more in common than they had expected-including a shared enemy.

SFS 01-11 In Pursuit of the Scoured Past Tier 3-6 GM: James
The PCs travel to the library world of Athaeum in search of answers to what happened during the Scoured Stars incident. The planet holds secrets thought to be lost to the rest of the galaxy and viciously guarded by its self-exiled extraplanar curators. A contingent of Hellknights from the Order of the Pyre joins the PCs in their travels to the library, but these Hellknights follow their own mysterious agenda. As the PCs receive special dispensation to investigate Athaeum's vast records, they learn the first truths of the Scoured Stars and take their first steps in unraveling what happened during the Society's greatest mishap.
Content in In Pursuit of the Scoured Past also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) faction. Content in this scenario also contributes to the ongoing year of the Scoured Stars storyline.
Player 1: Jim H
Player 2: O.J.
Last edited by Sir.Gryphon on Sat Dec 01, 2018 2:43 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by WhiteMane » Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:34 pm

Ummm... I would rather PLAY
7 Nov 09-25 Betrayal in the Bones Tier 12-15
28 Nov SFS 01-17 Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear Tier 5-8

I would love to GM the following...
14 Nov 10-05 Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 1: Testament of Souls (If you are willing to move it from the previous week...)
21 Nov 10-07 Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 2: The Howling Dance
O.J. Pinckert--Regional Venture Coordinator, Great Plains Region
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Fyre Vyxsin
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by Fyre Vyxsin » Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:19 am

I can run Words of the Ancients.

I'd love to play Betrayal in the Bones.

Hillary Slosky

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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by lochinvar_1971 » Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:08 am

I can run Betrayal of Bones since OJ wants to play it.

And would like to play

14 Nov 10-05 Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 1: Testament of Souls (If you are willing to move it from the previous week...)
21 Nov 10-07 Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 2: The Howling Dance
--Venture Lieutenant- Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by jbane » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:50 am

I would like to sign up to play the following games please:

1. Nov 7; 9-25 Betrayal in the Bones tier 12-15
2. Nov 14; 04-20 Words of the Ancients tier 7-11
3. Nov 21; 10-06 Treason's Chains tier 1-5

I would like to sign up to run the following game please.

1. Nov 28; SFS 01-11 In Pursuit of the Scoured Past tier 3-6

Thank you
James Bane

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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by WhiteMane » Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:18 pm

Deana just pointed out to me that she will be out of town on the 7th... any possibility of switching House on Hook Hill with Emerald Spire Superdungeon?
O.J. Pinckert--Regional Venture Coordinator, Great Plains Region
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:52 pm

Pathfinder #47387
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by aidanixi » Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:36 pm

O.J. Pinckert wrote: Deana just pointed out to me that she will be out of town on the 7th... any possibility of switching House on Hook Hill with Emerald Spire Superdungeon?
Nooooooo.... We (Jesse and I, and maybe Brandon) wanted to play both Betrayal in the Bones and the Superdungeon....
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by jahenders » Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:21 pm

Please sign me up to
21 Nov SFS 01-24 Siege of Enlightenment Tier 1-4 GM:?

28 Nov SFS 01-11 In Pursuit of the Scoured Past Tier 3-6 GM: James
Jim H
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by Hakken » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:39 am

I would like to play 9-25 please

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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by lochinvar_1971 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:07 am

Bah, I forgot that the 21st is Thanksgiving Eve, I won't be in town, so please drop me from 21 Nov 10-07 Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 2: The Howling Dance.

Please switch me on the 14th to 04-20 Words of the Ancients Tier 7-11 GM: Hillary.

Thank you

Fyre Vyxsin
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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by Fyre Vyxsin » Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:03 pm

Please tentatively put me down for Treason's Chains on the 21st. ~ Hillary

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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by WhiteMane » Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:47 am

I just noticed that we have 2 Starfinder adventures scheduled on the 28th... I think that might be a little ambitious at this time....

What do you think about replacing "Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear" with a Pathfinder adventure and running it some time in December? I'll be more than happy to play "In Pursuit of the Scoured Past" instead...
Last edited by WhiteMane on Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by Sir.Gryphon » Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:26 am

Good point. I got a little too focused on the requests and lost sight of the bigger picture. I'll replace the one without a GM with a PFS game... maybe even a 2nd edition one if there is interest.

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Re: Enchanted Realms PFS/SFS November GM Call!

Post by greyblade23 » Fri Nov 02, 2018 7:20 pm

Hey, Randy,
I can run Tyranny of Winds Part 1 on the 7th, Mirrored Moon on the 21st, and either Tyranny Part 2 or the second half of Mirrored Moon on the 28th (my preference is Mirrored Moon if we have enough players).

I’d like a seat at Mysteries under Moonlight on the 14th, please.

Jim K

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